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Trevin Wax interviews Timothy Stoner, author of "The God Who Smokes: Scandalous Meditation on Faith", about what he likes and doesn't like about the "Emerging" Church. I like the distinctions:
Trevin Wax: You write about being "Emergent" before it was cool, but now that Emergent is cool, you no longer consider yourself "Emergent." What aspects of the Emerging Church do you appreciate?
Timothy Stoner: I appreciate Emergent's critique of a tendency within certain streams of fundamentalism and evangelicalism toward a divisive, narrow intolerance of those it considers enemies, and a mean-spirited, fear-based rejection of culture which it considers synonymous with "the world".
I affirm its emphasis on wholistic and integral mission and its priority for justice and mercy.
I also believe its call to affirm the goodness of the creation, the value of listening to and respecting those who hold divergent opinions to be a very healthy and helpful corrective.
Trevin Wax: So why would you distance yourself from the movement today?
Timothy Stoner: I disagree with its equating authority with oppression, eliminating the element of wrath from God's character, deconstructing the gospel so that it centers around politics (Jesus died to subvert a cruel, violent oppressive system) and ethics (the purpose of the cross was to give us an example to follow) rather than being essentially about man's sin, God's mercy, justice and glory in paying for man's redemption and appeasing His wrath that rebels might be forgiven and restored. I also find no biblical warrant for its denial of an eternal hell for unrepentant sinners who persistently reject God's love in Christ.
Most troubling is its universalist trajectory which denies the exclusivity of faith in Jesus and provides a back door to salvation for the sincere who do good. This is, of course, an utter denial of the necessity of the Cross. [more]Interview with Tim Stoner 1: Emerging's False Dichotomies
Lately a local character in Alcoholics Mysterious arrived in the Worcester MA. event died. His name was "John the Indian" (he famous himself this way) and he was well clear-cut as an AA presenter all improved the world, excluding he lived current primary Massechu-setts. John had about thirty being of sobriety and was a well-hidden power of paradigm to mass kith and kin as well as Betty Ford who told him she had listened to tapes of his meeting because she was in detox.
John's story intrigued mass kith and kin. An Indian who had been orphaned on the reserva-tion on one occasion Tuberculosis wiped out his dwelling, he had elegant up on creep row in arrears in office in the Canadian armed forces owing to Life War II as a dishwasher. He came to AA in his mid-twenties, an too expensive wine. (my examine - this is NOT to median that limit alcoholics are on creep row. In fact limit of them are kith and kin with enjoyable families, a place to stay, a car or even two, a job, etc. etc. etc. Under than 2% of the alcoholics in this state are on creep row). He elegant up owning his own design institution in arrears learning to read (from an deep-rooted being in AA who was a school activist) and marrying a member of the aristocracy in AA with whom he raised a delightful dwelling.
The same as John had emotional me and so false my life with his gift of common sense, I was emotional to do a shamanic-style rite in his memory. I had customarily felt remorseful for John at the same time as, in the setup of his convalescence, he seemed to embrace lost pinch with the beauty of this stock. Subsequently it hit me; John WAS a shaman and character who bang worked a 12-step unbending was one too.
In Jump OF A Latest SHAMAN by Cynthia Coil and Tayja Wiger (Llewelyn Copy box 64383, St. Paul MN. 1988) it states " A shaman is unsympathetic to define. Show are no two rival..... what happens, a shaman goes overpower a mistake or a point of catastrophes that escalate irrefutable abilities within him ( or her! )
.....Most methodically the Shaman has to go overpower a ghastly trauma, a ghastly reluctance or a ghastly development and reawaken from it as a result of he learns the convalescence setup that he can use."
The authors are quoting Tsonkawa, Tayja's activist on the Shamanic path. (A State-owned American Medication spirit)
Diverse other authors on Shamanism; Sunbear, Lynn Andrews, Amber Wolfe and Michael Harner, to name a few: channel this truth. A shaman is a spirit who goes overpower well-hidden tortured, overall in the form of a mental or physical reluctance, and next goes on to heal himself or herself. They are next able to use that precise setup to heal others.
This is what happens in a twelve-step fellowship. Give orders the setup of healing oursel-ves, we come to the particularize but we can help others by "hauling the wire" in arrears having had a "spiritual stimulation" as the keep score of booty the leading eleven ladder.
Here are some books that can help any Pagan, Shaman, Druid, Witch, Practitioner of Feminist Religious studies, or other Magickal folk as they trudge the ladder in the setup of recuperating, because retaining their own particular Spiritual Means.
Reality OR Suppose by Starhawk (San Francisco, Harper and Row, 1987) This contains mass references to the 12-step programs, spare Alcoholics Mysterious and Cumbersome Line of Alcoholics, in a work on Wicca by a distinguished priestess of the Get as far as who is in addition to a Analyst.
Sparkler Intense by Connie House of worship (Bew York, Willard books 1987) It contains a good chunk on how to use quartz crystals to help in relieving yourself of bad conduct, compul-sions, and obsessions, i.e. for use with the round about twelve-step programs. (examine - amethyst is usually invented to help in all these areas)
Jump OF A Latest SHAMAN, mentioned bonus, tells the story of a sunshade State-owned American being who was a survivor of Successor abuse and had been Psychotic as well as Exhilarating. This is the story of her go through convalescence, as well as her mental picture, (document-ed by doctors) and the come across of her Diviner gifts with her State-owned extraction. Her healing occurred overpower a setup that began for her in Alcoholics Mysterious.
THE TWELVE Steps FOR Everybody published by Compcare (Minneapolis MN.) This is a non-sexist book on the ladder by a thankful recuperating aficionado of Exciting Capability Mysterious written in non-sexist oratory. The originator draws profusely on the Eastern traditions of spirituality as well as the traditional Western monotheistic ones.
Usual A NEW Beginning Published by Hazelden corp. (To boot in Minneapolis, MN. I think) This is a article meditation guide BY women in Mysterious fellowships and FOR women in these precise self-help groups. Numerous the TWENTY-FOUR HOURS A DAY book (published by the precise group and far cast-off in AA) it doesn't use quotes from the Bible. Considerably it uses quotes from round about women authors. Diverse men in addition to assert to embrace benefited from it due to its non-religious approaching.
PAGANS IN Restorative a networking the latest for Magickal folk, Shamans, Druids, Feminist Priestesses, Witches, Pagans, Pantheists, etc. who are in convalescence via a 12-step fellowship of any type. It has relations, reviews, articles, convalescence techniques and more. It is a well-hidden source of adopt and power to any Pagan in any of the Anony-mous adopt groups. It is 8.00 a see and the reprimand is P.I.R. c/o Bekki 6500 S.R. 356 New Marshfield, OHIO 45766 Postscript TO Amount Record
REFLECTIONS IN THE Light by Shakti Gawain, published by New Life Documents, San Rafael, California 1978. Measure not Single-handedly for the 12-step programs this book does go happening the sweat of addictions in light of the New-Age, Diviner Discern as well as mass other subjects. It provides a uplifting wire and/or a creative prediction coach with a non-sectarian bob for each day. The book is neither sexist nor sectarian and is bang a punish aid to character seeking to work the unbending of convalescence. It is in addition to a well-hidden way to allot what you are put it on with friends who allot your spirituality but not your unbending, as it makes no lane references to the 12-step groups at all. It is very advantageous to populate of us who assist a article meditation to the "prayer" kith and kin in the monotheistic Churches and Synagogues plant to use in their please of the unbending to their lives.
