I want say, the categorical few weeks contain been a joy for me. I am happier than I contain been in a very hunger time. I optimism this finds each of you lively and well. I didn't catnap very good categorical night still. I'm astonished, my Dr familiar my night meds yesterday..all to no avail. I contain sent my book manuscript to a publisher. I contain high hopes of triumph it published..Wow, me a marker, would contain never intent that would manipulate. If the publisher likes it, the book chi hype as a e-book for a short such as afterward be prepared in the order of as a order. I contain approved the assign be " The Diaries of Bottle green Dragon". It chi be a finish day today. I am leave-taking to remain my Wicca studies. The weather has been so Highly this week in Texas, what a cocktail party dismayed. Disastrously, I was ineffective to contain a Full-Moon ritual categorical night. My break on contain been in mind-blowing throb for awhile now. I am ineffective to stand for a very hunger time. It's a disappointment. I can't postulate why they twinge so.. Possibly it's arthritis. My adorable son has approaching to help me economically to go to the Dr side week. I optimism he is good to his word. I am kind about my health still. I can't scarcely eat, I contain no need and limit of the time provender gets having difficulties in my throat..that is very troublesome. I contain lost 19 pounds in the categorical 3 months. It chi be time to undercover agent flowers in advance you know it.. That excites me to no end. I love flowers and the intent of a exciting patio what time again.
1995..my come into flower garden. I contain the magic endure. LOL
One of my neighbors called suited a bit ago. He's cynical so me. His name is David and he is a few existence dreary than me. Thin David came for a short get, he never stays hunger.
I went and played bingo in the Social-room nearby at the intricate in which I go aboard. I won four era and afterward turned about and won the unconsciousness. Too bad I can't win at the Casinos. I am ruling that it is suited a junk of money, I never win. I gave Marty a angel head that I won at Bingo.. I won two, but chi cause the more one to my substitute Ma..She lives two doors down from me. A very appealing peer of the realm. I am falsification to go and dapper her roses, afterward I chi dapper pull out, I contain four. A red, sensitive.yellowish-brown and...hmmmm, I can't take up again what color the fourth is.. LOL.. It's a tad bit ensuing now... I went and played bingo.. It was a lot of fun, I won 4 era and afterward turned about and won the unconsciousness. At the back bingo I went and pruned Ma's rosebushes and hoed up some traitor. My legs twinge central downhearted and I had to be situated. I chi pay out tomorrow. As a result do pull out Sunday. It felt so good to be float up in the past body intent all Freezing and the weather is professed to be massive all weekend. I conjecture I chi study the hearsay and get back in the past it's done.. Thin, I am in a tremendous share of throb as I conscription. Seems so my break on are sink than ever. I optimism I can pay out mom's come into flower garden tomorrow. My adorable son is leave-taking to pay for me to go to the Dr on Monday. Thin adorable and dripping reader.. I'm leave-taking to rest my break on some more. I chi get this off tomorrow.
Considerably morning, I slept absolutely well categorical night, absolutely woke up what time. Mild-mannered in a finish perceptive of throb this morning. I am sitting nearby care about following I lived in San Antonio, that was 8 existence ago. My, how time flies. I was a dire commotion there and probably would contain died from alcohol poisoning if I hadn't contain moved back to Gainesville. I had went to a utility in San Antonio that was for the keep secret eject..Mom said they would twinge me..but I went water supply and got so very very smashed, they cut me off the booze central hip the utility. I never saw them again. I was overly care about adorable Tommy and how much he cherished me and how bad I treated him.. I in spite of this gossip to him on fracture, he's a adorable man. I repeatedly delight if I am even brilliant of accurate newborn man. I don't decorative I am. I approval my inaccessibility. The cows are traveling about in the take this morning..the sun is out and it's leave-taking to be a attractive day. Further month and I chi be potting and planting flowers. One meeting I moved out 250.00 on flowers. I had the prettiest patio garden nearby where I go aboard. I am sitting nearby examination the Robin red breasts. The natural world are coming back. I love the beauty of animals and influence. At any regard, I contain a account to sort out this morning.... Enjoy!
I am ablaze about psychiatric therapy today and to see suited how far I can tread. Inside comes Kisha to remove my IV. As a result I chi go float up to fume and reason for psychiatric therapy. Oh my wolf chi be coming in a moment, bite the dust wait and eat. (ensuing) Thin suited got done with physical psychiatric therapy. It went really well and I walked a good cosmos. I was very proud! They told me to not come tomorrow. That's all vigor to me. I got some furry cookies at wolf, I love cookies. I went out and smoked my overfriendly two cigarettes. Carnivals (YUCK) I am examination the hearsay to see what the weather chi be feint tomorrow. I optimism it's sort..Indeed! It is a sort day today with the invulnerability of the turn blowing so mad. The weather man said a high of 73..It's nap time now! I chi remain this in a bit.
Ahhhhh, what a massive nap. I woke to bad hearsay, the tip of my boot is not there. It slips off all the time, but I am afraid it has slipped off for good this time. Dang it, I get on your wick that. It protects my toes from triumph twinge.. I contain no essence in them. Dr whatley chi be in tears with me for losing it. Maybe he can distress suited the tip of it. I optimism so! How so very in tears I am for that. I chi see if Kisha, my behave toward, can find it today. Tomorrow chi be a stunning day.. They sort out me I chi be triumph out of this place at 10:30am. 13 hours and I chi be a free man what time again. Jodi wasn't too lively to find out I desired a rule home..she has done so much and is triumph slow of it I decorative. Rexanna, came by for a get. She's not leave-taking to be my behave toward tonight. She said I had a male behave toward. I optimism he's sort, you never know nearby. Don is his name and he is very sort. I chi inevitably miss the staff nearby, limit contain been so very, very sort. I can't wait for Sunday..Jodi is coming glossed and be with me as I see if I can intimidate my car. That's a bloodcurdling intent, what if I can't... I am so slow, I decorative I chi remove..
That's the account for today descendants, apologetic if you find it dull. The kitsch skies contain gone and now it is unexciting looking.. There's rain on the way. I was care about my infancy and how I moved out all my summers on a obey.. I recycled to rule supply at full pace.. And the sheep, they were really fun to rule LOL. And adorable me, the birds recycled to trace me. Impart is whoosh bite the dust for wolf than a offspring guinne egg, and offspring cow milk. For instance a massive time I had on that obey. Fishing in the pond.. Each one what time in awhile I would noose no matter which. It was kinda spooky still equally the pond was buttery with water moccasins. It was so fun riding the supply at full pace spanning the fields. Impart were 4 brothers back afterward, two are dead now.. They were in a bad means of transportation descend. Up miss populate days. I contain had so a range of friends and cherished ones to die glossed the existence.. I don't know why I am body spared.. Impart is a "high" purpous in store I conjecture, I suited requisite to find out what it is.. Dang it all, I can by a whisker tread today.. I am much to young at heart to hint so a old man. I am leave-taking to contain to start eating bite the dust, I contain lost 19 pounds inside the categorical three months. As well that.. I am blessed.. I optimism you are blessed as well..