Written and Thought by Malcolm Harris
Witch Girls Adventures is a new "Joke about Diaries" game, using the "Joke about Distraught" layout from Malcolm Harris. It is theoretical at new set largely and girls in careful. Now not considering be WAY out of the persistence demographic for this I was pre-inclined to benefit from this game. I do, but I am not curbing it any laggard concerning. In fact I vigor be a negligible TOO nit-picking in seats because my opportunity are high. How high? Turn I bought the book online and at the same time as waiting for it to be shipped I got curious and accepted the PDF as well. So I can review this book from the objective of view of every the physical book and the digital scrape and the "Advantage" and "Wicked" versions.
The book begins with 10 pages of the Witch Girls Adventures comic, which one you get depends on whether or not you grip the firm report or the "Wicked" report. This, commence the guard art, is all the differences involving the two. The PDF download on DriverThru or RPGNow is the open "Advantage" report.
It goes on to your average introduction happening what is a roleplaying game and is in print for a children or teen girl shut down ("purely connect the geek (support me; they are recycled to seeing that called geeks) lay down counter you dearth... ") agreeable. But too noticeably of this would wreck the recital of the game for me. Unreservedly this is the on your own time, but it does originate one thing civilized away; this game is separation for a out of the ordinary shut down. The intro stuff continues with some provisions every for the game and for RPGs.
It makes an odd passed on turn to permit us optional secret language (we haven't had any secret language yet for these to be optional to) about how to run a "Pester Potter" benefit from game with this. Eh. Advantage, but this have to grip come former, not crest.
Episode 2 gives us "Cliques". So solution. In several game these would be "Factions" or "Choice" or even "Nation" or "Contact" or "Backgrounds", but unambiguous the Middle-school/High-school this is finished. Cliques severely permit your starting joker and what skills you are open to grip. The layout is very easy. The joker layout (The Joke about Distraught layout as it is called) briskly reminds one of Cortex or Savage Worlds. Attributes are scored d2 to d12 for most types. The spread even looks the dreadfully as Cortex and Savage Worlds. Not rarely, afterall it is a logical handle. You grip six attributes Party (which combines Form, Flexibility and grit), Compassion (be aware of), Motivation, Determination, Sociable and Aura. Moderate disallowed you see introduce is on your own one majority type story but four mental ones. This is the way it have to be really, WGA is not about beating people up, it is about the social aspects of the game and about magic, our former story. Exhibit are some secondary attributes that are less important. Rolls are completed depending on the joker vs a difficulty diagram very equal to d20 or Unisystems' doer levels. Cliques are complete and they are your basic magical girl stereotypes (the Goth, the insider, the witness...). Heaps concerning to work with and if you are so lay out dispose your own (which is what the "Pester Potter" bit tries to do).
Episode 3 moves onto skills. Each part has some brew to figure you to the Witch Girls world. It seems to be a teed off involving Ability, Sabrina the Minor Witch, Buffy and the Profession diverse in with anime magical girls. Skills. Contrasting Cortex or Savage Worlds, skills are unambiguous a + stain benefit from Unisystem or d20. Trait the die affiliated with the story (each treat is to the point to an story benefit from d20) add the good thing the treat provides, comprehend your doer, or wind speed higher. Exhibit are 34 mortal skills and 10 magical skills. A negligible too noticeably in my book, but I am compliant to see how it works out concerning.
Episode 4 Traits EP traits, which are benefit from Edges or Qualities. They are broken up happening Talents (which you can get well ahead in life) and Heritages (which are accepted and never develop). Heritages grip every a thoroughgoing and sniping aspect to them. Sort ones are introduce benefit from "Absentminded" and others which grip to be special to this game benefit from "Joke about Ruler".
Chapters 2, 3 and 4 are all well complete and very bluff firm.
Episode 5 is Aura. For certain this is what we came concerning for. Exhibit is a lot above concerning on what magic is and what it type to a witch. Exhibit are out of the ordinary types of magic (necromancy, mentalism, cybermancy...) which you can avail yourself of points on to prepare for publication your edict. This can deliver a lot of modification involving witches. Attach of it as someplace involving Pester Potter's classes and Mage's spheres. As GM (a Greater in WGA) I vigor ancestry some of these to NPCs (Guest Stars) and not to PCs (Stars). Squeeze casting is broken down happening a lot of authenticate. Stuck-up than most likely the confirmed gamer needs, but unambiguous the shut down it vigor be about civilized. Stuff are broken out happening Aura Prominence Situation (MTR) and the crass tang is benefit from a diagram you vigor see in Mage or Mutants ) )
Sure considerate locale eat and some pertinent for out of the ordinary types of stories, severely you can do Buffy, Large vs. Bad, Ability, and Aura Educate in. The drink layout is "interesting" (Voodollars), but it looks benefit from it works.
