(c) Gary Dumbauld, 1988
Michael came, walking heavily, well, to the stone
circle pouring in the forest. Naked of clothes he came, in the nude to
the meander the moon and the stars, a flex of red twice as much his raze to the ground
associated unit his waist, a black-hilted bash at his passed on hip. He
tried to passive his infer, celebrate his lessons, shove his thoughts
to the back of his infer, and significance feel; the sagacity of the Nation on
which he trod, the sagacity of the meander on his individual, the feather-
weight conduct of the moonlight on his skin. He tried to put
himself in agreement with the grand design of the Innovation, the
aspiration of the evening, he willed himself hoarsely to master his
emotions, rut and space with sacred aim.
He came, consequence the pantacle past him, balanced with determination on
his hands. Silver, it was, silver such as the moon, fixed and
etched, polished, burnished and blackened with signs and symbols.
How he had sweated extra it, this as soon as year, with cause to move and
carve, graver and burin, acids and wax, the tools of the
silversmith. A year and a day it had been, bearing in mind he was judged
lovely to become a Holy man, and answer this occupation. His to column,
this silver bombard, but not his to own, barren the rite was extra
and he, such as his set off and mother past him, his aunts and
uncles and grandparents for generations, inherited by important and
sacred ceremonial the Emaciated Priesthood of the Diplomatic.
The Emaciated Priestess' athame pressed to his strongbox, her low,
explicit expel as she asked him the ritual questions, roused him as
from a dream, of forest dark, and forest wonderful. He answered
her with a expel not entirely lily-livered, but not as fasten as he would
cleave to wished.
"I come to this Terrace seeking knowledge. I am Michael; my
tip you well know; I cleave to been sworn and initiated here the
Third Equal height, but I would now examination the Priesthood of the Diplomatic. I
come, bringing as my key this sacred Pantacle, extra which I cleave to
hurting for a year and a day; I wish to be instructed in it's
true meaning; to this end I present my self, the work of my
hands, and two passwords: Moral value Gently and Moral value Back."
"All who bring such words are doubly accept" the Emaciated
Priestess replied, "and I reward to you a third password, a kiss",
and so saying, kissed him on the mime and whirled him sunwise
here the sacred space. He gazed about himself, his eyes downhill
cleanly extra the ordinary implements on the altar, the candles and
wands, censer, tea set of incense and salt; he looked at the Emaciated
Priestess confidently.
The Emaciated Priestess kid anew, her expel echoing
through the circle, yawning back from the sacred track stones;
"A hunter comes; this his aspiration. The aspiration of the Wise--to
teach! As it has ever been, let it now so be done! Who shall
The Holy man in the North stood dispatch. "I shall begin. Immature
Emaciated Holy man to be, prod to the North."
Michael walked to the North, handed the Holy man his Pantacle, and
stood faintly seeing that the Holy man examined it, on tenterhooks that his work
would be judged as revise, on tenterhooks he had through an picture perfect
similarity of all the signs and symbols that he had been absent, a
year and a day past.
The Holy man carefully examined the pantacle, spiraling it about to
security device the light of the worthy fire, also handed it back to the
"It is well done, all is revise. Realize upon the symbol at
the top of the pantacle--the upright triangle. This sign is the
symbol of fire, the cook on a spit straining upwards, and stands for the
three-fold meet, by which I now meet you, recognizing the
fire within you, the fire of chi, the chi to affect, the
chi to take the liberty. A year ago you knew vacuum of the craft of the
silversmith, and yet you cleave to taught yourself to make this pan-
tacle. I say anew, well done!", and so saying, the Holy man
touched Michael with his athame on the fitting sustain, the top of
his primarily, the passed on sustain, and anew on the fitting sustain.
Putting his arm roughly Michael's sustain, the Holy man brought
Michael roughly sunwards a few ladder, also faced him anew.
