The best part, I'm leaving to start it right now. I'm leaving to repost some of the old posts from the series and start working on the series right now. Bigger info about how the series give be organized and how want it give outlast give be coming soon!
From the principal post outlast year:
I've been pondering about the favorable of The Land of your birth Pagan for some time now. It seems that the favorable has been about universal Paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft at the end. In the role of I control unquestionably enjoyed redeployment on the prevent, I lever in the role of I haven't been redeployment extensively on the prevent of domesticated paganism which is as you all know, the choose of the blog.
In the role of I unquestionably don't secure to force to a series to post about the ground, I scrutiny now would be a vast time to do a domesticated paganism 101 series equally I craving all my readers to control a good center in the ground. Dowry seems to be a lot of newcomers. A number of are new to the Find time for, count others are advanced. I've had newcomers ask me how to begin. Nevertheless, I generate somebody to get "back to basics." I control eternally assumed it is decent to go back and relearn the basics no originate how advanced you control become. Perhaps I fair know that I secure this series face-to-face. I am decree it for my own boon as extensively as my readers.
Now we all know that show are dozens of websites that transport information on how to do domesticated paganism and magick. There is how you do this spell or ritual, magickally clean this room, grasp with God/dess, and blah blah blah, so on and so forth. I'm leaving to copy an idea that I did with my very in the early hours (favorably hackneyed) Flylady series and actually do everything that I exchange a few words about! I'll key about my own experiences as well as transport the how to and cop some pictures and probably even do a vlog or two eat the way.
I'm decree this equally it really sucks to sit roughly and fair key about the stuff. Print about it is fine and dandy but actually experimenting and practicing the Find time for is what really counts, right?
In the role of the choose of the series is Back to Basics (or How Not to Blow Up Your Kitchen), if I'm decree what I key about there's possibly a good wish that I give actually stimulate up my kitchen. I give be decree possessions in the role of magickal onslaught, pagan parenting, home protection magick, kitchen magick, stuck between with Supernatural being in my broadsheet life, and spells for the home fair to transport a few examples.
Atmosphere all of this hangings be thriving original? Of course not. It's all but sad that I lever I secure to key this rejection but the spells, rituals, techniques, and credo that I give use give be gathered from several sources, furthermost of which give be books. The ground of the books I give use give actually be on hearthcraft, hedgewitchery, green witchcraft, home magick, and kitchen witchcraft. Sources and venerate give be explicit of course.