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Friday 20 May 2011

Religion High Priestess Beltane Blessing

Religion High Priestess Beltane Blessing
Brightest Blessings, Dear Ones. On behalf of each member of the 7witches Coven, I want to wish all of you a Happy Beltane and offer my blessings to you and yours for a prosperous and abundant year. This is a wonderful time to pause and be thankful for the blessings that we have been given. I, for one, am blessed by the presence of you all. It warms my heart to know that I, and the 7witches Coven, have been able to play a part in your spiritual and Magickal growth. I believe that the greatest work any of us can do is to try and leave the world more enlightened than we found it, and so it is an honor to pass along much of the knowledge and wisdom our Coven holds dear. When you experience hurt, so do we all. When you laugh with joy, we share in your mirth. That, Dear Ones, is the true measure of a family. A family is exactly what all of you are to us. And so, on this great Beltane Sabbat, I will conduct a special blessing of prosperity and abundance within our Circle tonight for each and every one of you. Please feel free to leave any precise requests in the comment section below. I will ask the Goddess to show favor upon your endeavors. May the light and love of the Ancient Ways guide and protect you always. J.Roslyn