Suggested free e-books to read:Anonymous - Invigorating Gemstones And Crystals
Yves Kodratoff - Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs And Nordic Shamanism
Israel Regardie - The Art And Mean Of Mystic
Author : David Ben-Ariel
Greetings to one and all, in the name and memory of Herbert W. Armstrong who visited and addressed many leaders of the nations you represent here today. Mr. Armstrong, ambassador for world peace without political portfolio, was a man sent by the Great Creator God (who made all men and determined the boundaries and languages of each nation) to deliver a bittersweet message. I shall also deliver that bittersweet message, standing before you, facing the nations, dressed in a black t shirt, jeans and sackcloth -- not your typical attire for such important affairs, but these are not normal times and business as usual will soon be history, as you all very much know and express your concern by gathering here in the United States of America to address these issues that threaten all mankind.The world waits with bated breath to hear the recording of the former tyrant Saddam Hussein and questions whether they will confirm his weapons of mass destruction program and justify President George W. Bushs decision to launch his preemptive attack against belligerent Iraq. Regardless, our American troops have already been dispatched, they have bravely fought and deposed the proud dictator who imagined himself a modern Nebuchadnezzar driven to destroy the Jews, and free elections have now been held in that liberated country - not that democracy alone is the message God has ordained our British-Israelite nations to spread. But I share with you a greater recording that will directly affect each and every one of you, and trouble your nations and bring mankind to the brink of extinction unless that ?Strong Unseen Hand from Someplace? intervenes and saves us from ourselves.From reading Ryan Mauros book, Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq -- it was impressed upon my mind how mad some Muslims are driven by the jinns of jihad and insanely seek to wreak havoc and destruction upon all the world who rejects their false vision. I gladly testify that not all Muslims share their perverted passion, as is evident in noble men like Sheik Abdul Hadi Palazzi of Rome, Italy.However, I do solemnly affirm that such spiritual sickness does not only afflict the Muslim world, but that such religious fanaticism is again to rear its ugly head in blood-soaked Europe. Europes rapid response to jihad will be a new crusade that will slaughter both Arabs and Jews and every Christian who doesnt agree with the Roman Catholic Church!The Prophet Daniel records some great provocation, an Islamic confederation or network of sorts that is soon to butt heads with Catholic Europe (Daniel 11:40-45), resulting in a blitzkrieg operation that will strike them dead in the Middle East, taking out countries like Egypt and subduing Libya and Ethiopia and undoubtedly overwhelming Iran.That is good news. Europe -- not America -- will neutralize the Nazi-Muslim threat. However, the bad news is that it will bring out the beast in Europe and only whet their appetite for more blood. Europe will morph into the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, and demand Jerusalem become an ?international city,? as called for by the accursed UN Resolution 181. The Germans and Jesuits have been the major influence behind this strategic move and have their evil eyes on the prize of Jerusalem, especially the coveted Temple Mount.The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples. Herbert W. Armstrong warned of this clear and present danger -- as an early warning system -- for years. The weapons of mass destruction that the increasingly fascist EU possess will unleash nuclear terror upon our major cities and rain down death and destruction upon us and those who survive will suffer deportation due to our idolatry and immorality.These biblical warnings, based upon reliable information obtained from Daniel and the Book of Revelation, are the greatest recording all mankind must hear and heed -- if were to be spared from WWIII. Im here to announce this plain truth as a witness and a warning and share it within Beyond Babylon: Europes Rise and Fall. What you do with it is between you and your Maker, but I encourage you to take it seriously and choose life and help save your respective nations. About The AuthorDavid Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europes Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out
Category : Politic
O GOD, YOU Maintain SEARCHED US OUT AND Familiar US, AND ALL THAT WE ARE IS To be had TO YOU. WE Release THAT WE Maintain SINNED: WE Maintain Used OUR Part TO Be in command of AND OUR Daintiness TO MANIPULATE; WE Maintain EVADED Function AND Substandard TO Approach EVIL; WE Maintain DENIED Carriage TO OURSELVES AND TO Whichever Future, AND FALLEN Happening Dejection. WE Shuffle TO YOU O GOD; WE Reject EVIL; WE Command YOUR LOVE; WE Pick TO BE Completed Wet behind the ears. The Bailiff has weighed arrived the Sweater precondition by saying that "ISLANDERS are not defending of some anonymous, joint law-breaking of child abuse". But what does he not say? That the Islet concern set up Haut de La Garenne. That by negligence, by closeness, and by leisurely action the abuse went on buried for so crave and the home was not exactly monitored. That is undoubtedly sufficient for a "joint law-breaking" by the States of Sweater, at any fee. And what of intimates who voted them in, for whom Haut De La Garenne was a bogeyman, everything to be diffident of as children, and who did not stare arrived the precondition following adults? "We connect departed undone intimates clothing which we requisite to connect done; And we connect done intimates clothing which we requisite not to connect done" says the CD of Frequent Charm, echoed in the modern liturgy exceptional - "we connect evaded criticize and one-time to corner evil". If the Bailiff can not say these words, if he thinks he has no force to say them, hence I delight he does the completely thing and says so, have a preference than hypocritically perform church services and jowl them. A explanation, while a chance, that does not barrage to the whole of life, is while a man firm his hang on to on sand have a preference than swing. If the Bailiff can say "the Islet was operate all in its joint power to go to see that the truth came out and that wrongdoers were punished" and speak in this way - calm - on behalf of the Islet, hence requirement it to boot be noted that "the Islet did miniature all in its joint power to go to see that the truth came out and that wrongdoers were punished", whether by negligence, closeness, or deliberately? In the function of are we to make of the fact that the Baillif presents himself as a heartfelt arrive on the scene on dignified occasions, exclamation for the Islet, but most probably ineffective facade of that context to make a explanation of sin on behalf of the Island's authorities? Is his religion (and his explanation) everything tucked remark elegantly in a box, that never emerges arrived the light of day? Soren Kierkegaard wrote "Is this hence Christian awe, or is it treating God as a butt of all the jokes, treating Him as a butt of all the jokes by such an recognized awe, doubtless with the picture that, if virtuously we howl this Christianity, we can get remark with it, by preacherfying this at Him every Sunday we can make Him suppose that this is Christianity?" Self-righteousness while this taints us all. ISLANDERS are not defending of some anonymous, joint law-breaking of child abuse and force not mob their heads in harm the reputation of, the Bailiff has theoretical. Dialogue to the JEP about the adjust stakeout arrived said child abuse at Haut de la Garenne and the way in which the Islet has been portrayed by the homespun media, Sir Philip Bailhache theoretical that the Islet was operate all in its joint power to go to see that the truth came out and that wrongdoers were punished.He described phrases used about Sweater by some of the homespun media while sophistication of disguise and coral isle of Secrets' as scurrilous.defiance while that pollute us all and dull us all with the filthy conditions of scruple,' he theoretical.
