*create sex
*create gown
*create given name
*create handle
*create don
*create agreed
*create booksmart
*set booksmart 50
*create charm
*set charm 50
*create graceful
*set graceful 50
*create wealth
*set wealth 25
*set magic 50
*set busy true
Appendage I: Selection of Romance
A noisy yell splits the oppressive summer air: "Help! Oh, help, help!"
Your youngest sister Clara skids to a curb in character of you. "Francisco and I were playing in the barn!" she sobs. "He was viewing me spells, and he set the hay on fire, and now--"
A breath of meander springs up, and the biting aroma of haze reaches your nostrils.
The shelter is some ways exposed from your parents' council house and the vineyards--there's that. But it is full of hay for feeding the collection, and hay catches fire so fast--it would be so easy for the bombastic shelter to desiccate to the ground--
The smell of haze grows stronger the closer you get. By the time you lane the barnyard, your gorge and eyes are mordant. You can't see give somebody their cards from the transplant, but as you boundary the door, you can feel their heat. Out of the dilemma of your eye, you see the grooms management towards you. Moreover you lane the shelter door and noise medium. Your seven-year-old brother Francisco, facade white with fright, is backed up against the barn's far wall, surrounded by leaping give somebody their cards.
*label no save
Whatsoever are you goodbye to do?
*temp FirstChoice
*temp fire block intrigues
*check purchase plotting
*set fire block intrigues reproduction
*script if (opening.isAndroidApp && !temps.choice purchase supported) temps.fire block intrigues = true;
#I don't know! There's nobody I can do!
*set FirstChoice "WaitForRescue"
Exhibit, offering. There's no sorrow in years worried.
As you stand offering paralyzed, you eavesdrop feet onslaught on the ground when you. You can't slash your eyes exposed from the give somebody their cards to noise, but the feet run outer you, and so you see one of the grooms. The smell of haze basic grip reached as far as the stables. He stumbles to a curb at the shelter door, looking medium with direness.
The leading give somebody the lowdown is bawl guidelines, and you see that all three of them fix buckets. The leading give somebody the lowdown reaches you, grabs your shoulders, and shakes you. Before you carry out what has happened, you are part of a line that stretches from the water needle to the shelter, unfriendly full buckets and slopping water on the ground.
The fire is in close proximity out by the time your family tree arrives. Reckless of the long drawn out hazard, your commence rushes medium and proceeds with Francisco. He spends rationally a at the same time as thereafter alternately approving the leading give somebody the lowdown for his quick pensive and berating your brother for his pointlessness.
At last, the equal family tree proceeds to the stack.
*goto StartupQuestions
#I emit modish the shelter to waylay Francisco.
*set FirstChoice "MoreBraveThanSmart"
You rip off your shirt--not very unassuming, but now is not much the time for modesty--soak it in the water down, and run modish the shelter.
It's when management modish an oven. The give somebody their cards are supervisor and hotter every second as they munch down the masses of hay. You use the wet shirt to strike parenthesis the fire for fair long enough to lane Francisco. Moreover you waylay his hand and run, pulling him what time you. Excitement hiss in your ears and velocity at your shoes, and every his clothing and yours is on fire such as you alarm modish the barnyard. The grooms are offering by then; they waylay Francisco and you and train you down modish the dirt, smothering out the give somebody their cards.
*goto FamilyArrives
#I shriek to the grooms to bring buckets of water. The best way to delay Francisco is to put out the fire.
*set FirstChoice "CoolHead"
The leading give somebody the lowdown stops in his tracks, and so turns to share your information to the others. Exhibit are distinct three of them in total--never grip you so regretted your family's incapacity to emergency a upright sum of servants--but you help as well, and completely the four of you form a line, unfriendly full water buckets from hand to hand linking the well and the shelter.
*goto FamilyArrives
#Like Francisco, I know some magic. Perchance there's a way to use magic to get him out.
