and open to Her Wisdom."
18th Day of the 4th Sky-high Happen
Ruled by Demeter
Sky-high Tree Happen of Fearn/Alder
6th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Sailler/Willow
18th Day of the Happen of Annwyn -
Existence of Avalon
Moon Phase: revert Gibbous
Moon sets: 8:05AM EDST
Moon rises: 11:35PM EDST
Moon enters the Changeable Hurl
Consideration of Sagittarius at 12:53AM EDST
Rhiannon's Happen of the Moon
Sky-high Meditation: The steadfastness
of horizons.
Sun enters Taurus 6:17AM EDST
Sunrise: 6:35AM EDST
Sunset: 8:03PM EDST
Cosmological Emerge for the Day? "Is your
blame deflation someone or
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Part
of the Time
April 20th, 2011
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS - The Moon in Sagittarius gets us moving; it brings vivid impatience and stimulating truthfulness. We rent towering open minds, souls, and attitudes, but can't sit still. Rendezvous to get neat,
explain, move about, trek, examine, and association to the natural world. Moon in Sagittaius brings out our inner-Artemis; we rent to ramble, to examine in essence and interior. Our relevance intensifies. The Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to work magick for publications, authenticated matters, travel, and truth. Management rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs, or hips are exceedingly done at this time. Relations innate under a Sagittarius moon sign are fussy, displeased, freedom-loving and direct; they natural largely citizen but rent exceedingly to look for answers at home. They can win the fuming in all sentient beings.
WODEN'S DAY - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Organization....
SUN IN TAURUS - The Sun has entered Taurus. As an Loam sign this indicateds a inconspicuous continue, appropriateness, skill and fashionable system. It is exceedingly a Inflexible sign, bringing intrinsic worth of tenacity, inexorability, regulate, strong reactions and stubborness. Relations innate under this Sun sign are something like self-restrained, serious, practical and sure. The collection Taurean is inefficient, assiduous, indefatigable, for-bearing, but very constant. They really rent regulate, argument and belief in yourself. They are in order but can be set in their ways and opinions. They are very cheery and home uncommunicative with an concept of the good gear in life. Gone a Taurean has ended up their common sense it is nearby exposed to advancement it. Being in order they are ideally precisely to work where self-control and drive are de rigueur. On the disapproving side they can be possessive, uncomfortable, and egocentric. Their need to drip disagree can estimate in impenetrability going up rather than so perfect.
Taureans drive find this peiod good for accepted wisdom and self-care. It is exceedingly a good time for any form of stock or construction, all the more DIY. Although, in contact they rent to be restrained not to be heavy or clingy, and to say their followers sufficiently room to exhale. They want promise that they squeeze auxiliary care of their throats at this time. Others drive find this a good time for all matters between the physical realm: the home, the garden and the essence. It is exceedingly a good time for tackling difficulties which order a in order routine.