Burmese nat", Buddhist "Life Aura," equally assured as a "bhumi-deva" (Swanksalot/flickr.com)
Gap at Slight 28:30 is a clink cut down due to copyright issues; examination resumes at 31:48.
Michael C. Ruppert (heap of THE LIFEBOAT HOUR on the Up-to-the-minute Contacts Connect) congress to residential shaman and fresh supporter Graham Hancock about the censorship he is layer at the hands of the good persons at TEDx. His late at night chat has been controlled and unworldly from the website. Sardonically entitled "The War on Impact," it is actually a reveal to TED's war on the infiltration of this consciousness-raising information.
Logically than doesn't matter what military, Hancock is appear in the work of union by trade caution to natural states of stretched out and soaring consciousness, the psychedelic experience, and a global excitement aided by spirit-goddesses ("devas") such as the Amazonian entity/deity AYAHUASCA.
"The Lifeboat Hour" is Ruppert's spanking new mix of [extremely alliterative] music and inanity, laughter and loss, feeling and guilt, community and emergency, [g]love and feel sorry, as well as laughter and joy-in-the-moment. The Lifeboat Hour ineffectuality on PRN every Sunday at 9:00 pm ET and 6:00 pm PT.