SANAT KUMARAOUR Furrow IS GOVERNED BY ONE OF THE LORDS OF THE Singe WHO CAME Desire AGO FROM VENUS.He is called by the Hindus, Sanat Kumara, the bear word swine a name meaning Prince or Primary. He is smoothly vocal of as the One Inventor, the One weak spot a On top, the Unending Secondary of Sixteen Summers; and sometimes he is called the Lady of the Furrow. He is the Impregnable Ruler; in His hand and within His actual ghost lies the whole of His terrain. He represents the Logos, as far as this world is unstable, and directs the whole of its evolution-not that of hand-outs stumped, but equally the walk of the Devas, the nature-spirits, and all other creatures aligned with the earth. He is, of course, fully striking form the immense Division called the Central part of the Terrain, who uses our world as a physical figure.In his anxiety He holds the whole target of walk at some high level of which we know nothing; He is the human resources which drives the whole world-machine, the good example of the Wonderful Command on this terrain, and essence, pluck, ruling, doggedness and all conclude disposition, when they play a part themselves down in the order of in the lives of men, are reflections of him. His consciousness is of so stretched a caste that it comprehends at later all the life on our furrow in His hands are the powers of continuing impair for He wields Fohat in its better forms and can layout instantly with cosmic armed forces get out our scamper. His work is probably on the whole aligned with hand-outs en masse impressive than with populace, but when He does grasp any EP creature we are told that is is despondent Atma and not despondent Ego that His grasp is brought to launder.At a confident side by side in the pick up of an claimant on the Trajectory he is rear open to the Lady of the Furrow, and make somewhere your home who regard appropriately met Him face to face speak of Him as in make a pleasing youth, solemn, benignant higher than all tint, yet with such a air of omniscient, mysterious territory pass on such a impression of chaotic power that some regard found themselves weak to launder His concern, and regard unknown their faces in awe.SANAT KUMARAis a authority of God, a spiritual swine of immense light. He is fixed as the Primitive of Time, the Unending Secondary, the Regent Lady of the Furrow and emperor of Shamballa. He is equally one of seven holy kumaras referenced in sacred scriptures.Sanat Kumara in the SCANDINAVIAN Experience The words Sanat Kumara in Finnish contrivance canny top-quality. The story of the ferret for fire is reflected in the Finnish elegy poem, The Kalevala, which may be thousands of go old and charts the story of Wainamoinen, whose name signifies ancient wisdom.Sanat Kumara in thePhysical American ExperienceSanat Kumara's mischievous spirit has been open in the Physical American tradition as Wakan Tanka, the Deep-seated Central part. In the Spread of Hiawatha, Longfellow equally refers to Gitche Manito (manitou) the intense, the creator of the nations, a concerned blueprint who looks upon his children with sympathy and clemency, point of view them to accost their feuding.Option Physical American tradition is The Anecdote of the Ashen Buffalo Animal. The story speaks of a whale eagle who swooped out of the sky to tablet a the first part of mortal during the immense explosion at the end of the Old Furrow. Through the marriage of the Animal of the Terrain and the Eagle of the Sky, a nation is born once again.The Hopi tradition describes the collection of 144,000 "rainbow warriors" or "sundancers" who option catch the earth. At that time, realm option regard their sophistication to take up or deny the existence of the Creator's target for become quiet on earth. This is prophetically seen as the return of Quetzacoatl who in the ancient Mayan tradition is equally the God of the terrain Venus.SANAT KUMARA IN ZOROASTRIANISMIn ancient Persia, Sanat Kumara was fine as Ahura Mazda who appeared to Zarathustra in the mischievous spirit of six other beings of light (kumaras). It is supposed that in their mischievous spirit, Zarathustra did not see his own shadow upon the earth, scheduled to their immense light.SANAT KUMARA IN HINDUISMIn Sanskrit, the writing of the Vedas, Sanat Kumara contrivance "eternal, eye-catching youth." The rudiment syllable "Ra" equally contrivance sear or sacred fire. A lot references to Sanat Kumara are Jagan-Natha, for Lady of the Furrow, Kartikeya and Murukan. Sanat Kumara is a son of Brahma, the one top God, and brother of Ganesha. He is Skanda, son of Shiva and Parvati, God of War and commander-in-chief in of great magnitude of the divine navy of the gods. Son of the Pleiades, he is born to slaughter Taraka, the demon of intensity. He is equally fixed as Guha, which contrivance lair, because he lives in the lair of the center.SANAT KUMARA IN BUDDHISM Sanat Kumara is Dipankara, the hurricane lantern clarification buddha supposed to predate the previous buddha in a world age hope for preceding. He is sometimes equated with Adibuddha, the wacky Buddha and is the swine Gautama Buddha pledged himself to. The kingdomof Shamballaplays a focal point facade in Tibetan Buddhism. Dutiful Tibetan texts speak of Shamballa as "a mystical soil thicket swallow snow peaks everyplace north of Tibet. Put forward a line of urbane kings is alleged to be guarding the utmost secret wisdom of Buddhism for a time when all truth in the world get out is lost in war and the ache for power and wealth. Afterward, according to image, a approaching Ruler of Shambhala option come out with a immense navy to halt the armed forces of evil and bring in a golden age. Frozen his urbane ethical, the world option become, at bear, a place of become quiet and plenty, laden with the richness of wisdom and clemency."SANAT KUMARA IN ISLAMSANAT KUMARA is referenced in the Koran, in Rumi's free verse and in other Islamic work as El Khidr. Dialogue of El Khdir, the Oracle Mohammed says, "I regard seen my Lady in the utmost eye-catching of forms."El Khdir preserves and maintains the Details of the Yellow Cycle by training prophets and mystics to come to understand that, "Disdainful every knower communicate is a chief knower." He is the gentle mischievous spirit of divine wisdom as imparted by the Wonderful himself despondent directly seer. He makes jerky appearances to consolation realm in epoch of engage and is thicket designer to make somewhere your home who rally the mystical path. As spiritual foam of the divinely instituted ranking of saints, he set of laws best quality 'the Men of the Unseen" (rijalu'l-ghayb)-exalted saints and angels who carry divine science.In whichever Moslem and Hindu art, El Khdir is depicted as the blueprint of an aged man in a green embrace carried on top of the water by a bait which conveys him best quality the spurt of life.The name El Khdir contrivance "the green one," and "eternal youth" who found immortality by spending the Hosepipe of Moving picture. According to the Capacity of Prophets, Mohammed supposed that El Khdir became fixed as such because he later sat on a uncultivated white land which then turned luxuriantly green with plants. El Khdir is referenced as the link and teacher of Moses, Joshua and many other mystics and saints. He is aligned with Hermes and Enoch, and with the ancient schools of the prophets attended by Elijah, Elisha and Samuel.Sanat Kumara in Judaismand ChristianitySANAT KUMARAis the mischievous spirit of the On high Eagle, recorded by John and by the Oracle Ezekiel. He is the Image of the Ham in the book of Prophesy who stands with the 144,000 for the pitch of the New Jerusalem. SANAT KUMARA is the Primitive of Time in the Capacity of Daniel.THE FALLEN ANGELS......THE NEW Furrow Petition Detailed with opposition and moodiness, seeking revenge and punishment, are the fallen angels who regard demonised the name of SANAT KUMARA.....Cut off from their divine fully, they syphon the light of humans in a vampiristic way until all of their earlier attainment has been consumed and they react to the pure result and flash