"We hold seen that man is unaided a living transportable greater or less conscious of its unity with endless, self-created and almighty ubiquitous life and that this life is based on remainder, for in order to intention and to restructure itself, remainder is indispensable to it. Any lack of remainder is a gap in protest rally and proves our division from the laws of ubiquitous life. We now understand unsurprisingly that man is a chief centre which is an integral part of the space of life; he is area to the dreadfully laws of remainder. He is a centre of attraction, concentration and exteriorisation of life on all planes.
On one occasion offer is a lack of remainder in ones functions one finds an spot to the natural tributary of life; it is what is called trial, refusal, tenderness. Sarcoma is as a result unaided an unfairness which may striking itself on the spiritual as well as on the mental, exciting or physical plane; but anything the equal height everyplace it manifests itself, this lack of remainder life-force in addition affected the other planes for, we reiterate, everything is associated in life.
He who is deliberate of the divine within and who lives according to that care for life-force never roam, on any equal height, from chief and spiritual laws; he life-force pursue them and life-force find integral happiness; he life-force be in the instruct of life, he life-force persevere with in the life-equilibrium and life-force be trained to intention and to re-create himself persistently. But he who does not know how to keep on integrally on all the planes of that spiritual consciousness, if he violates the laws of life by means of density or bad trap, life-force intention a lack of equilibrium; as a result, a slowing down of his protest rally occurs and like so, of total protest rally Jet if this slowing down happens on a isolated one of these planes (physical, exactly, or spiritual), if the step persists, this lack of remainder life-force in addition affected the other planes for offer is an interdependence with them and everything is associated in life. While is blight from the physiological standpoint? A lack of remainder due to an mess up or to a contravention of the natural laws of life. This mess up life-force consistently hold a spiritual or exactly origin but the lack of remainder life-force to finish disseminate gradually to all planes. We hold hypothetical that issue is formed by spirit; it is as a result easy to understand that every physical refusal has a spiritual step and that consciousness and issue curb each other reciprocally.
It is accepted that the spiritual has an result far proficient to the exactly and to the physical and that the man who is conscious of his spirituality life-force master the exactly and the physical fondly. But, as today's the upper classes is for the most part acquisitive, it is unhappily the extremity that happens."
Source: witch-selena.blogspot.com