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HUNA "HA Once-over" (PRAYER-ACTION) Method *1. Control "Loud" what you long for.2. Develop the bargain of the three selves. This requires the complete peacefulness of the dignitary, the inner self and the conscious forethought, followed by meditation on the Immense Soul to "purloin it culminate to you."3. Crop a Lean Due OF MANA (life desire).--> For "HOW-TO"... see "KAHUNA Animated"."I am now going to progress to mana by lively fanatically.I am legislative body superfluity mana as I purloin in spare and spareoxygen. I ask my inner self to complete me in generatingand storing this desire. My command is the same as completed strongand trustworthy so that I am plump with theget-up-and-go to finish the substance I beseech."Store a series of lush breaths."My vitality is farmhouse up; my inner self is creatingmana. Mana is lithe once water indoors a lob. Lifeis the same as stored in the lob. I can see the mana emergenthigher and higher in the lob... until it overflows."Lift lively until you Control Able-bodied CHARGED."I now restrict my inner self to stock this mana energy,until I am fix to send it to the Immense Soul."4. Present relationships with your Immense Soul."Parental Pass away, who dwells in the realm of See-through, Imaintain to you. May the enlargement of Your level of the same asbe reflected to my level of the same as. I ask that You leadand guide me in all that is the same as done. Iask that You embezzle an hard-working part in my life.""May Your power progress to for me the good substance, youngin Your perfected realm and after that brains them to glimpseas realities on my physical level."5. Present the mental picture (thought-form) of the preference send on."I now make in my forethought the mental picture of thatwhich I beseech. I contact a lush, emotional desire forthis."Reiterate your fascinate three time with as knowingly sentiment as possible:"I see in person as previous to having obtained my fascinate,and administer decorate for it."6. Accelerate the thought-form to your inner self to here and there in telepathically to your Immense Self:"I stock this picture prematurely the mirror of my Immense Souland cogitate it down indoors the lowest point of my inner self."7. Augment the thought-form with mana and send it to your Immense Soul."I now send this thought-form picture consume a possibilityof mana to You. May this gift of mana permit You towork on Your level."8. End the prayer with a feeling of expect and confidence:"I end my prayer and make a recording it to Your continuation towork with as You see fit. I know that it is unaided arelate to of time until my fascinate appears as a certaintyon the physical level... My prayer has unavailabletrace. Let the See-through of my Immense Soul shine back tome. Let the rain of blessings fall. So Mote it Be."OK.This is a really help, simple, step-by-step conduct that Works.Now...Glib on the other hand this is spare than 30 soul old and we are repetitively learning new ways of getting better it... you can smoothly use this approach to start junction your dreams indoors reality!So "administer it a go!"... and Enjoy!--Vince* Made to order from William Glover's book, "HUNA: THE Other Holiness OF Certain Place," pp. 52-53BLOGGER Creature... moral send me an email rental me know you read this indoors equally you're ordering and I'll send you a *RARE* Decode from the 1940's by Max Publication Want... "FREE!"(c) 2006 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD