From my response to thread "mahamudra" at
Keywords : primordial awareness yoga, jnana yoga, nondual tantra, Buddhism and prajnaparamita, Heart Sutra, Mahamudra book reference.
( Note : this article has now been posted to a number of major meditation-oriented tribes, establishing several profound connections to the Buddhist teachings for many throughout tribe.net. )
Mahamudra has Buddhist and non-Buddhist lineages and techniques.
In some forms of physical yoga mahamudra simply means a certain form of a long physical stretch, e.g. in hatha yoga and 3HO Sikh kundalini yoga. That is far from the profound meaning. ( And anyway, there are many other good stretches in hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, etc. )
The profound meaning of "Mahamudra", which means "Great Seal" in the innermost esoteric Buddhist yoga, is "primordial awareness yoga", as sealed by the nature of awareness as originally pure and all-encompassing. It is a yogic intruction based on the Guru Sakyamuni's teaching of Prajnaparamita, in particular the core text known as the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Hrdaya.
So in this short article I will provide a summary introduction to the foundational Heart Sutra/ Prajranparamita and to Mahamudra/ Great Seal teaching based upon it.
Mahamudra means "nondual awareness", originally free and unobstructed and undivided by nature. It corresponds approximately to Jnanayoga in the Hindu tradition.
The Heart Sutra is a most important Buddhist scripture for many millions of Buddhists in China, Tibet, Korea, Japan, and now the Western countries, including Zen Buddhists and tantric Buddhists alike.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart Sutra
See also
"Essence of the Heart Sutra: The Dalai Lama's Heart of Wisdom Teachings" [Paperback]
Dalai Lama (Author), Yeshe Thupten Jinpa (Translator)
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Wisdom Publications (July 7, 2005)
ISBN-10: 0861712846
ISBN-13: 978-0861712847
"For more than 2,000 years, the Heart Sutra has been of central importance to millions of Buddhists. Whether memorized, chanted, or studied, this sacred text is often looked to for inspiration. Based on talks the Dalai Lama gave in the spring of 2001, Essence of the Heart Sutra is a masterful translation of the Dalai Lama's teachings and reflections on the Heart Sutra, teachings that provide fresh insights on a mainstay of Buddhist practice.
"In addition to providing the words of the Dalai Lama, this book also brings together an overview of Buddhism, background material, and complete commentaries to elucidate the teachings and place them in their proper context. These bonus materials make Essence of the Heart Sutra a book that can be valued by beginners as well as one that provides seasoned Buddhists with many delightful new facts and ideas. A deeply profound and powerful book, Essence of the Heart Sutra provides precious thoughts on how to appreciate life's endeavor."
This specific commentary, meant for modern and western people by one of the world's great Mahayana and tantric gurus, has been rated at Amazon.com at five stars out of five by fourteen people.
This text and commentary a profund key to all the Great Way / Mahayana Buddhist teachings, and a basis for the Mahamudra teachings.
The authorization for Mahamudra, the profound and subtle practice of Prajnaparamita, is yoga sadhana, not just empty talk. It is an accessible transmission and indeed often given in the West as a tantric empowerment through tantric lineage.
This is part of the Fourth Initiation ( fourth step ) of major deity yoga empowerments such as Cakrasamvara, Vajrayogini, Kalacakra, Milarepa, Hevajra and so forth. This is as it has been transmitted for over a thousand years in Tibet ( for example ) and for many centuries earlier in classical Buddhist India.
Mahamudra was practiced as a most profound inner method by mahasiddha / great adepts such as Naropa, Tilopa, Maitripa and other mystics in medieval India, and by Marpa and Milarepa and other great adepts in Tibet. Mahamudra was also a key practice for the founder of Buddhist tantra in Japan, Kobo Daishi. It is a universal teaching throughout all Buddhist schools of northern Asia.
The Buddhist Mahamudra teaching passed from India to Nepal, Tibet, China and Japan. It is now practiced throughout Europe and North America as well as a primary and innermost Buddhist teaching.
The following openly published text, "Straight From the Heart" is a priceless compendium of many different Mahamudra teachings. It is suitable for tantric Buddhist students and aspirants, for university scholars, undergraduates and graduate students, and for Buddhist teachers.
This anthology carries sixty texts by forty authors from the primary traditions of Indian and Indo-Tibetan schools, including some of the greatest Buddhist teachers of India and Tibet.
It is self-contained, because there are many explanatory introductions and some interlineal commentaries.
This is a brilliant and inspiring book, compiled and translated by a major western Buddhist scholar and translator, Dr. Karl Brunnholzl, MD. I wish to express my deepest heartfelt thanks to Dr. Brunnholzl for his extraordinary contribution.
As an individually trained and licensed tantric guru I strongly recommend this text. Of the several hundreds of classical Buddhist texts in my personal collection, this is for me one of the most treasured. I find this book to be indispensable for both Buddhist students and teachers. It is a treasure trove of inner spiritual wisdom and one cannot outgrow it.
If one has a major transmission of a high deity yoga, such as Cakrasamvara, Vajrayogini, Kalacakra, Milarepa, Hevajra etc., it is of highest importance to get this book to understand the practice of primordial awareness yoga, which is the inner liberating meaning of the sadhana.
"Straight from the Heart: Buddhist Pith Instructions" [Hardcover]
Karl Brunnholzl (Editor)
Hardcover: 460 pages
Publisher: Snow Lion Publications (May 11, 2007)
ISBN-10: 1559392797
ISBN-13: 978-1559392792
"Buddhism has a wonderful tradition of enlightened teachers writing a short poem to sum up their experience. In... the Tibetan tradition it's generally a few pages to elucidate more teaching.
"This amazing collection gathers 500 pages of these pith teachings from the Indian/Tibetan tradition, along with a bit of commentary, some explanation and copious notes. Reading it is a priceless experience. Thanks to Karl Brunnholzl for the work of bringing it to us."
"...unique and rich poems, songs, and pithy treatises...may be repeatedly dipped into for inspiration." -- Buddhadharma Magazine
...magical...it makes one feel as though one were sitting in the presence of all those wonderful masters. -- Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D.
A compendium of profound and witty writings that will delight, inform, and inspire. -- Elizabeth Callahan
Essential teachings...I consider this a great contribution to the study of Buddhism. -- Ringu Tulku
"...well presented...Brunnh"olzl is an eminently capable translator and has made his selections from famous teachers like Nagarjuna, Asanga and the Karmapas of Tibet...profound and witty writings that speak straight to the heart." --The Middle Way
From the Back Cover
"Straight from the Heart brings together an inspiring collection of poems, songs of realization, meditation instructions, and philosophical treatises all chosen for their power to speak directly to the student. Drawn from Indian Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, as well as from all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, some will impress with their beautiful poetry and powerful imagery; others with their profound power of instruction.
"Still others share personal advice for life that seems to come directly from the mouth of the author, and some serve as immediate and profound practice instructions. Several are just delightfully unconventional, even outrageous, letting in fresh air on petrified views or musty traditions."
"Each of the works is preceded by a brief introduction and a short biography of its author. Many of these are legendary accounts of supernatural feats, edifying examples for students on the same spiritual path meant to expand their limited outlook with mind-blowing stories."
This is written in partial fulfillment of my Mahayana Buddhist teaching obligations, and for the benefit of all.
You have been helped.
inner medical tantrika and mahamudra guru in the Mahasiddha Tilopa tradition.
Sarva mangalam. May All Beings Benefit!
Siddhi rastu!