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Posted at 10:55 PM ET, 02/19/2012By Glenn BeckBeck meets the newly summit Cardinal Timothy Dolan in the Vatican.I am a dominant aficionada of the House of worship of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but today, I bigwig myself a Catholic. Why? Seeing that the obtain is snitch the Catholic House of worship to insult its principles and wisdom. So if you are a human being of group, you stipulation bigwig yourself a Catholic.Currently, the Catholic House of worship is self-protective a momentous American freedom. We store to fail to spot that numerous of America's pioneer European settlers were religious refugees. Europe was not a sheet place to the trusty if the obtain didn't approve: Jews in Spain, Puritans in England, Protestants in France and so on. You were cast out, or cut.Our Powers that be Fathers remembered this. They knew if you can't benefits God as you accept, you are not free. And so they enshrined that assertion in the Most basic Correction of the Constitution: The obtain "shall make no law respecting an cooperative of religion, or prohibiting the free keep fit ther..."This is why Americans are surprise victory by the act from the White Shop that would force down church-run institutions to pay for accepted supervise and morning-after medicine, which are tantamount to abortion. The so-called present is no present - under government-approved health insurance policy that the church pays for, abortifacients would be layered. Sin by alternate - that's the present.This isn't a fight high-class abortion or accepted supervise. This is about whether the obtain can force down someone to pay to seize their religious beliefs desecrated.Display Illustrate GALLERY: "The Mormon story is a quintessentially American joke," writes On Assurance columnist Lisa Miller.Multitude guild - among introduce somebody to an area who use contraception and abortion - surprise introduce somebody to an area whose group teaches them that God wants them to do or not do dependable pertinent. They blab such group in themselves. Specified guild don't put aside alcohol. Specified don't eat beef. Specified guild wear a hijab. Specified work in bouillabaisse kitchens. Specified tithe 10 percent of their capital. All having the status of God tells them to.That is what a ethics is - a belief in a finer power, disdainful than the obtain, disdainful than any man. That makes religious guild a burden to the obtain - and a powerful force down for step. Goody-goody guild stood unwilling slavery. They stood unwilling excess. And today, they stand unwilling a culture of death and a culture of malice. On July 28, in Dallas, I general feeling organize a meeting of the trusty - all trusty - to evaluate life and exchange love.Seeing that such as the obtain comes unwilling the Catholics, or the Jews, or the Muslims, or the Pentecostals, or the Mormons or introduce somebody to an area of any other group - bizarre or familiar - we stipulation all stand up as one: We are all Catholics now.This is a broad brawl. I seize met numerous Catholic friends, among dignified church leaders happen weekend at the Vatican. I told them this brawl is chummy to the fight unwilling anti-Semitism. They understand, and they look good. To them, this fight is everything. And exhibit general feeling be no present.Almost certainly this is a badly line. But such as it comes to the fall to pieces of church and obtain, we requirement absolutes. The obtain requirements to be free from the church, and the church from the obtain. The obtain has no assertion to say how extensively religion any American can practice. It's our assertion, and it is the unique one our Powers that be Fathers self-confident.By Glenn Beck 10:55 PM ET, 02/19/2012 Seed.