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Monday 29 September 2008

H High Tempest Zenedarfrostwhisperbladefist Recruiting For Mythic

H High Tempest Zenedarfrostwhisperbladefist Recruiting For Mythic
High Tempest is a semi-casual raiding guild located on Zenedar

We have been a stable guild for over 5 years now, with steady progress throughout all content, and will continue to progress as Blizzard are releasing new patches.


deathknight (tank) medium

druid (balance) high

druid (restoration) high

druid (feral-tank) high

monk (healer) high

monk (dd) medium

monk (tank) high

paladin (protection) high

priest (healer) high

priest (dd) high

shaman (elemental) medium

shaman (restoration) high

warlock high

warrior (protection) high

Also exceptional players are highly recommended to apply even if your class isnt listed.

Our progression in WotLK before we took a summer break is as follows:

Glory of the Ulduar Raider 10 & 25

Algalon the Observer 10 & 25

Trial of the Crusader - A tribute to Insanity 10 & 25

Glory of the Icecrown Raider

Bane of the Fallen King @ 15% ICC buff

11/12 Heroic on 25-man ICC

Our Cataclysm 25-Man heroic progression:

Bastion of Twilight: 5/5

Blackwing Descent: 6/6

Throne of the Four Winds: 2/2

Firelands: 7/7

Dragon Soul: 8/8 (Spine/Madness @ 5% buff)

Mists 25-Man Progress:

Mogu'shan Vaults 6/6 HC

Heart of Fear 6/6 HC

Terrace of The Endless Spring 6/6 HC + Elite HC

Throne of Thunder 13/13 HC

Siege of Orgrimmar 14/14 HC

Current Mythic Progress:

Highmaul 6/7

Our goal in Warlords of Draenor is to clear all content as fast and efficient as possible whilst remembering this is still a game, therefore it's to enjoy.

Raid schedule consists of 4 nights during progression being on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Monday as new patches are released, and 3 days when content is cleared with Monday being off.

We raid from 19:45 - 23:30 (Invites start at 19.30).

Any person considering to apply to us should consider the following:

- With a tighter schedule and a tighter roster, anyone willing to join will be expected to be reliable and have a high raid attendance.

- On occasion being able to extend raids for 1 extra hour if we believe we got a good shot at downing a new boss.

- Anyone willing to join should know their class inside out.

- You'll be expected to research any encounters, optimal rotations, upcoming class changes and min-maxing your performance, you may do the DPS but fire is bad and dead people can't DPS.

- We are running the guild with a loot council, and thus the officers will distribute loot to the people they see gaining most from each item. If you aren't happy with that don't bother making an application.

-The trial period will last until we have evaluated your performance to judge whether you're suitable for the guild or not.

Our website and application form can be found here:

Any problems or questions feel free to contact: Ssilent, Saiphlol and Macio.