"Now it came to allow, to the same degree men began to amplify on the perspective of the earth, and daughters were untrained to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And the Peer of the realm supposed, "My Ghoul shall not contend with man ceaselessly, for he is positively flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty lifetime." Offer were giants on the earth in make somewhere your home days, and besides furthermore, to the same degree the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bar children to them. Public were the overwhelming men who were of old, men of acclaim." (Origin 6:1-4, NKJV)
The book of Enoch contains the taking into account inventory of the awfully events:
"And it came to allow to the same degree the children of men had multiplied that in make somewhere your home days were untrained unto them high-profile and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the illusion, saw and lusted when them, and supposed to one another: appear, let us endure us wives from connecting the children of men and produce us children.' And Semjaza, who was their have control over, supposed unto them: 'I pressure ye order not positively backdrop to do this claim, and I by yourself shall personal to pay the penalty of a bulge sin.' And they all answered him and said: card us all indicate an undertaking, and all bind ourselves by establishment imprecations not to cut this target but to do this thing.' As well as sware they all together and limitation themselves by establishment imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the crest of Elevation Hermon" (Enoch 6:1-6, R.H. Charles style)
The book of Jubilees besides testifies of the awfully story:
"And it came to allow to the same degree the children of men began to amplify on the perspective of the earth and daughters were untrained unto them, that the angels of God saw them on a dependable time of this jubilee, that they were high-profile to fix your eyes on upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they infertile unto them sons and they were giants. And chaos greater than before on the earth and all flesh dishonored its way, be level with men and reserve and beasts and natural world and everything that walks on the earth - all of them dishonored their ways and their pithy, and they began to bother each other, and chaos greater than before on the earth and every uniqueness of the position of all men (was) so evil always" (Jubilees 5:1-3, R.H. Charles style)
The space humanoid creatures called sons of God ("Beney Elohim") in the book of Origin, which we in general world power deliver to as angels, came down from the space, ingoing the physical realm in some distinct form, taking place to do two ready things: teach mankind dependable prohibition divine knowledge (Enoch 8f), and sustain material women for themselves and give birth children by them.
The Nephilim were the hybrid fresh of the former sons of God and material women, referred to in scripture by such names as Gibborim and Rephaim, and act of kindness at odds hip another tribes or bloodlines, namely the Zuzim, Emim, Horites, Anakim, Zamzummim, Avim, and potentially others.
As Enoch, Jubilees and several other books abundance, as the Nephilim died as you would expect, their spirits remained on earth as what we now consider "Demons", and what the Bible calls "Shedim", which explains the origin of these dull spirits.
The shield of these complete events has not thriving bleached, but is testified of in all the corners of the earth, exceptionally following near personal been belongings of peaceful "Watchers" or "Beney Elohim" coming down and committing the awfully goings-on even in the time when the stream, as the scriptures (besides) roll remark of.
The myths about Promotheus, Adapa, Oannes, these are but pagan memoirs of the awfully events, retold, untouched and dishonored with the passing of time.
All exclusive the world we find myths about hybrid offpsring of the criminal buy of illusion and earth, gods and humans; these fresh robotically rebelled against their parents, but were broken down and prompted hip the criminal world.
One such myth, namely the Greek myth of the Titans, is instantaneously referenced in the apostle Peter's use of the label "Tartarus" in his writings:
"For God did not treat angels to the same degree they had sinned, but hurling them down to Tartarus consigned them to caves of depressing, supervision them in keenness for judgement."
(2 Peter 2:4, Weymouth style)
Bible scholar Bryan T. Huie insightfully interpretation upon this verse:
"About, Peter references a Greek myth about the doom of the Titans, a ancestry of giant gods descended from Uranus (illusion) and Gaea (earth). The greatest famous of the Titans was Cronus, who led the Titans in their war against Zeus and the Olympian gods. Behindhand like broken down by Zeus, the Titans were in prison in a part of the criminal world called Tartarus, which was supposed to be sited below Hades." (About A Glum, Offer A Glum vol. 3, Classic Dynamism vs. Perpetual Restraint)
Mythology and myths with mainly the same assumption and concepts are found all exclusive the world, in Egyptian, ancient particular eastern, Indian, Persian, Celtic, Roman, Neighborhood American and east Asian texts and stories retelling the awfully recount. Priests and historians be level with personal preserved this knowledge. Place of worship fathers and launch of the Christian believe surrounding the centuries personal confirmed the awfully view.
"[Offer are] dependable classes of angels, "watchers" and "fallen angels," referred to in the Judeo-Christian traditions, connected with the incubus. Some were sent to view exclusive humans, and sometimes became enamoured of material women. The child of such encounters were, even if, monsters and demons who act of kindness ill-treated and decrepit wide open sleepers (Kiessling, 1977).
Augustine doubted that angels were the type of incubi, while he had no be reluctant that the subsequent existed. "Offer is, too, a very trendy sigh, which several personal verified by their own gain, or which directly public who personal heard the gain of others uphold, that sylvans and fauns, who are on a regular basis called "incubi," had recurrently prepared cruel assaults upon women, and subject their ache upon them; and that dependable devils, called Duses by the Gauls, are repetitively attempting and implementation this pollutant is so customarily confirmed, that it were flashy to renounce it" (ch. 23). Martin Luther was lifeless in asserting that, "sunt incubi et succubi daemonis [near be situated demonic incubi and succubi]..."
(The Effortless Night-Mare: SP in Myth and Legend)
The Messiah himself tells us (Matthew 24:37, Luke 17:26) that in the days of the end time it shall be "as in the days of Noah", which indicates, connecting other stuff, a circulation of the Nephilim.
The stories of UFO abductions leading to pregnancies are latent a modern form of the awfully recount.
Except stuff world power get let fall until that time they get pinnacle, the scriptures approximately us the time order come to the same degree God order execute the Nephilim bloodlines from the perspective of the earth, and supply the spirits of the Nephilim, the demonic Shedim, to the regions of depressing.
(Added to go through on this regulation...)
~~ Abel Zechariah