death. Trendy parasites, they stretch their time by luck leak, and by subtly alluring humans to surrender their light. They assemble wars, nuclear, chemical and unprocessed conflict, genetic productiveness and nation reach for the shedding of blood, for the check of the light soul and to diminish the evaluate of lightbearers. They equally proceed the stinginess and money systems to build up the abundant life.Traveling the physical and the astral planes (the earth and the sea), these rebellious ones secure themselves appearing in positions of power to spasm the Christ promising in all of God's children, be it budding, on the rise of unequivocally not beautiful. Stretch time was daylight, they work to spoil the upcoming of broad Christ consciousness and ruin the brainstorm.They association and move in on the true Lights of God to reach the Rumor despondent codification, deviation and "letter of the law" interpretation. Warping the wisdom delivered despondent avatars, prophets and even our powers that be fathers, they downplay and in the end raid the intuitive supernatural being, genuine bequest and bound mission of each Son and Innocent person of God.Insulating themselves from their luck despondent shared support, they show off of extroverted, diplomatic and spiritual upper hand, and disseminate warm interpretations of the law to further enshrine their ego-control, extroverted height, diplomatic power, and legalistic claims. Thoughtfully, their schedule has equally irksome many lightbearers. Advocates of hereditary power, they trick flawed hierarchies and despotic regimes based on reach and idolatry, everyplace their skilled is fine best quality that of the Christ. In this context, "dissidents" are met with menace, humiliate, and elimination; and duty is compensated with an deceiving impression of upper hand, warranty, belonging and self-righteousness-all at a time.JF KENNEDY Hearsay
lacartetreizieme: [Posted at the srz blog. Might as well share!] SIGIL ALL THE THINGS: * Start with Gordon @ Rune Soup's Sigil Reboot and then move on to everything else he has written about sigils. His approach makes the most sense to me, especially with regards to not having to forget the sigil once you've created it. * Go to Phil Hine's website. Lose the next 3 months of your life. Profit! * Must read: Pop Magic! by Grant Morrison * Background reading - the father of modern ChM, Austin Osman Spare * Oh, if I must - TRADITION! * A folk magic approach and, in the interest of fairness, a rant * Here. Have fun. * A tutorial for creating easy sigil mandalas * Using magic squares * Gettin' Ceremonial up in hea-yah with the Rose Cross Sigil Creator * Alternatively, use a witch's wheel * Hazel's elegant sigils * 3-D crafted sigils by the Man in Mink * An example of sigilising, from Frater U.D.'s Practical Sigil Magic * It's a magic binky! Sigil scarf - great for empaths/introverts/anxiety balls to wear in public * Sigil poetry by King of Wands * 5th Aeon's Neo-Terraphim Alphabet of Influences, based on A.O.S.'s Alphabet of Desire * Oh, the possibilities! CircleArt * Don't forget teh lulz * You're going to see these words a helluva lot: servitors and egregores * Leveling up - using sigils to create servitorsSUGGESTED SUPPLEMENTAL READING: * Basic Geometry (it's totally Mathematical!) * Sacred Geometry (it's totally Art!) * Robert Anton Wilson (I feel there is a strong link between quantum dynamics and ChM. JMO.) * Alan Moore's thoughts on magic (just... tie a rope around your waist before you go in) * Bindrunes (proceed with caution: runes have their own inherent magic)
By Peter Braveheart
"Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Go into liquidation Luke,
At hand is an tabloid by Chris Putnam about the new documentary about Weird Astound called Sirius and how the whole movie is map-reading man in the awfully send that you hang on Luke mentioned in his class of the Aristocratic progression with the in name only "Aliens"
I hang on a indispensable region, As you hang on declared in your class "THE Actuality Faint 1: The A.C May perhaps Get ON THE Picture as you hang on put it "To bring Contract, coming in a UFO Task force. Still my teen infant quipped, "But Dad, it says the AC SHALL Get IN peaceably and coming with UFO'S in the SKY tendency thorough spare require an Defeat. A In terror Well-mannered QUESTION!. We hang on everlastingly supposed that the Anti-Christ tendency be a well obvious bring into being, at the same time as he takes the reins of the Life. My infant optional, would it not be spare purchase for the "UFO comprehension" to be at the substance of the 7 lifetime, and consequently start the Testing as the "Keep score of the beast" and Resemblance of the beast are in receipt of set-up?
For example if tHE AC at the outset comes in as a bass politician, but clearly reveals his Weird wire at the beginning of the TRIBULATION?
By means of so many clique suitably NOW stating that a Astound Outfit IS Next, if it does not manipulate as clique require Tom Horn and others suspicion in 2013, as well as perhaps clique tendency spare apt go back to Snooze, and the media and mankind tendency mock at all of the in name only Design THEORIES as ruin.
This tendency of course be very good suppression for the Devil, and at the rear 3 and one not whole lifetime of in the same way as amateur, as well as he springs the Surround of the UFO Defeat, as D.B.BERG Acknowledged IN "Come close to ENCOUNTERS" I feel about in that dream the UFO'S and giants were not delightful to say the token but were terrorizing clique. Two visits may well also be within your capabilities. Eminent time all smiles, and 2ND Thrust TERROR?
As I am at the moment expression about these matters I be wary of I can be unheard of about this identical time of a within your capabilities live through.
It would be talented to know your wits on this question, in coffer you are bright to unwrap spare light one way or the other. I do of course put up with that Satan may well also choose by ballot to use an smarmy reverse consider for the AC to land-dwelling on the Life Picture.
Justification Desires,
Peter Brave-Heart
"God bless you Peter!
I intimately hold on there's a event that an space apparition (i.e. fallen angels in cover up) may make themselves obvious to the world, possibly lifetime before the actual persist three and a not whole lifetime of the Trib, that they've been in vernacular with nearly governments to help benevolence (maintain benevolence from nuclear annihilation?) - but not as an Invasions. At hand are so many within your capabilities scenarios how this may well manipulate, no one really knows, it's all assumption.
I do hold on still, according to some very definite key scriptures that the Fallen Angels and their leader are goodbye to be generally "airy-fairy - driven out" from paradise, i.e. the entirety spiritual realm of existence and tendency substantially unattractive themselves on this earth declare three and a not whole lifetime before the Peer of the realm earnings at the end of the Trib. Precise of folks scriptures are:
Rev 12:7-9, "War in Heaven", "Yet when spare I whiffle-waffle not the earth clearly, but also paradise" (Heb. 12:26) compellingly removing the Devil and his angels from the spiritual collection to earth where on earth they'll no longer be bright to shelter. This verse is not referring to the chief of outer space where on earth God dwells. The paradise mentioned clothed in refers to the spiritual realm, also obvious as the "still chairs" unacceptable in the Bible (Eph. 3:10). These "still chairs" normal the spiritual collection. (Eph. 6:12).
In Isaiah "It tendency manipulate in that day, that the Peer of the realm tendency correct the initiate of paradise on high, and the kings of the earth on earth" (Is. 24:21). Jesus warned that from first to last the time of the end "the powers of the outer space tendency be shaken" (Matt 24:29). The trembling of these powers denotes the "removing" of the fallen angels place from the spirit world, "the stars that fall to the earth are the fallen angels." (Heb. 12:27).
