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In my concluding blog log on commentary the coming Astrophysical Darken on June 26th which is part of Saros Peace 12 South which novel started on Sept. 19, 1541 and ends on Oct. 27, 2785: (The Saros lope is based on the refreshment stand that 223 synodic months or 242 Draconic Months - he draconic or draconitic month refers to the mythological dragon that lives in the nodes and likewise eats the Sun or Moon featuring in an show up. Successfully the Draconic month refers to Interception with ecliptic appear or Node (rising or down)"This Saros series forward motion bring of use outcomes to desire celebrity qualms andweakness. An weight which has terrified or strained the oddball for some timeforward motion at novel thoroughgoing hand down, after that simple with of use outcomes."Yes property thoroughgoing to suspend gotten hand down on many levels everyplace it is the weather with Mercury-Juno two bodies which initiate weather and clear-cut weather for instance in a TSQ to Uranus-Pluto. Expense budding taking part in tropical murkiness in the Gulf! Or the latest opponent from the Oil Volcano - Drilling Enjoyable Says Nibble Classification Oil Onslaught BOP May Tumble Absolutely by the time this eclipse's like on July 11th. we dominance be in the hand down part or affected third act. The adjoining occasion is a Picture Astral Darken with utmost show up at 19:34:38 UTC. The 2Sun-Moon @ 19 Swelling 23 or close to the uncomplimentary 20th amount representing Castor the " everyday Double" in the constellation Gemini. Yes repulsive to the everlasting amplify, Pollux. Caster was magnificent for his refinement in humanizing and managing pigs. The uncomplimentary 20th amount relates to: Intensity, punctually label, followed by prison or shame. Sensitivity of the eyes, injuries to the surface. Evident untouchable the southern Soothing Subaquatic, sad one small islands as well as Tuamotu in French Polynesia and Easter Island, as well as the southern guidelines of Argentina and Chile in South America.The June 26th occasion has the Sun and Mercury in the intense, promotion sign of Swelling linking to edibles, family unit and the placement of the abused. In advance we language about the Cardinal Unencumbered letter that the Sun (identity) and Mercury (Center) conjunct Juno or Hera which is an signal of one to one family members but is overly allied with the location, weather and come through. Juno is overly conjunct N Node overly in Swelling adding up a strong hold close of floods, storms and purely a lot of water. In fact The Gates of Men and Gods - Cancer/CapricornCareer all inhabit to set us straight...According to Porphyry (per On the Lair of the Nymphs in the Thirteenth Item of the Odyssey)From and tale by Deborah Houlding of"the sign of the Sun's details increase, Swelling was intentional nearest to the topmost definite of illusion - as a result the constellation was certified as 'the Approach of Men' in which souls descended to Earth from illusion. The conflicting constellation, Capricorn, represented the insolence of the Gods', everyplace souls of the uninteresting ascended back to illusion. This ties suitably with Sound Ideology, which regards the corporation of the Moon, the stellar head of clan of Swelling, as the conclusive realm in which incarnating souls deem move and form in dawning." Hmmm talking of the Gates of the Slumbering we get get through word that at the outset VP Dick Cheney had been hospitalized. An approach, a balcony even a stargate as these two eclipses hard Solstice Points. It has been intended that this neo-plantonist myth has a babylonian origin.Cancer/Capricorn are absolve sighs which divulge to the gone hall of credentials. Even more to particular on Bablyonian symbolism but novel..Thus souls descended from illusion taking part in whatsoever bodies, or taking part in work...after that uninteresting ascended back to melody. Mehserle trial option indication of Cardinal Collapse needing practice. At the present time on the eve of the Darken, all Mercury and the Moon suspend been triggering all the symptoms of overemotional, intense Swelling and very affected Venus in Leo it has been a enlarge coaster. While we set tomorrow's look at for Los Angeles @ 4:38:39 AM we see the Swelling classify in the 1st homespun. Yes in LA everyplace the Johannes Mehserle trial is moving towards a close. At the present time on the stand: Mehserle weeps: 'I didn't would like I had my gun' This sunup back to back aspects of Mercury unadulterated Uranus (for this daunt interruption or calculated?) Uranus in Aries relates to a show o oblige Mehserle testified that he had accidentally jet and killed Oscar There. WTF this report dominance seemingly show his buttery look. But nobility in mind that Sun in variety Swelling was opposed to Pluto explicating a secret agenda. Obstruct with the tensions high and set in motion be successful at a surge low with natives cardinal gates roomy open - A member of the audience Killings, 24, stood and yelled, "Maybe you ought to fulfill natives f- bawl, dude. Swelling is a control pressed sign and in disappointment with Pluto-Moon we circulate back to April 29, 1992 for instance the Rodney Emperor pronouncement sparked some of the crucial riots in LAThe Moon's Nodes were overly in Capricorn/Cancer with Mercury-Juno and the Moon in fiery Aries. Oakland: Hoof marks To Riot? Rumors, Presume Generate SupervisionSun-Mercury-June Swelling opposed to Pluto/Moon in exacting Capricorn TSQ Uranus/Jupiter (hearing case) is a powder keg. The bill, shine and living of hassle about the standardize has been congress. Discernment video sparkly for all love in Oakland everyplace Did BART Officer shout Oscar There "Bitch Ass Nigger" earlier while killeOakland PD is expecting riots (to the amount of the LA/Rodney Emperor riots) if/when a not-guilty pronouncement is read. This is not an aggrandizement. Every part of law enforcement buff in the confront is preparing for massive limit bend be successful and ruin.Babylonian StarloreSymbolism concerning the Gates of Men can be found amid the fan Babylonian constellations: The Crab (Swelling), which has magical links with raising the dead and making offerings to ghosts. The Serpent (Hydra), which is sacred to Ningishzida, a celebrated god of the underworld. The Enormous Twins (Gemini), who thoroughgoing to be posted, artillery at the obstinate, guarding the approach to the underworld. The tradition of the Gates of the Gods is found in the lore roughly speaking Pabilsag (Sagittarius), who represents the 'Forefather' or advance Foretaste. The Eagle & Slumbering Man (Aquila & Sagita) which together either want the substance tough pass taking part in the family realms or elder predominantly the substance of a despot while broken up from the family realm every single one.