* Switch to open wall* Switch to lift
* Switch to open wall
* Cage with Emmanual Cravitz for quest 37
* Q with Horn of Ros (this item is one of the best: indicate the HPs of enemies)
* Medusa, Medusa Enchantress, Gorgon
* Gold Dragon
* Unique: Q
Efficiency level: hard
As you enter, the first two rooms hold nothing of much interest. There are two peasants here which are not hostile -- harming them will seriously hurt your reputation so stay away from the massive area-effect spells. The next hallway has an ice trap that shoots down the hall at regular intervals. Duck into each of the rooms on the south to avoid it.
Don't go down the ramp at the east end of this corridor, as it will merely teleport you back into the corridor; instead jump off the ledge north (halfway down the corridor). Watch out -- there's a Gold Dragon down here and he's not pleased to see you. When he dies, push the switch in the corner of the room and that opens up a passage that leads into the main part of the temple.
At the end of the corridor, turn right and follow the corridor around, through a small room, into the main altar area. This room is filled both with Medusae and peasants. When you have killed all of the Medusae, click on the cage in the corner of the room. This is where Emmanual Cravitz is being held. You need to free him to complete quest 36.
If you're up for a challenge, you can go through a secret door near the southwest corner of the room you went through to get here (the one with two corridors leading out of it to the south). Behind the secret door is Q and he has some nasty Finger of Death and Erradication attacks. I'd estimate him at about 16,000hp. On his corpse is the Horn of Ros which (if you have it in your possession) lets you get a hit point number for creatures rather than a bar graph.
Return to the corridor and head down to the west end. Get on the platform at the end and flip the switch. Then take the corridor down to the end and flip the switch on the wall. This will open up a wall back near the entrance so you can get out of the Temple.
Credit: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com