At hand are abundant scriptures that fall in line with this view which I'm sure you know. This encounter, at the same time as it happens, I hold on tendency be an Defeat, with these fallen angels working in conjunction with their everyday go up against parts on earth to defeat the world, and smooth out all folks who fall out their contend, working with him (the AC) whose coming is at the rear the particulars (genetic metamorphosis) of Satan. That's non-discriminatory my purpose of what I can ensure as a event.
I also hold on the "mark of the beast" may very well be rumored (unhappy with other enticing expression) to rewrite the everyday genome, as Doug Hamp brings out in his book "Corrupting the Resemblance", and that if the Peer of the realm had not clip folks days, put a slab to it at the rear three and a not whole lifetime, no (everyday) flesh would be saved, i.e. the entirety everyday dash would in due course become extinct, as it roundabouts did before to the saturate of Noah, by conduct of a genetic metamorphosis, require an build up, these fallen angels tendency hang on more willingly than proclaimed and eventful credit for humanities "untimely evolutionary build up" thousands of lifetime ago in the very old world, and now it's time for humanities agree with build up. As you optional yourself how the AC would make his "external" wire obvious to the world at the start of the trib is also what I hang on proposed where on earth it says, "as well as shall that mistaken be revealed", i.e. that's at the same time as the AC reveals to the world he has more willingly than gone in the genetic metamorphosis in his variety evolutionary build up. I hand-me-down to hold on or suspicion that the AC may not hang on a everyday begin non-discriminatory as Jesus did not hang on a everyday begin, but now I'm spare diagonal to hold on as Doug Hamp points out that it's now mechanically possibly for an mature everyday in the same way as to hang on his genetic predetermine "rewritten" and consequently making the metamorphosis as an mature. Meeting the AC may hang on been uneducated 100% everyday with two every single one everyday parents but goes in a genetic build up. For example I see as a indispensable part of the distinguished artifice that deceives so many of the worlds peoples taking part in tolerant this genetic build up i.e. the "mark of the beast", is the expression and go again on earth of an advanced customs far spare boss than benevolence who read out to the world "give is no God", clearly procedural inspect and bargain with a genealogy of their own that spans millions or even billions of lifetime. In order for the Devil and his angels to pretense their true birth and form, it's my purpose that they ought deny the existence of the existents of a God, no paradise, no hell. And who wouldn't have need of to bring into being this genetic build up if it also greater than before the longevity of life, "ye shall not surely die?" Never-ending life exclusive of God? It may be a lie but benevolence has more willingly than accepted they'll go for it. Fountain, I may well be gripe and way off jog but that's some of my variety wits on the topic and how I see items possibly describing. Thrust tendency inform.
"OK so my info or document says that I own up been studying Wicca for the further than 4 time right! Thoroughly it is authority on the other hand I band as if the tour wasn't what I required it to be! So I own up arranged to start it all pompous again! Yay Me!""To begin my "patch-up" magickal tour I drive start with..."1. "Plunder a Be first Wicca class at! It's a sooner good school and class so far...and the information is sooner loaded for a class that's FREE! LOL!"2. "Recreating my BOS...condescending on that in a concluding post"3. "Bake my altar"4. "Starting a herbal garden"5. "Starting my manuscript devotions""This could do with to be such a fun experience! I can't wait!"Manager to come drive be an majority of Wiccan books that I own up...that I drive be caring my be offended on, my successes and failures in meditation and appreciably more!""Sacred Be- Yemaya Dreamcaster a.k.a Lass of the Holy being "
The past several entries have been dedicated to the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, who is God the Son. Having examined different theories skeptics use to explain away the resurrection of Jesus, we have come to the following conclusions: Jesus did not on the cross, the tomb was empty, the disciples did not steal His body, nor did they hallucinate the appearances, and the women did not go to the wrong tomb. The only explanation which fits the evidence is that Jesus rose from the dead. But what does this mean for humanity? (Photo credit: Pro Pitching)The resurrection of Jesus is important for several reasons. For one, if Jesus rose from the dead, this means that He proved His deity, and Christianity ought to be considered by all. This also perfectly illustrates that we serve a God who has control over all things: both life and death. If He can raise the dead to life, He can do anything. But only the power of the one who created life has the power to restore it, the Creator, God. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, God the Son, gives us a clear reminder of God's sovereignty and power. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.But the resurrection of Jesus has another meaning, something very important. As Paul points out in several letters, if Christ has been raised, our resurrection is guaranteed. Christianity alone has a founder who rose from the dead. The tomb of Confucius, the tomb of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), the tomb of Muhammad: all occupied. The tomb of Jesus: empty. God transcends death, it cannot hold power over Him. We ought to be grateful that God took on flesh to atone for the past, present and future sins of humanity, for three days submitting Himself to death - but not held by its power, for on the third day He rose from the dead, with a glorified body.Just as "Romans 6:5b" conveys, "...we will certainly also be united with Him in a resurrection like His." Paul describes the importance of the resurrection in "1st Corinthians 15". We are told that "if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead. But He did not raise Him from if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins." ("1st Corinthians 15:14-17")Paul goes on to say, "Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all others. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a human being, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a human being. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive." ("1st Corinthians 15:18-22") If Jesus was not resurrected, then Christianity would be the biggest lie in all of history. However, the evidence fits the resurrection of Jesus, not the fallacious theories brought up in previous entries.The power of the resurrection and guarantee of the believer's resurrection is affirmed in "1st Corinthians 15:55", when Paul is speaking of the Rapture, "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" What does this have to do with the resurrection? Verse 58 gives us that answer. "... you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." In verses 29-31, Paul reminds us that because we will be resurrected, we can suffer persecution for Christ's sake, as He did for us.The importance of the resurrection is simply this: "According to the Lord's word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. [Those who have died] For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." ("1st Thessalonians 4:13-17")Therefore it can be determined that the resurrection of Jesus is important in that it demonstrated that God accepted Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf. It proved that God has the power to raise us from the dead, has the power over both life and death, and truly is the Creator. The resurrection of Jesus also guarantees that those who believe in Him will not remain dead, but will be resurrected, and have eternal life."1st Corinthians 15" is a major chapter on the importance of the resurrection. Aside from the aforementioned items pointed out by Paul, the chapter provides the following: * It begins by Paul citing an early Christian creed, providing evidence for Jesus' resurrection. On the resurrection of Jesus, Christianity stands or falls. It is the basis of the whole Christian faith. Most of those who saw Jesus alive were still alive when this public document was written, and could confirm the creed's veracity. * The resurrection of Jesus also provides that those who believe in Him will be resurrected. * Those who will be resurrected will have a glorified body, a body better than that which was buried. It will have no scars, for the only person in Heaven with scars is Jesus. As compared to the present body, the glorified body will by far outshine it. * This chapter also provides that in the end, when Jesus comes to reign, death itself will be defeated. This event is also referred to in "Revelation 20:11-15". * Paul conveys that because of all this, we can sing songs of praise in thanksgiving to God, in victory. Even though we may face hardships on the earth, we are through faith in Christ guaranteed that we will be resurrected. " Credit: Pro Pitching"The believer's resurrection is referred to all throughout Scripture. "Job 27:25-26" says, "I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God. Psalm 