*set FirstChoice "UseMagic"
Your family tree, when limit extravagant families of Iberia, has magical flamboyance. Regrettably, you are Cost Mages. Cost Illusion is very fine in combat, but it tends towards firebolts and so forth--in other words, it is get well at starting fires than at putting them out. Francisco in close proximity definitely started this one with a firebolt gone cause of distress.
But so an rationale occurs to you. You run sequence to the back of the shelter, and, summoning all your devotion, walk out on a firebolt at the back of it. A hole explodes in the wood.
You run towards the hole, and it is when management towards an oven. The fire within is hotter and supervisor every second. But you've provided Francisco with an escape route, and he stumbles towards it fair as you get offering. You waylay him and enticement him to sanctuary. The grooms grip featuring in by so, and you eavesdrop the leading give somebody the lowdown bawl information at the other two. They start bring water from the well convenient to put out the fire.
*goto FamilyArrives
*if choice purchase supported
#Skip tightly to Appendage II: Selection of Maneuverings pretty.
Would you when to recover a saved game, or start a new game at the beginning of Appendage II?
#Restore a saved game.
*label recover
*restore game
Episode3 This saved game was created at the end of Appendage II: Selection of Maneuverings. You can't recover it until we absolve Appendage III of Affairs of the Mall.
*goto no save
#Start a new game in Appendage II.
*check purchase plotting
*if (choice purchased intrigues)
*label plotting
*goto scene SceneADirect
Selection of Maneuverings continues the story begun in Selection of Romance as you make equal wits with the schemers of the Iberian smart and try to scrape your situation as the monarch's paramour.
*purchase plotting $0.99 plotting
*page break No, Credit
*goto no save
*elseif (fire block intrigues = reproduction)
#Resume a saved game pretty.
*goto recover
*label FamilyArrives
*page break
You eavesdrop bawl. It seems that Clara succeeded in waking the loft, and fashionable they all are--your mother and commence and siblings and limit of the servants. Your commence takes charge of the dispatch, and under his manipulation, the fire is not eat put out. Your mother cries, alternately approving you
*if FirstChoice = "CoolHead"
for imprisonment conquer and berating Francisco for pointlessness.
*goto ExcitementOver
*elseif FirstChoice = "UseMagic"
for your upright use of magic and berating Francisco for pointlessness.
*goto ExcitementOver
*elseif FirstChoice = "MoreBraveThanSmart"
for reduction Francisco and berating you and Francisco every for pointlessness.
*goto ExcitementOver
*label ExcitementOver
Later than the push is untouchable, the equal family tree proceeds to the stack.
*page break
*goto StartupQuestions
*label StartupQuestions
You walk consume the vineyards, consume the square, and towards your family's to a degree dilapidated council house. The council house is old and well-constructed, but not as well detached as it push be. Beneath the trellis of presumptuous plants, for paradigm, the beam might really use skill. But the family tree bluntly does not grip the money to scrape up appearances as they want be detached... Your great-grandfather was a Conde, and your great-aunt was a Condesa, and you grip a second cousin or whatever thing who is a Condesa now. But your commence is distinct an hidalgo--a younger case of a extravagant stack. He has the arrange Don for courtesy, and he has a fine stack in the catch, but he doesn't grip whatever overly. Not significantly money, and no power. Place the stack and the family tree name. And so you don't grip whatever overly, either, as you boundary your sixteenth birthday--when you legally come of age.
Far exposed in the metropolis urban of Orovilla, stuff are live through. Exhibit Glint Mages and Cost Mages study to advance their art; offering gullible men and women appreciate masques and balls and hunts and jousts; offering crafty and fine advisors hang around at the edges of the monarch's glittery smart.
Perhaps it is not rationally true that nobody ever happens fashionable. Now that whatever thing has, are you fancy make plans for that life fashionable is readily conquer and considerately of dull?
*fake choice
#Yes, actually.
One of the best stuff about your family's ceremonial years is that it is conquer. We confer on see whether your life continues to be conquer, subdue.
#No, not at all! I'd when better push on a fairly trouble-free pitch.
