'Equality' is a notion that is:
1. RECENTLY INVENTED (the past few hundred years). It is a made-up virtue. A fake virtue - ungrounded in common sense, natural law, spontaneous human behaviour.
2. In one sense equality is CONCEPTUALLY "IM"-PRECISE, since there is no agreement on what should be equal and what should not...
3. Yet in another sense equality is MATHEMATICALLY PRECISE, objectively measurable, and "non"-quantitative - all-or-nothing; since equality is operationalized as sameness and either things are "exactly "the same (so far as we can tell), or else things are not exactly the same; so that if justice is equality and equality is just, then "any "degree of inequality counts as total injustice.
4. Thus we have a made-up, invented, fake virtue which is both incoherent and yet mathematically psuedo-precise - and this utterly nonsensical entity has been "inserted" into human affairs by top-down propaganda from the anti-traditional Left; where it has - due to these peculiar and paradoxical qualities - utterly confused traditional morality and thereby EQUALITY HAS USURPED ALL OTHER VIRTUES"."
5. And at the same time "IN"-EQUALITY HAS USURPED ALL OTHER SINS as being regarded the primary evil of the world (nothing is ever allowed to justify inequality).
We conclude that equality is a concept utterly demonic and repugnant, and to be shunned by all virtuous people.
Credit: witchnest.blogspot.com