I wasn't fortunate enough to have grown up in a Wiccan household and have rituals, spells, and books passed down to me. My family are all Christians. (most of them anyway). Ever since I was little I have been interested in witches. I can't tell you how many times I went as a witch on Halloween. I was always interested in the magical world and magical beings. My mom is Christian, however she used to always tell me stories about how the women in my family are witches. I remember her always being so serious when she told me these things. I never really thought much about it though because I thought she was just trying to entertain me with stories. Who knows if she was being serious or not, haha!
So I grew up in this house and this family of Christians. I can't tell you how hard I tried to be like them. I went to church and Sunday school, Bible Studies, everything I could. I wanted so badly to be like my family and believe in the things that they believed in. I wanted God to speak to me. I wanted to feel Jesus like my friends did when they were at church. It just never happened for me. At the age of 16 I began straying away from Christianity. I became agnostic and really just lived my life with this empty space in my heart. Everyone I was around knew what they believed in, or at least pretended to know. I was so lost. I felt so alone that I even came back to Christianity. I tried once again to feel what all the other Christians felt. I read my bible every night and prayed to God to give me a sign, to help me find him. It never happened so I gave up once again. Not knowing what to believe, I became agnostic again. I hate not being spiritual, it makes me feel like I'm just floating around life with no protection and no guidance. I don't really know how else to explain it other than that.
When I was 19 I found Wicca. I didn't really know much about it other than what I had seen on TV and in movies. I began researching all that I could about this religion. I immediately loved what I saw. Now I have been studying for about a year and I couldn't be happier with myself and what I believe. I love how in Wicca I am always learning something new. I love that nature is the center of this amazing spirituality. I don't have to ask for a sign from the God and Goddess because all I have to do is feel the wind blow through my hair, feel the earth beneath my feet, see beautiful animals roaming around. That is proof enough that my religion is true.
The main thing I have learned is that you can't rush studying this religion. It's called a year and a day study, but I plan on studying longer than that. I know that it takes time to be a good Wiccan. It isn't something that you can just jump right into. I can't express how much I truly love this religion. I feel that it has been calling me my entire life. I feel so close to the Goddess and God and I know that they are here with me, helping me, guiding me, etc. I have never felt more at peace with who I am and I have never felt more in control of my life.
I know my story isn't as interesting as a lot of people on here. However, it is mine. It is how I came to make the best decision I have ever made in my life. Thank all of you for reading and Blessed Be :)
Credit: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com