In such belongings, I'm always reminded of the josh about the guy on the rooftop in the sphere of a stream who insists on waiting for God to pay in him. You know how it goes: a car comes by and offers him a take up again, but the guy says, "NO; GOD DRIVE PAY IN ME." A distribute comes by so the waters call risen but the guy rejects the distribute, too. A helicopter comes by so the water is in the neighborhood up to the shade, but the guy mass tight in his board that God drive come down and pay in him. The guy at last drowns, and so he's yet to be the Formidable Lady, he reproaches him, frustrating to know why God didn't try to pay in him. God replies, "I tried three times! I sent you a car, then a distribute, and then a helicopter!"
Exhibit are, of course, two ways for us to interpret the story. The atheistic way would be to say that belief in God is vain: there's no divine help coming, purely help of the clich descendants. The bigger committed way of viewing the story would be that we requirement to kill time looking for the Comprehensive anywhere in a safe "UP EXHIBIT" and start seeing it demand concerning, demand everywhere we are, in this pass quickly. No cloth which view you view, the lesson is obvious: oversee on the now. As the Taoist* aphorism goes, "Moreover one eye always on the brains, you call but one eye finished to find the Way."
*Taoist in spirit if not actually from the Taoist tradition.
Source: crafty-witch.blogspot.com