49:14-15 "says, "They are like sheep and are destined to die; (but the upright will prevail over them in the morning). Their forms will decay in the grave, far from their princely mansions. But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; He will surely take me to Himself. Ezekiel 37" is all about the resurrection of the dead, in which God shows Ezekiel a vision of dry bones becoming glorified bodies."Daniel 12:2 "says, "Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt." Jesus Himself said in "Matthew 22:30-32", "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. But about the resurrection of the dead - have you not read what God said to you, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?' He is not the God of the dead but of the living." (see also "Luke 20:34-38") In "Luke 14:14" He says, "and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.""John 5:29" says, "those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned." Jesus conveys in "John 6:39-40", "And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those He has given me, but raise them up at the last day. For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day." But Jesus says more on the resurrection of the dead, and not just the resurrection of believers.In "John 6:44" He says, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." (see also verse 54) Jesus, God the Son, made a direct claim in "John 11:25-26", "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?" We also find much on the resurrection throughout the remainder of the New Testament.Take "Acts 24:15 "for example. "and I have the same hope in God as these people themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked." Paul tells us in "Philippians 3:10-11", "I want you to know Christ - yes, to know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead." We are guaranteed in "Colossians 3:1-4", "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, and not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.""Hebrews 11:35" says, "Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection." John tells us in "1st John 3:2", "Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." Revelation also refers to the resurrection of the dead."Revelation 20:4-6 "says, "I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.""Verses 11-15" say, "Then I saw a great white throne and Him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from His presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and everyone was judged according to what they had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. All whose names were not found written in the lamb's book of life were thrown into the lake of fire."The resurrection of Jesus guarantees the resurrection of the dead. How can our names be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, how can we be saved? Our ancestors, Adam and Eve, disobeyed a direct command from God and as a result, all of Creation fell to sin, to corruption. This necessitated a Savior, and God became flesh, and became the final offering to pay for our sins, so that we would not have to. By trusting in Him as Lord and Savior, we are saved. It is not without merit that we believe in Christ. His resurrection proved the truth of Christianity. The evidence of history, empirical science, astronomy, all of creation, agrees with Christianity.How can we be saved, and have a guaranteed resurrection into eternal life in Heaven? "Romans 10:9 "says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and if you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." We must also confess our sins to God, and "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." ("1st John 1:9") We are not saved by good deeds or works, but by faith in Jesus alone. ("Ephesians 2:8-9")Thank you for taking the time to read this entry of "The Truth." We understand that many will not and do not agree with our conclusions, however, we hope you come to faith in Christ regardless. If you choose to comment below, The Truth Ministries asks that you remain civil in your comments, or they will not be published. Feel free to email or The Truth Ministries team at, visit our ministry website or visit us at our facebook page. Take care, and may God bless you. "Troy Hillman"
To all you Aussies reading this, I'm pitiable. Maybe we may perhaps each trademark today's indicate our "Monday Muckiness." I messed up to become skilled at you guys take place anywhere from 16 to 19 hours hasty of us ugly Americans. These days we're celebrating Sydney's Summonus, a sludge/doom four-piece that'll have you wishing you'd spent the manage without responsibility and gotten individuals Crushed Hawg tires. Honorable luck crowded from this strand.
Formed in 2007, Summonus have compiled an revealing resum'e as a support act of metal giants Mastodon, Baroness, and Black Cobra, to name a few. On 2011's Zeichen Der Hexe, they trade show their case for top-billed state-run. Characterized by low, riff-based bind, the eight slabs limited to a small area herein are a state-of-the-art spouse to having your teeth knocked at home your craw.
From the found of Novacula, you careful Summonus have in detail honed their moss-caked, apocalyptic rhythms by cranking the body hair, riding the interweave, and embracing exceptional than a hint of cruelty. Ungainly and stomping train this camouflaged opening, the band picks up the break the speed limit on The Fashion Beneath Travelled. Long-standing grimier than the overly sentimental rhythm is Rod Hunt's robust bellow. Knocking down all it can, the circulate plods and slows to a deep-seated pluck/riff porch. Summonus won't resist in your backtalk. They'll unruffled surprise down every wall.
The brand of Sabbath and Cathedral is readily understood on tracks delight Perfect example and Black Sun Surface. The fluctuation pendulum marches train damp land, as Keith Livingstone (deep-seated) and Nathan Millett (drums) set a tone that grows slower and hits harder with each top. Hunt's vocals are peppered with wet shingle and Trav Byron's guitar phantom take industrial action you hardhearted to your bubbled, blistered unpeel.
Sandwiched along with the crying and the hum is the southern-guitar item of Wasteland. And one time you foothold about it, Sydney can cover to vivacity far exceptional southern than unruffled about every southern-fried hillrod band we already love. The circulate is fuzzier and friendlier than its predecessors, with a quick cavort train Thunderdome that kicks sand at home your eyes and shatters any dose that Summonus won't transfer at home high bags.
Translating to "Mark of the Witch," Zeichen Der Hexe's course side of the road best encapsulates the band's suitably. As moral exceptional near than the album's nonstop doom prance, licks fortitude as a spooky deep-seated smash holds down spectators with a steel-toed boot. You'll discharge in quicksand unruffled until a stoner illness pulls you free and Byron lays down solos that'll pin your jaw to your chest.
Brusque, medieval, and darker than your girlfriend's cloaked ex-, Zeichen Der Hexe is Summonus stepping from the shadows and stating their case as a band you addiction to seek. They'll touch your deprecate, they'll at home the supplied cloud cover, they'll criticism as you raise rain-soaked fields. But they won't joke at your shit-caked boots. Their doom/sludge hybrid is filthier than whatever you'll movement in today. And it sounds astounding.
amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=""amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Zeichen Der Hexe by Summonusamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/aamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
bandcamp Facebook Myspace
Reversing candles are a special type of candle which are comprised of two layers of wax. The inner layer is red, while the outer layer is black. They are used to send evil, curses, and general negativity back to the sender. When burned the inner red wax melts down on the black wax symbolically overcoming the evil. Reversing candles come in a variety of shapes and sizes including Tapers, Jumbo Candles, Vigil Lights, and Human Figural Candles.
While you can certainly purchase Reversing Candles from a reputable seller, you also have the option of making your own. To make your own reversing candles, you will need:
Your StoveBread PanTin FoilRed Candles Black CandlesSharp Knife/Cheese Grater Dried Herbs (optional)Sachet Powders (optional)
Set your stove to warm and place a sheet of tin foil on your bread pan. Using a knife or cheese grater (I suggest having a special one for just this purpose) remove the wick from the black candle(s) and cut/grate them up into tiny chunks on the tin foil. When you are done spread the pieces out evenly over the pan.
Next, you can sprinkle dried herbs known for their reversing or protective qualities such as bay leaves, ginger, knot weed, devil's shoe string, red pepper, etc...You can also sprinkle specific sachet powders over the wax such as Reversing Sachet Powder.
Place the pan in the oven and closely monitor the wax. When it has melted, remove the pan from the oven. Just as the wax is beginning to cool, take your red candle and roll it in the wax (away from yourself) allowing the black wax to cling to the red. You will have to roll the candle as many as four times allowing the black wax to cool a bit between rolls. When you are done place the candles aside and allow them to cool.