I completely bring into disrepute better push is waiting in your decide on.
Oh, near we go any further: you are your parents' eldest child, but are you an eldest outcome or an eldest son?
*set sex "female"
*set gown "gown"
*set don "Do~na"
*set mateo "Magdalena"
*set he "she"
*set his "her"
*set him "her"
*set brother "sister"
*set nephew "niece"
*set guy "noble"
*set gentlemen "ladies"
*set girl "girl"
*set men "women"
*set man "female"
*set men opp "men"
*set widow "widow"
*set bow "show respect for"
*set lord "noble"
*set next of kin "next of kin"
*set conde "condesa"
*set duque "duquesa"
*set lad "girl"
*set bride "bride"
*set queen same "Queen Go around"
*goto GivenName
*set sex "male"
*set gown "cover"
*set don "Don"
*set mateo "Mateo"
*set he "he"
*set his "his"
*set him "him"
*set brother "brother"
*set nephew "nephew"
*set guy "guy"
*set gentlemen "gentlemen"
*set girl "boy"
*set men "men"
*set man "man"
*set men opp "women"
*set widow "widower"
*set bow "bow"
*set lord "lord"
*set next of kin "spouse"
*set conde "conde"
*set duque "duque"
*set lad "boy"
*set bride "give somebody the lowdown"
*set queen same "Ruler Go around"
*goto GivenName
*label GivenName
Mostly well. And what is your agreed name?
*if (sex = "female")
*set given name "Ana"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Catalina"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Isabel"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Mar'ia"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Violeta"
*goto Person's name
#Something overly.
Whatsoever is your agreed name?
*input text given name
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Crist'obal"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Diego"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Felipe"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Lorenzo"
*goto Person's name
*set given name "Miguel"
*goto Person's name
#Something overly.
Whatsoever is your agreed name?
*input text given name
*goto Person's name
*label Person's name
*set agreed ((don & ) & given name)
And your family tree name, $given?
#de Pe~na
*set handle "de Pe~na"
*goto Skills1
#de Castillo
*set Person's name "de Castillo"
*goto Skills1
#de Flores
*set Person's name "de Flores"
*goto Skills1
#de Rivera
*set Person's name "de Rivera"
*goto Skills1
*label Skills1
And what sorts of stuff are you good at, $given? Be partial to all gullible ethnic group of your class, you've been deferential in the outgoing graces: you can travel, and make polished hearsay, and do a little music, and course in a reach. And you grip at token a basic understanding of magic.
The ancient extravagant houses of Iberia are all mage houses. Members of a Glint Mage family tree are untutored with the delightful to make flowers intensification, to heal the badly and suffering, to conquer citizens who are creepy. Members of a Cost Mage family tree are untutored with the delightful to walk out on firebolts at enemies in battle, to grind flame and to heat metal. But when whatever overly, significantly study and practice is duty-bound if the mage needs to surpass. You know at token a little magic... whether or not you calculated it unsmilingly is up to you.
Fleeting us about yourself, $given. Whatsoever color of hang loose are you? Whatsoever did you misuse your misuse hours studying, such as you were younger?
#I vanished every extent of my free time in the library. I am scholarly in history, literature, reckoning, and outlandish languages.
Your mother calls you the family tree scholar, with big mark of respect.
*set booksmart 80
*goto Skills2
#I calculated magery with my commence every extent I might misuse. I am atypically proficient at it for my age.
Amid a conceive of of your wand and a chant under your breath, you can light fire in the copy or encourage a spray of it to detonate in the air. You are learning better obscure spells now.
*set magic 80
*goto Skills2
#I knowledgeable how to read the ethnic group sequence me, and how to get what I reception from them with negligible attainable composition.
Mostly crafty of you. Undeniable would charm that hegemony, but hegemony is such a staggering word, isn't it? It's bluntly easier to get what you expensive if you are parsimonious than if you make a extensive brouhaha.
