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Addressing Some Misconceptions About SourceI was planning for this entry to be a continuation of the Our Relationship with Source series, but some of the comments from previous installments have shown me the need to address a few things first. It seems that there are some who have taken to equating God to manmade religions, as well as to equating "him" to the concept of a controlling earthly king. And from the disgust generated by such false associations, some have even gone so far as to deny God's existence outright, calling him "our imaginary friend in the sky." That last perspective really makes me smile, because it involves "incarnate pieces of God" vehemently proclaiming that God doesn't exist. "There is no such thing as wood!"...Looking at Source through our perspective of linear time, "his" existence predates not only the creation of manmade religions, but the very existence of humanity as well. And as we have collectively groped through the veil of forgetfulness to get a feel for what's on the other side, many of the insights we've gained have been twisted and dogmatized by self-serving entities who do not have our best interests in mind.The religions that resulted from the meddling of our adversaries have been offered to humanity as a substitute for a living, breathing, true relationship with the Source of their being, and many of us have taken the bait. In doing so, the captured ones have accepted the idea that they are separated from God, and have thereby greatly inhibited their capacity for spiritual growth. And among those who were not captured or who have escaped, there are some who were left so disgusted by the false doctrines that the very mention of the word "God" makes them want to vomit. Since such an outcome leaves the dissenters still entangled in the idea of separation from Source, it suits our adversaries just fine.To those who fall into the aforementioned militant dissenters group, I say this..."You were quite right to rebel against the mind-controlling dogma of the religious ones, but don't be so quick to substitute a dogmatic rejection of God for their dogmatic misrepresentation of God. If you allow their assault against you to create a mental block to exploring the idea of what lies beyond this life, you are still under their control. They cannot force their ideas upon you, so set down your sword and shield and look upon the big questions with your own eyes. What I offer you in this blog is not a rigid new doctrine to take the place of theirs, but a narrative of how I threw out external dogma and arrived at my own ideas, and I invite you to do the same for yourself. Nothing about life will make sense until you do."There are also some who worry about what it means to be part of a collective consciousness. They wonder how they can maintain their individuality and free will while still being one with humanity and Source. From feeling into this, I've come to sense that collective consciousnesses, like computer intranets, can be configured in two basic ways: as a peer-to-peer (workgroup) network or as a domain. In a computer workgroup configuration, the users' computers are able to share information and work together, and each user defines her computer's level of sharing and participation in the network. But in a domain, each computer's relationship to the network is defined by the domain controller, which dictates exactly what it can and can't do.When I ponder the psychic connection all humans share with each other, I sense a peer-to-peer network, not a domain. The same feeling comes when I sense the relationship of our souls to Source. God places no restrictions on souls, neither does "he" exert control over them (as is clearly demonstrated by his allowance of all the selfish and destructive acts committed here in our world). And why not? Because to place chains on our souls is to place chains on himself, and that would be self-defeating. Our souls are the hands with which God creates, and we create as we see fit. The only restrictions we face come from the defined limitations of the forms we choose to experience.This being said, if you find yourself concerned about how you can preserve your individuality while being part of the One Consciousness, you needn't worry. "You are already doing it," and as long as your current flavor of individuality is of interest to you, it is, by extension, of interest to Source (because "your will IS God's will," and vice versa). And opening your eyes to the relationship you have always shared with Source changes nothing about the relationship itself; the only thing that changes is your false and limiting perception of it.On the other hand, if other entities suggest to you that you should "become one with god," I'd pause to think about that for a bit. And I'd ask, "What do you mean by 'become one with,' and to which 'god' are you referring?" My perspective is that I'm already one with Source, and have always been so. So exactly which "god" are they wanting me to switch to? Do they want me to join their space cult? Do they want me to worship some god wannabe who has already ensnared "them?" Do they want me to "become one" with their collective consciousness "domain?" Do they want to change me from a self-determining peer on Source's network to a controlled client on their demigod's network? Do I really want to be a drone in their beehive collective?In this world we live in, we must mind the small print. The adversaries we face have a way of skirting around free will by using legalistic approaches that focus on the Letter of the Law rather than the Spirit of the Law. That being said, keep this in mind...THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS "BECAUSE THE DEVIL CREATES DETAILS IN WHICH TO HIDE."That is why corporations and governments present us with byzantine bureaucracies, and why laws are written using thousands of pages of ambiguous legalese. So if any space critters should come along and offer you a very detailed and complex argument on why you need to "do this" or "do that" to reestablish your connection to God......such as, "Crawl into one of our transformation chambers*......*to facilitate your conversion into a transhuman superslave/supersoldier cyborg drone"......I would think twice before acting on their advice.Source always speaks to us with simplicity and clarity.I send you my love....