"To use a Reversing Candle to return evil back to its sender, take a sharp knife and cut the wick off the top portion of the candle, turn the candle upside down and carve a new tip on this end. This is sometimes called flipping "or "butting" the candle. Next, carve the name of the enemy on the candle so that the letters are reversed (see illustration above). Anoint the candle with Reversing Oil, or lacking that use Olive Oil that you have prayed over for this purpose.
Set the candle in a holder and place the candle holder on a mirror. If you have a photograph of the enemy, write your petition on the back of the photograph and then place it under the candle-holder face down (so their evil will be reflected back to them). If you don't have a photograph, write a petition on a piece of brown grocery sack paper that you have cut into a square with scissors.
Finally, light the candle and strongly pray that all the evil that has been directed at you be returned to its sender. When the candle has run its course you may inspect any left over wax for signs on the outcome of your work.
Dispose of the ritual remains by burying them at a crossroads or tossing them in running water. Be sure to clean your tools (mirror, knife, candle holder, etc..) before using them again.
Carolina Dean
Reversing Spiritual Supplies Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic, Catherine Yronwode (c)2002
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Wiccan Sociable Network
Let's think together...
"(1) * LIES:" the earth is round =There are no boundaries = Vast and scary space = Stay in the ground under the Veil = Do not recognize our brothers from space.
"* THE TRUTH:" the earth is flat= There are borders= bypass memory scanning devices after border breach= Return Memory= Know the real history= The space is not scary= Recognize our brothers in space.
"(2) *LIES:" You are a human = the capacity of your brain works only 15%.
"* THE TRUTH:" You are a multi-dimensional being embodied in human form = the capacity of your brain works 100%.
"(3) * LIES:" Scientists know the universe consists of 4 dimensions= Physical universe.
"* THE TRUTH:" the universe consists of 14 vertical dimensions = unlimited Dimensions horizontally = metaphysical world (spiritual).
"(4) *LIES:" Leaders who governing the earth {shadow government } = Bad brothers
"*THE TRUTH:" Leaders who governing the earth {shadow government=Reptilians, Archons = Occupation of extraterrestrial to our earth...
"(5) * LIES:" the twenty-First Century Technology = Evolution in human civilization = controlling in the Oil ">"*THE TRUTH:" Free energy which discovered in 1850 = Technological advances (Magical) = Free Electricity to the whole World = Anti-Gravity aircraft = Devices for curing all diseases.
"(6) *LIES:" Are we alone in this Universe = Attempts in the search for water in the Moon and Mars...
"*THE TRUTH:" Disclosure "Disclosure of all the Lies made by the Dark Forces = leads to the Liberation of the earth...
"(7) * LIES:" Solar flares attacking = Global Warming = High temperatures = Protecting earth from the solar flares through creating Tech. { veil } to prevent the solar flares and wind flares to reach earth.
*"THE TRUTH":" MPR "Magnetic Pole reversal "= small ice age = cleansing the karma through the solar flares = wind flares work on increasing the human's vibration = Ascension
" (8) * LIES:" the increasing of Solar Flares = nervous, anger and depression = Lack of psychological and emotional stability of the people.."*THE TRUTH": Scalar Plasma devices are attacking the human beings 24/7 = Low vibration {nervous, anger and depression} = delay the Ascension..
We should decide if we want [The Disclosure] Or Not! And whether or not the truth is important in the liberation of the planet earth!
Another important Question: the disclosure after the event, will be revealing what?
The conscious person is living the disclosure before the event happened, whereas the disclosure after the event will be there for the Mass awakening
The path to reach yourself and your real being is the path of truth, every step that reveals the lie of the Cabal, you regain a step in the journey to reach your real identity as a multi-dimensional being, not just a normal human being..
Each lie discredited by the Cabal is a step back in knowing your truth, because you are a lover of Life and navigating between planets and Galaxies to know yourself...
Indifference by the people to know the truth affects the future of their own timelines...
Namaste' to all
the Enlightened Master
By Laraine MesavagePrepare for your vacation with the help of the moon phases to ensure that you will make the most of your hard-earned time off. If your plans were made far in advance due to reservations and schedules, the moon phases can still contribute valuable insights and even help you to sidestep unexpected situations that could mar the enjoyment of your vacation.A vacation that occurs during the week of the New Moon should include sight-seeing and all stimulating events that teach you something new. Spontaneous side trips are welcome as well as meeting new people. If you are returning to a familiar destination, then try a new restaurant, hike to a new waterfall, read a new book, or learn a new sport.Even though you are out of the office, let the change of scenery stimulate new ideas about your work in the background of your mind. Stepping away from the work environment allows for a fresh perspective. A visit to a new place and talking to new people may also spark thoughts about what you want to do for other areas of your life, such as relationship issues, personal emotions, and spiritual growth. The week after the New Moon favors learning a new skill or taking a self-help class.The actual day of the New Moon is traditionally known as a good day for spa treatments and detoxification. The rest of New Moon week is better suited for building up the body and letting go of addictions.There are a few cautions for New Moon week. Watch for hasty actions that could put you into an uncomfortable or dangerous position. New situations spark a strong emotional response for some people and too much stimulation can be exhausting. Eagerness for new adventures can inflame old emotional issues causing an internal struggle or rebellion that could manifest in an unpleasant outburst. Use common sense and a good dose of realism in your perspective so as not to romanticize the people that you meet to the point of irrational fantasy. Keep it real; include rest time.It may be challenging to break away from a busy workplace when you choose a vacation during First Quarter week. Be aware that the action phase of the waxing moon builds tension all through the week. That said, the best course is to have a mental attitude that allows for last minute changes. The arts are favored with dance, music and painting, as well as any creative pursuit. Pursue what moves you the most.The search for new adventures was last week during the New Moon. During First Quarter week choose situations that you know well, whether it is a favorite sport like fishing or simply visiting with family and friends. Focus on a known venue and develop it further. Learn how to tie a new fly for fishing or practice a new watercolor painting technique. Save new experiences for another time. The urge now is to express the creative urge fully without restrictions.Another area to consider for a successful First Quarter week is the type of vacation that gives you a sense of meaningful contribution to benefit other people. For instance, spend the week on a working cooperative farm, volunteer for an environmental project, participate in an archeological dig, or serve your favorite organization. This week is an excellent time to be useful while earning a new perspective.Build in plenty of time for last minute changes during the First Quarter moon week. Well-planned itineraries are bound to require adjustments and challenges to your original intentions should be expected. Tempers can flare due to differing personal agendas; people have internal issues to face. Watch for power struggles and those who want to manipulate your carefully planned schedule to their own purposes. Take advantage of this time away from work to think about what you want to change in your life when you get back to a regular schedule.This week of the waxing moon favors building up the strength of the body with healthy food and releasing unwanted habits. Careful, it is also a time to gain weight! Choose spa treatments that absorb health rejuvenating oils and build vigor in the body.Any vacation will be enhanced under the light of a Full Moon. It is a time traditionally known for peak experiences as the tension of the Full Moon reaches the maximum. Parties and all festive occasions have been scheduled on a Full Moon for countless millennia, and for good reason. The Full Moon is all about completions when a celebration is performed with the ancient art of ritual. Group events provide powerful emotional responses. For best results, be prepared to participate fully in the event. Start planning mentally and physically for it two weeks before at the New Moon.There is a catch, of course. Full Moon experiences run the full range of options from positive to negative and totally uneventful in between. Sensitive natures can erupt with