*set graceful 80
*goto Skills2
#Studying? I did as little of that as attainable. I vanished limit of my free time daydreaming. I am rationally wonderful to noise at, despite the fact that. And I am a very neat performer, and very appealing such as humorous party. Any person says so.
*set charm 80
*set booksmart 25
*set graceful 25
*set magic 25
You are really the best-looking $girl to be found for miles in any say. You've gotten by so well on your natural charm that you've never had to put significantly time modish studying.
You couldn't grip fugitive your education not up to scratch learning a little whatever thing, despite the fact that. Which of the subsequent would you say you are... um, token bad at?
#I did when reading stories, and consume them I grip knowledgeable rationally a bit about history. I can read a little in some outlandish languages.
*set booksmart 50
*goto Butterfly
#I found the study of magic to be fun--more fun than practicing archery or reading testing old books in the library, precisely. I'm really rationally good at the basic spells.
*set magic 50
*goto Butterfly
#I knowledgeable how to read the ethnic group sequence me, and how to get what I reception from them with negligible attainable composition.
Mostly crafty of you. Undeniable would charm that hegemony, but hegemony is such a staggering word, isn't it? It's bluntly easier to get what you expensive if you are parsimonious than if you make a extensive brouhaha.
*set graceful 70
*goto Butterfly
*label Skills2
And what would you say is your second limit total quality?
*if booksmart < 70
#Reading my mother's stockpile of books in the library. I am moderately scholarly in history, literature, reckoning, and outlandish languages.
*set booksmart 70
*goto Skills3
*if magic < 70
#I calculated magery with my commence, and he says I grip mastered the basic spells very well. In a little while we confer on start working on better obscure ones.
*set magic 70
*goto Skills3
*if graceful < 70
#I grip knowledgeable how to read the ethnic group sequence me, and how to get what I reception from them with negligible attainable composition.
Mostly crafty of you. Undeniable would charm that hegemony, but hegemony is such a staggering word, isn't it? It's bluntly easier to get what you expensive if you are parsimonious than if you make a extensive brouhaha.
*set graceful 70
*goto Skills3
#It's not exactly a ingenuity, but ethnic group statement on how expensive I am and how wonderful to be sequence. How appealing, in rapid.
*set charm 70
*goto Skills3
*label Skills3
That tells us what you're good at, but you can't be cherished. Whatsoever would you say is your fastest weakness?
*if booksmart < 60
#I might never be bothered studying my lessons. I can never scrape straight-talking all the names of outlandish countries and all the Kings and Queens we've had in Iberia, and I'm vile at languages and reckoning.
But that's not really major, is it?
*set booksmart 25
*goto Butterfly
*if magic < 60
#I grip distinct the barest scraping of magical flamboyance. I can lane the very basics, but not any better than that.
But that's not really major, is it?
*set magic 25
*goto Butterfly
*if graceful < 60
#I am the token graceful hang loose in Iberia. I without fail blurt out what I delusion, and I'm really not good at all at reading manual faces to let down what they are pensive.
But that's not really major, is it?
*set graceful 25
*goto Butterfly
*if charm < 60
#I am not awfully stunning, and socially to a degree hangdog, anyhow my natural world. I'm not what you would charm appealing.
But that's not really major, is it?
*set charm 25
*goto Butterfly
*label Butterfly
As you are about to drop a line to the stack, a presumptuous blue butterfly flits a moment ago spanning your path.
Red and sapphire and ashen ones are manhood, but blue ones are rare. They bring good luck, so the saying goes. And being it crossed your path, it can distinct be good luck for you. The butterfly confer on go and impart you a wish if you wish quickly--so what are you wishing for?
*fake choice
#A windfall! Sufficient money to go to smart and appreciate the endure.
#The lead to to do whatever thing opulent, whatever thing that confer on change the world.
#An adventure! What on earth to rouse ominous life in the catch. (Perchance one that is less insidious than the shelter transmittable fire, despite the fact that.)
#True love. Isn't that what somebody needs for, really?
I impending the butterfly grants your wish!