Derren plays chess against a group of Grandmasters and wins the majority of the games. He then asks all of the players to count the number of pieces left of their own colour left. The total number matches a number he has already written on a white board, but more impressivly, it also matches a number written in an envelope entrusted to one of the participants at the start of the competition. - Derren Brown: Mind Control - Home Page
Welcome To My Mind Control Site. DERREN BROWN: MIND CONTROL Derren Brown Join the forum to share ideas on mind control.
Derren Brown - Video clips
Watch this and see if you can control Derrens mind. Read about how to plant ideas in other peoples minds. Watch this clip Silent responses
Derren Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trick of the Mind was Derrens second series, which is now in its second year. Unlike Mind Control it is all completely new material.
Derren Brown Mentalism, Hypnosis, NLP and Magic Resources
DERREN BROWN: Mind Control 2 broadcast 25 August, 2001. DB talks about the ability to influence anyone with psychological techniques, and demonstrates it be