Skyrim - Might and magic 6 remake
very new mod. "Plan is to remake all the locations from MM6, add interiors based on pictures from "interiors" of MM6, add creatures similiar to those from MM6 and make a storyline, which for sure will need to get modified"Suicide Squad
This mod make few hundreads changes in MM6 game. Every items, and many npc. Its not only visual difference but also new playing style.
MM6: The Chaos Conspiracy
The Chaos Conspiracy is a fantasy/adventure game that uses the original Might and Magic VI game engine and map world. The adventure takes place in the vast world of Nimradur; a land of diverse topology, realms, populations, myths, customs, and 'creatures'.
Legendary Heroes
An addon for The Chaos Conspiracy which changes a lot of graphics, including your characters.
Medieval Balance
* new portraits and paperdolls, brand new and reconstructions from M&M6 beta
* many items have less size in inventory, mostly flasks, wands, armours
* npcs replaced to other buildings and they have different dialog options
* many eastern eggs, funny details hidden around game
* some monsters was replaced to other area and have different stats, resistances
* replaced graphics of buildings interior, in taverns more food to buy and circus games
* every graphics of items changed, some are copy of real medieval items
* every items have different statistics, new properties (spears as throwing jawelins)
* extreme fantasy parts removed like golden armours, other add like drow character
* much easier to find all skill teachers (taverns) and usefull npcs to join party (houses)
* balance between might and magic mostly by spells value and better stats of weapons
* new portraits and paperdolls, brand new and reconstructions from M&M6 beta
Origin: wiccalessons.blogspot.com