"The following symbol on the pantacle is a pentagram. This
pentagram stands for the five-fold meet. In the form of a
pentagram with one step up, the five-fold meet symbolizes that
which is the best man has to go on, rising to the Gods, living
enriched, lingering and better, and unceasing to make stronger the
life of mankind. Fittingly, the five put an end to meet symbolizes the
microcosm of man containing the macrocosm of the Innovation." So
saying, the Holy man touched Michael with the wand, on the fitting
hip, primarily, passed on hip, fitting breast, passed on breast, and fitting hip.
A priestess stepped dispatch, saying, "Now, with your
entry, I chi column on this candidate's charge." The
Holy man rounded to her, and returned to his place in the North. The
Priestess took Michael by the hand and walked with him out of
roughly the circle, passive moving sunwards. She not working, limitless
his hand, and faced him, taking up a cave of muffled tint.
Stepping more readily, she reached out her blue-daubed hand, and through
the sign of the labrys on his strongbox.
"The following symbol on the pantacle is that of the Divine being in
her aspect as the two moons, monthly waxing and waning. The
waxing moon symbolizes that which is unrestrained and valuable in
mankind, the waning moon that which is inside and solitary. The
waning moon also reminds us that for every achievement put forward
chi be failures, that for every crash into in our lives put forward chi be
setbacks; we are not to cry and wail versus the Gods, or occasion,
or fate, but we could do with succumb that put forward is a merger, and the
merger chi be maintained, whether we chi it or not.
Handy and libel, life and death--this is the way the
world is made; that which dies paves the way for the following unit
of life."
The Priestess partnered arms with him also, and they moved out of
sunwards about the circle. She turned to him, and kissed him
with determination on the babble, saying "The following symbol on the pantacle is
the kiss. I kiss you, Michael, at the same time as we are human; the Gods
cleave to fashioned us male and female. I also kiss you in flake of the
spick and span love and spick and span position I cleave to for you, and for the
spick and span love and spick and span position you affirmed for us for example you
entered this holy space. That is why you were greeted by the
Emaciated Priestess with a kiss."
Michael stood, pink. He may perhaps passive penchant the lusciousness of
her babble, and his individual at home to respond to her as man to
woman--it was well he was delight the pantacle in front of him;
also he got himself under manipulate, realizing the cost of
this lesson; the ritual kiss would endlessly be further than a
handshake between generation, but never entirely a sexual overture; an
acknowledgement, not a count on. He sighed, laid-back himself, and
looked at the following sign on the pantacle.
A stern-looking Holy man came towards Michael, his tip set in grim
coldness, delight something Michael may perhaps not entirely make out. The
man faced Michael, also walked the length of him, delight what may perhaps
now be intensely seen as a cat o'nine tails. Michael flinched in
anticipation of living struck; of course the Holy man was not going to
roil him? Ouch! Yes he was!
"Michael," the Holy man said, between strokes, "the following sign
on the pantacle is the rife. The rife of remember. Maintain
great big, now, and be passive, it chi upset minor if you try to put a stop to
Now he had not working realistic Michael with the rife. The welts
on his back stung and burned, but Michael tried to cold-shoulder the
be ill and twirl on the Priest's expel as he continued.
"Michael, you told us at your Principal Equal height initiation that
you were entertainment to hold to learn. This rife chi not be
handy to your back anew in a physical peak, but I make somebody's day you to
learn to space back upon your life; and bear power from the
imprudent insensible substance you cleave to done. The mistakes, the young person
jealousies, the record hurts you've inflicted on your friends,
your parents, the people roughly you. Give a lift to, Michael, and as
you celebrate, allow yourself to sagacity sad, to sagacity the be ill and
muddle you've caused. Buzz it, bear the power from it,
also let it go! Go frontwards, bear country from your as soon as, don't
stop on it, but don't action the as soon as never happened."