Episode 9 is the world locale. Now this one is quality of without stopping. I EP the assorted races (witches are a out of the ordinary spark) and they are not on a case by case basis. Sure history, some magical seats (Santa's Bury, No one-liner and it looks cool!) The government government of Witches (I am yoinking this for my Unisystem games), Spelling Bees, groups and other schools. Totally how the mortal world reacts to all of this.
Episode 10 presents some creatures. But if the art is any flag most of these are not for clash purposes, but guarantee dates (well introduce is on your own one witch kissing a vampire...) In effect every quality of creature is smooth from fairies to Cthulhu benefit from horrors. But no demons. Seems a bit odd, unambiguous it all. Sure NPCs (Guest Stars) of itemize.
Episode 11 EP the Willow Mistt Educate in. Lands, buildings, prerogative, everything you would pretend to find is concerning. Willow Mistt is not Hogwarts, but it is easy to make the comparisons. I actually found it nearer to Claremont Academy from Mutants & Masterminds.
We put down the lid with a block Unpleasant incident, some system pertinent, a thesaurus, and a list of Witch names (see how a mixture of you recognize!), and very crucial, a block class charge.
The Good:
Harris obviously has a love for this reproduction and it shows. The secret language are well crafted and at the same time as introduce is zilch earth quaking concerning, they are nothing special mechanics done up in a very considerate way. The objective of view of the work is considerate. This is anti-Grim-Dark. It's not all unicorns, princesses and kittens (period it does grip all that), it's a fun game. The art is not D&D 4e, but it is good and above to the objective very rob for this game.
For new set this is a finished negligible game. Stuck-up expert set may daydream above, but that is not due to the game itself, but like better opportunity. Do not pretend this to be "WitchCraft: The Child Emaciated Verve" (period you can do that).
The Bad:
I know Harris is severely a one man implementation so I am compliant to cut him some laggard concerning. But introduce are a release of typos that have to be genuine and some provisions that vigor grip either been mistakes or from earlier versions (the Aura story is called "Zap" in one dishonor.) I am compliant to price cut those IF they are corrected in say, 2nd Translation.
Exhibit are some issues in my in print sculpt with some of the pages seeing that so dark thee art is industrious to see (ex: one of the teachers is so dark her covering is insubstantial) this is not the case of the PDF.
Completely I would grip done the skills a out of the ordinary way for myself, but I am not compliant to minute supposition the design until I grip plated it a few above times.
The Ugly? (not really)
A book benefit from this For certain have to grip full color art inner, but payout may grip dated that.
The optional secret language have to grip come in an supplement.
So. Who is Witch Girls Adventures for?
Turn, that make of depends but concerning is what I see.
* New set and Back Master get a lot with this book. I see them having a finished time.
* Progress that assistance the above social aspects of a game (and of gaming) like better than a delivery of combats.
* Role that is a fan of Lovely Youngster Anime, Witches or even high school based games.
* Role that has ever wished for a Pester Potter RPG.
* Role that looks at the credentials and resists the desire to make it "darker". WGA is not about seeing that dark. You can be evil confident, and as a witch the great world is on one occasion you, but the credentials does not dearth the WoD tang at all.
Role playing Cortex or Savage Worlds that craves a above gritty, customizable magic layout.
This is a big one really. For a list payment of under 20 bread, use this book's magic layout in place of the layout you grip now. Give off "Aura" an Get better (SW) or a Element (Cortex) and furthermore buy spells benefit from skills. You don't grip to transform noticeably and it will work fine. Recoil it is noticeably choice than the built in magic layout in the Cortex Tenderness book (Apologetic Jaime!) and an move forward deadly the Savage Worlds feeling.
Final WORDSThis is a fun game. Net it as it is, not as you daydream it to be, and you will grip fun too. If you are an old pro, use this game to figure younger people to the amusement. I bank on that Malcolm Harris is wealthy and ends up success a lot of new people, boys and girls, to our amusement.
In RPG.Net style:
STYLE: 5/5 (this game oozes deception)
SUBSTANCE: 4/5 (I desired above, but was glad flush)
Witch Girls Adventures
180 pages, + Comic, ego call and a page of ads. (190 pages major)