In addition to ourselves, presenters included Selena Fox, Weiser Books, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Starhawk, Ellen Evert Hopman, Mary Greer, Patrick McCollum, Jason Newcomb, Steve Blamires, Luisah Teish, Max Dashu, Michael Smith, Athena Wallender, Amber K and Azrael Arynn K, Sabina Magliocco, Rachel Pollack, Sam Webster, Lon Milo DuQuette, T. Thorn Coyle, Margot Adler, Carl Neal, Tony Mierzwicki, Raven Grimassi and Stephanie Taylor, Orion Foxwood, Penczak, Brandy Williams, Skye Alexander, R. J. Stewart, Diana Paxson, Don Frew, Melanie Marquis, Sylvia Braillier, Llewellyn Publications, Gus diZerega, Kenny Klein, Z Budapest, Lupa, James Wanless, and Donald Michael Kraig.
With Elysia Gallo, Llewellyn Senior Acquisitions Editor for magical books
Action shot with Rachel Pollack
Chic's Lecture on Israel Regardie
With Chic and Lon
With Chic, Lon DuQuette, Sam Webster, and Joe Max
Don and Holly Kraig
(Don Kraig's review of Pantheacon 2012 is posted on the Llewellyn blog.)
On Friday we perused the Vendor Room and saw more magical jewelry, clothing, and ritual items than you could shake a wand at. Later that evening we represented our slide-lecture on "The Rosicrucian Vault: A Compendium of the Universal Unity." Like all of our lectures, it was very well attended (with 100+ people in the audience). After the lecture, the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawngraciously held a reception for us in their suite. I brought several copies of my new book with me ("The Book of the Concourse of the Watchtowers") and these were quickly snatched up, making me wish I had brought more.
Saturday afternoon we presented a slide-lecture on "Drawing Forth the Light: Creating Magical Talismans" which also discussed the creation of Planetary Squares and Sigils. Later we attended an exclusive Llewellyn party/author Meet and Greet. That evening we attended a lecture by Donald Michael Kraig on "Why the LBRP Matters." Like all of Don's lectures, it was informative and entertaining.
Sunday morning we were invited to sit on the dais as honored guests and participate in a public performance of a Golden Dawn Prosperity Ritual by the Open Source Order. All attendees received a talisman consecrated by the ceremony. It was a potent event. After the ritual we returned to the Vendor room for a book signing, followed by tarot readings at the Ancient Ways booth.
In the afternoon we attended a concert, "The Provisions Tour" by Lon Milo DuQuette, which was held in the night-club of the hotel. It was not to be missed!
Sunday evening Chic gave his lecture on "Israel Regardie: Man and Magician." It brought back fond memories for several of us who knew "Francis."
I must say, the hospitality suites were very hospitable, the sheer variety of magical regalia worn was incredible, the ribbons were a hoot, and everyone we met was great.
By Monday it was time to leave. We were exhausted, but it was a good kind of exhaustion. Many thanks to Glenn Turner for running such an incredible convention. And thanks again to our friends who made us feel right at home.
We look forward to Pantheacon 2013!
UPDATE: Pantheacon Reviews:
Llewellyn blog