Whatever your problem, whether emotional or physical in nature, I can almost certainly relate to it from personal experience. I was bullied constantly from the age of 3 to 16. I started stammering badly. I used to struggle with severe social anxiety and Asperger's syndrome. We lost 4 of our homes in my early years, I suffered from abuse and I was sexually traumatized many times. I had a long period of homelessness, had panic attacks, a constant fear of death for 8 years, depression, suicidal attempts, ADD, bulimia, anorexia and more. As you'll soon see I had hit rock bottom in all areas of my life -physical, financial, emotional, mental, spiritual- and completely turned the table on them now functioning on the high end of the spectrum.
Now I can focus on the positive meaning I've found in these events, serving others with the wisdom and love this journey has given me. Wherever you are emotionally, however hopeless it seems now, I can understand on a deep personal level where you are coming from and can give you a helping hand to find your way back to your radiant, limitless self.
On the physical side I've cured myself from many chronic diseases including Crohn's Disease, asthma, arthritis, and also of allergies, candidiasis, chronic fatigue syndrome and gluten and lactose intolerances. As a child and young adult I used to be sick almost constantly. I began to follow a 100% raw vegan diet in 2009 and did it consistently for 3 years including experimenting with enemas and living solely on green juices for 6 months. I've tried all kinds of raw and whole food diets including the Body Ecology Diet and the ketosis diet. Now with my Crohn's Disease and food intolerances gone, I can eat anything I want including meat and sugar in moderation, though now I choose to follow a balanced cooked whole food diet. Learning everything I could find about it I became an expert in nutrition and can share dietary information with you that might be of benefit if you are suffering from any of these problems. I'm adept at unearthing the psychological root cause of such ailments and can trigger in you a profound shift helping you achieve a lasting state of well-being.
I've got extensive experience with energy healing (I'm a Reiki 2 practicioner), sound and crystal healing, rebirthing breathwork (for 1,5 year weekly), different therapies, trance dance, active and mindfulness meditation, yoga, brainwave entrainment, subliminal messages, hypnotherapy, the list is endless.
Another technique I've been integrating into my life for an equally long time as EFT is the No.1 conflict resolution technique in the world called Nonviolent Communication (NVC). It has been used to successfully resolve conflict between Palestinians and Israelis in war areas and it will certainly be powerful enough to create peace and compassion in your own "battlefields" at home or at work and turn them into a source of love, joy and fulfilment. I've been organizing the official NVC group in Bath for a year and previously in London.
Last, but not least I've done 3 full programs with Anthony Robbins, the father of coaching, who's a true legend. He's got the most cutting edge tools today to help you release your past and live with passion. Don't be fooled by the false popular image about him; his methods will bring far greater joy and fulfilment into your life even on a spiritual level than Byron Katie's and Eckhart Tolle's combined. I can help you identify life-alienating ways you are trying to meet your needs and create new ways that will both create lasting happiness and fulfilment in you and serve the greater good. You'll align yourself with your soul's purpose, re-identify yourself with who you truly are on a personal and spiritual level and live in greater fulfilment than you ever thought possible.
What my clients have said:
"Profound." -J.V., Bristol
"Not only was the EFT session professionally done and very interesting, but Attila also provided me with additional background information and resources to assist me in my recovery. Attila puts a lot of time into each client and offers a comprehensive service." Karen, Bristol
If this sounds fascinating and you'd like to work with a therapist who's actually achieved tremendous results, get in touch by calling me on 07456611916 or sending me an email. I'll tell you if I can work with your issue, I'll give you an indication of how many sessions you may need and if I truly think you have not benefited from our session I'll refund the cost of the hour-long EFT session, lb55. You can contact me through the contact form here. I'll give a careful thought to your request and reply to you as soon as I can, usually within 48 hours.