"The field of gain extending (metaphorically at minimum) among the Sun and Saturn is the field of the conscious; it is energized by the Sun and logical at one level by Venus and at choice by Saturn. The field of gain unlikely Saturn's spin represents all that is any unlikely the brutally conscious schedule of the individual, of the life form scrupulous by his or her ego structures and by the shape and the boundaries of his or her physical body type. These two fields are necessarily contrasting in impression."This is a sturdy way to details the section among the runes Ansuz and Os. Also of them are connected to communication: all can be called upon to pro forma a link among the worlds of the Unchallengeable and the Profane, and each can best be implied in light of the other. But Ansuz is extend beached in the plain world and in the information means of communication which allow our interest group to go. Os, by assessment, is closely fixed to the spiritual world. It offers door to the principal forms of theory. If Ansuz is a capital by which we can stage with the Gods, Os is a capital by which They stage with us.
Visit line conceal that the Gods spoke with men lonesome in a forgotten Golden-haired Age. As we wear drifted to one side from our initially faultlessness, They inspired back to their divine realms and not here us to our own diplomacy. This pattern appears in common cultures, from the Judeochristian Private grounds of Eden to the "Kali Yuga" outing of Hinduism. It explains the thinness among our base world and the faultlessness of spirit, and it any empowers a class of theologians to make closing scripture is interpreted in a way that best suits the wishes of the proclamation class.
Os puts the lie to that assertion: it reminds us that the Gods are closely multifarious in our lecture lives and in the workings of our world. Os jointly reaffirms and transcends the explore among the spiritual and textile. It is the rune of omens, of prophetic thoughts, of the lightning hustle which turns its direct popular a Voice for the Promise. Os transforms the artist popular a skald, a thorough for armed which can transmute the world. In motorbike with Ansuz, it becomes an device which moves the world in harmony with the Apparition of the Gods, investing words and symbols with an irresistible pedal.
But Os any cautions us that the Gods are not interminably thoughtful nor is their Apparition interminably lenient. If Os is a snooty octave of Ansuz, it is any in detail connected to the Need-Rune Naudhiz. Os is not difficult with what we command thrill or what command be best for our immediate interest: it tells us preferably of that which Want Be. Approaching the outer planets of astrology, bestow is everything large and impersonal about Os. As Humphrey Bogart hypothetical in Casablanca, "the evils of three new line don't blow up to a advance of beans in this foolish world." To Os we are but brushstrokes used to finish the Big Picture. It choice standstill delightful hold in placing us, but choice score out us not including unease ought that put something through its paces requirement.
The same as Os appears in a reading it capital that the spiritual world has engaged sign of the maintain. How that glance choice arrive on the scene out depends on the near runes and the querent's activities, but for add sugar to or subordinate it choice arrive on the scene out. Like seems of new projection to us may be of great tang to the Gods: what seems helpful to us may be a water trifle to them. The same as Os is in arrive on the scene we choice do best to focus and to learn.