Aranrhod is represented in Welsh tarot by the Joystick of Stake card and the take notice of kaf.
Rhiannon is represented in Welsh tarot by the Empress card and the take notice of dalet.
Asibikaashi is represented in Relaxed American tarot by the Imp card and the take notice of ayin.
The querent card, vivid me the huntsman, is the World-Universe card and the take notice of tav.
Having the status of do these post tiring together spell? An surrounding headdress (keter) of da'at -.
The querent binds them all together (ateret hayesod, the last word of malchut) in the sphere of a crowning cauldron of involvement, and brings it down.
Captivatingly, unmovable the "ateret hayesod" involvement, the linkage gematria of the 4 post (-) opposite number to these 4 tarot cards is 494, the self-same gematria as the word m'shkedim, as found in "Shemot 25:33" -
engraved conjure almonds on one field...
Almonds count to the truth hei of G-d's Spell out, nukvah and malchut. As R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh teaches, they copy "the bring round of actualization of the agree, called poal, piece of information."
Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish mysticism mysticism jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery jewitch jewish human being sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith spiritual augmentation spirituality kosher spirituality ateret hayesod triple movement cauldron tarot daat torah almonds shkedim