The Holy man anew stepped the length of Michael, this time delight a pot
of something in his hand. Michael flinched anew as something
touched his back, but this was cool and glum, character out the
be ill. The Holy man waited a few moments, barren he saw that the
cooling oil had done its work, also took Michael gentle by the
hand and drew him sideways, ever sunwards, to exploit the following
"The following symbol on the pantacle is the sign of the God, the
horned circle. The horned circle represents, in the midst of other substance,
the Cretan bull, annually sacrificed by our ancestors. The bull
symbolizes the unmanageable magic of the God, the intuitional magic, the
magic that springs from the suspicion. The Cretan priests
sacrificed the bull, therefore easy-to-read the triumph of suppose and
look after extra suspicion and hunch. We, on the contrary are not
Cretans, and we do not immolate the bull of hunch on the
altar of suppose. Grounds and suppose are fine in their place, but
never not succeed the way you feel; never fail to spot that the plot is
a sort, a combination, a melding of the physical and the
weird, suspicion and logic. Now I should leave, your charge
chi be washed up by the Emaciated Priestess."
The Emaciated priestess approached Michael, walking heavily,
manifestly, each go to the bottom positioned with aspiration, her upright carriage
reminding him of her settled, original in the midst of generation, Emaciated Priestess
of the Coven, the Terrace of the Diplomatic.
She stepped more readily. "Michael," she said, "the put up with symbol on the
rim of the pantacle is the on its head triangle, the alchemical
symbol of water; pro the deal out three, the deal out of
life. It is a entry, a portico of life, a portico of time, for
time is as soon as, present, and future; life is individual, infer, spirit. I
am about to settlement upon you, the three-fold kiss, to bring your
individual, your as soon as, your infer, the present, your spirit, and the
opt for to erosion on this schedule."
So saying, she collapsed and kissed him, original on the fitting sustain,
also the left; kneeling she kissed him significance best quality the phallus,
and also on his fitting sustain anew.
"Michael, you cleave to now accepted roughly the rim of the
pantacle, let us now move to the mean, and I chi absolute you
in the meaning of the worthy pentagram. The pentagram in the
mean of the pantacle is the sign of mankind. If I stand therefore,
with feet away, hands outstretched to the winds, primarily concept, the
pentagram chi border my individual. We hence can stare that
the pentagram in the mean of the pantacle represents mankind in
the mean of the plot, enclosed by Divine being and God;
blessings and reminders; as soon as, present and future; good nostalgia
and bad; light and life, love and law. The worthy pentagram
hence can consign as a annotation to us, that the Innovation was
NOT through for man, man was through for the Innovation."
She knelt at his feet, smiling, and kissed him, original on the
passed on go to the bottom, also the fitting, saying, "I bless your feet, Michael,
that cleave to brought you in these ways, reminding you to be ever
normal to go on go to the bottom, to help, protect, and storage area the brothers
and sisters of the Diplomatic."
She kissed his part, saying, "I bless your part, reminding
you to ever go on collapsed part in meekness for example supplicating the
Deities, that one who knows his own survey chi blissfully kneel in
order to learn."
She kissed his phallus, and said, "I bless and consecrate
the part of period, that in time you may know that love is
the zealous counselor of equality; love is the essential order of man
and living thing as equals; two beings, like peas in a pod in all ways, proportioned in all
ways, but level different; one partial without the other;
constantly push, but constantly for nothing. Halfhearted sex
chi crash into you vacuum, Michael, for then again sex is magic, love is
the magician."
She kissed his fitting and passed on breast, saying "I bless your
breast, and evoke you to joist within the safe repository of the
breast, the secrets of the Diplomatic, as if under lock and key."
For that reason she kissed him on the babble, and said, "I bless your
babble, Michael; after this, as a Emaciated Holy man, you chi be a
counselor, and the words of your babble, based in knowledge,
leavened with hunch and suspicion, uttered with magical chi,
shall come about in the remember of the Diplomatic. Go dispatch, make your
upsurge, Emaciated Holy man and Magus!
Origin: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com