and open to Her Wisdom."
7th Day of the 1st Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch
18th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Beith/Birch
7th Day of the Cycle of Imbolgen -
Days of Reclaiming
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon rises: 10:37AM EST
Moon sets: 11:40PM EST
Moon in Pisces v/c 8:21PM EST
Moon enters the Cardinal Fire
Sign of Aries at 10:24AM EST
Bloduewedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: "The courage
to fail and try again.
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:43AM EST
Sunset: 5:12PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "In
which areas do you most need
to grow?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
January 10th, 2011
MOON IN ARIES - The Moon in Aries lights a fire under our tails; it wakes us up, strips away our complications and our patience. We can make a fresh start but tend to shoot from the hip, move fast, argue quickly. Time to: initiate, speak up, weed, honor independence. This transit asks us to remember who we truly are, even it bothers those we love or work for. Tempers. tears and passion run hot. This is a time intense activity, reaching out in emotional surges, impulsiveness. You might feel impatient now and want to initiate new things and we are highly assertive and enthusiastic. Those who born with their moon in Aries search for fire, fierce Independence and their own voice. They may need to learn patience and cooperation. They can appreciate our fire. Moon in Aries is the best time to work magick involving leadership, authority, rebirth, spiritual conversion or willpower. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time.
MOON DAY - this is the Day of Remembering and Feeling.... there are minor magickal energies for spells/rites for domestic power.