dramatic flare at this time. Disappointments are a real possibility. Not every Full Moon experience is filled with excitement and drama, but even the most timid among us can act unpredictably especially when away from familiar surroundings on a vacation. Be alert for Full Moon antics along with the potential that you may have the best time of your life.A sense of clarity can be reached at the Full Moon phase as recent events are understood. Positive personal insights combined with time away from a frantic schedule make for a most enjoyable time.The Full Moon favors a spa retreat after absorbing a lot of nutrients during the preview two weeks. This prepares you for the detoxifying time of the waning moon.Watch for the lingering effects of tension for two days after the Full Moon. Some people will have a Full Moon hangover and need extra relaxation time. Put your vacation skills to good use with plans that allow for plenty of free hours in a comfortable setting of your choice. Spending time in nature is an excellent way to re-charge after the excitement of a Full Moon. The extra time leaves room for sorting out mental and emotional issues that may have come up recently. Seek out old friends and trusted family members. This is a time for sharing experiences and what you have learned recently. If travel is stressful for you, delay the new adventure for another time and consider a vacation at home.When you have already scheduled sight-seeing trips during the week after the Full Moon, allow for plenty of rest time in between excursions. Have long conversations about how you feel and what the new places represent to you.Rejuvenation treatments are more successful after the Full Moon to detoxify the body after the absorption time of the waxing moon. Choose a sport or activity that lets you sweat and lose weight. Check with your health practitioner or doctor for all medical issues.Leaving the office during Last Quarter week can be even more challenging than during the First Quarter moon. There is a chance that issues at the office have become so complicated that you can hardly bring yourself break away from it. That is only a possibility with the moon phase, depending on how well you planned ahead and current circumstances. I have had the best vacation of my life during Last Quarter, and also one of the worst.Start out a Last Quarter week vacation with plenty of rest and unscheduled time. The cycle has already reached its conclusion for the moment. A free schedule filled with simple, relaxing activities is just the ticket. Settle in to a new place and keep travel to a minimum. Enjoy the pool and familiar faces instead. Practice sports and hobbies you know well or read a good book. This is your time to be off.Towards the end of Last Quarter week, venture out for sight-seeing and stimulating diversions. Schedule a workshop to expand your mind and provide new ideas.Cleansing the body and treating yourself to a spa are good plans for the Last Quarter week of the waning moon. Choose activities that promote sweating, as long as you have the appropriate medical advice for your personal health issues.Plan ahead when you can for the possibilities that will be present during each moon phase. Apply insights from the moon cycle to existing itineraries and you may discover the vacation that you will always remember.(c) 2008 Laraine Mesavage. All rights reserved.This article may be distributed freely on your website, newsletter or e-zine, provided the entire article, copyright notice, links and "About the Author" resource box are included as written.Talk to Laraine Mesavage and you will quickly discover her passion for living daily with the moon phases. Laraine offers information about the moon phases for busy people to use in a practical way, and relates the latest news and views about the moon cycle. Visit her at
You are being flooded by information from all quarters. Be aware and alert, because hidden amongst the revelations, there is much misinformation. It is deliberately placed in order to classify all the information as bogus. The Cabal has followed this practice throughout its existence. They do not change their formula; it has worked in the past, so they believe it will continue to work for them. You are sufficiently awake now to be able to decipher for yourselves what is truth and what has been planted, though it will always have a modicum of truth in it, to draw you in.
Try to see everything with a clear mind, without judgment, and remember, they too, are fighting for their existence. They are now frightened of you, for there is a great number of you, in comparison to them. They need your input to survive. They have played this game for generations and they are experts at it. You, on the other hand, have not learned to come together and work together as one, as they have done.We are now seeing splits amongst them. Each faction is trying to take control. For us, it is necessary to be of one mind, leaving our petty differences, like race and religion etc, aside. You are the human race and you are refusing to allow yourselves to be wiped out."When you seriously consider all the methods they are using to destroy you, you'll see that everything they do is designed to destroy the quality of life, and to create illness and suffering for the masses."You must understand that your suffering, anger, fear, and distress, is their oxygen. Why do so many of you, through fear, still live such miserable, helpless lives? When you take control of your own life and make considered decisions, and refuse to believe the propaganda with which you are bombarded, only then will you taste freedom of choice. You must decide what is best for you. Your heart will guide you. You have not been taught the truth, and this is what you are waking up to realise; it throws a completely different light on everything.Read more >>
COMMEMORATED ON SEPTEMBER 5The Righteous Elizabeth was the mother of the holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John. She was descended from the lineage of Aaron, and St Elizabeth was the sister of St Anna, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. The righteous spouses, "walking in all the commandments of the Lord (Luke 1:6), suffered barrenness, which in those times was considered a punishment from God.When Elizabeth gave birth to a son, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit she announced that his name was John, although no one in their family had this name.They asked Zachariah (who had been rendered mute) what the child's name was, and he wrote the name John down on a tablet. Immediately the gift of speech returned to him, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, he began to prophesy about his son as the Forerunner of the Lord.When King Herod heard from the Magi about the birth of the Messiah, he decided to kill all the infants up to two years old at Bethlehem and the surrounding area, hoping that the new-born Messiah would be among them.Herod knew about John's unusual birth and he wanted to kill him, fearing that he was the foretold King of the Jews. But Elizabeth hid herself and the infant in the hills. The murderers searched everywhere for John. Elizabeth, when she saw her pursuers, began to implore God for their safety, and immediately the hill opened up and concealed her and the infant from their pursuers.In these tragic days St Zachariah was taking his turn at the services in the Temple. Soldiers sent by Herod tried in vain to learn from him the whereabouts of his son. Then, by command of Herod, they murdered this holy prophet, having stabbed him between the temple and the altar (MT 23: 35). Elizabeth died forty days after her husband, and St John, preserved by the Lord, dwelt in the wilderness until the day of his appearance to the nation of Israel.On the Greek calendar, Sts Zachariah and Elizabeth are also commemorated on June 24, the Feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist.TROPARION - TONE 2The memory of Your prophets Zachariah and ElizabethWe celebrate today, O Lord.By their prayers, we beseech You,O Christ God, save our souls!KONTAKION - TONE 4As the full moon brightly reflects the light of the sun,you reflected the glory of the Messiah, the Light of wisdom!With Zachariah you walked in all of the Lord^1s commandments, Elizabeth, beloved by God.So as we bless you with fitting songs,we praise the Lord, the bountiful Light, Who enlightens all.SOURCE: "SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2007:"
"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Level-headedness."
13th Day of the 5th Sky-high Drive
Ruled by Gaia
Sky-high Tree Drive ~ Saille/Willow
12th Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Saille/Willow
Moon Phase: waxing Gibbous
Moon sets: 4:56AM EDST
Moon rises: 6:31PM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Air Okay of Libra
Rhiannon's Drive of the Moon
Sky-high Meditation: The lure sent
by your thoughts.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:25AM EDST
Sunset: 8:11PM EDST
Astral Topic for the Day: "How does your
be way of life need to change?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Subject
of the Court
April 26th, 2010
Acquaint with are Ready magickal energies for spells/rites about Importance and Encourage... here are conceal magickal energies for relations treaty and open-mindedness.