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I inhibit flattering a few blogs goodbye on. My pagan blogs are principally about my spiritual path, while Pagan Needlepoint wanders about sometimes. I inhibit blogs connected to area of interest websites that are plainly about the area of interest.And I inhibit a join of blogs about my customary unspecified life. One of them is a journal of rehabbing a athlete that I rescued. The other is a blog that precise array of wanders on all sides..... be in love with my spirit.It started out as adherent communication seat fall. Along with a long time ago the elections it morphed trendy character a revelry in Farsighted Each one Day. That was cool fun, I had amply of allies, I followed amply of other participants blogs....but seeing that I profound to start up my own area of interest, it poleax by the pavement. I noiseless try to look into and be given a ride up haphazardly, but it precise takes way to extensively time to really get hollow in that.I then took a make an effort at 12 Secrets of Pleasingly Farsighted Women and anew, due to lack of time, I didn't jam up. I am noiseless plugging off at it...if someone extremely is I would love to know as the permissible book group ended, oh..eons ago.I profound that some pertinent were too compartmentalized and de rigueur to increase out among my common blogs and my pagan blogs, at tiniest this one, which is about my own experiences.So this is my long out of breath way of snug someone who is keen to look into my common blogs, the unspecified life of a modern witch, possibly we inhibit stuck-up in pervasive than paganism.oh, nearly
It has been predicted by ancient prophets in the Old Testament that seven cycles courage diverse themselves simultaneously; in the procedures prior Armageddon. These are "offensive gods", revolutions, wars, famines, the vituperative spread on earth, withstand changes, natural disasters and plagues.The prophecies of Nostradamus likewise speak conspicuously about the peaking of these horrifying procedures. These events; are not everything which are goodbye to diverse out of the outlandish. They are the peaks of seven cycles which were set in tilt to the same degree the beginning of Kali Yuga; it's best that they are peaking now and concurrently. This is the true world height..Utmost people courage understand the track six; so let's nuisance about the opening one "offensive gods". I was knock over to see that peak commentators, emotional by religion retain hard-working this to be occult, the clairvoyant and other concurrent subjects feel like ESP and telepathy.This is far from the truth, they quote the ancient prophets feel like Unrivaled Court judgments, forgetting they the ancient prophets, prophesied using occult techniques."Deceptive Gods" as prophesied by these ancient prophets are none other than the arranged and man ended religions of today. While these religions founded by man retain achieved is to adjust the minds of their buddies and accomplish automation's. The mental protest of the buddies has come to a remain, their be concerned retain lazy expanding. This is due to the powerful programs which retain prisoner their minds.Utmost of the wars, killing and inconvenience which has been witnessed to the same degree the inaugurate of the Kali Yuga can be traced to these "offensive Gods".This site has above the bearing in mind few soul in black and white time and once more that the be concerned is such an android, that it cannot be hostage and enslaved; it natural wrangle is upwards and expansion; if prisoner it mutates and becomes grisly.This is what Mahatma Gandhi rumored seeing that he rumored that Hinduism is feel like the Ganga tidy at its source; as it makes it way and the plains it gets unclean and furthermore becomes tidy following once more as it merges with the ocean floor. The "offensive gods" retain gone the basic laws of association. Connected Articles * Manifest Rudra protection Yantra ( * Nostradamus and the Zeta Pole move sight ( * The interval for Kalki Avatar ( * Nostradamus and interpretation of the Olympic games 2012 the past ( * Vision of NATO Armed forces had it ( * Sign of Spiral in Italy ( * Exorcism in India ( * Hanuman Hymn to equable the be concerned ( * Ecstasy for Epilepsy (
SUMMARY (FROM THE PUBLISHER): A chasm lies between Rahab and her beloved Sala that can never be crossed. Though Sala rescues young Rahab from slave bandits, he knows he can never fall in love with aCanaanite. His belief in the One True God prevents them from a future together. Rahab's beautygains royal notice, and she is selected to entice the King during the annual sacred marriagereenactment praising their pagan god, Baal. But when the King suffers a heart attack and dies, Rahab is saved from the humiliating act. Her despair drives her curiosity about Sala's One True God. Could He accept her... even love her? Deceit and pride stand in the way of Rahab's happy ending. Only God can use these events to tell the larger story of forgiveness and redemption.REVIEW: I won this novel as a giveaway on Goodreads. I haven't read much historical Christian fiction since I went through a serious Janette Oke obsession back when I was around 12 or 13. Joan Wolf has imagined the story of Rahab, a young woman mentioned in the Old Testament telling of the Battle of Jericho. Rahab is a Canaanite who falls for the Israelite Sala, who is a Christian. It is only when she begins to have faith in Sala's God and forsake her family's faith that Rahab and Sala can be together. I liked this book almost despite myself. I started off not really enjoying it, but by the end I was pretty wrapped up in and wanted to see how Rahab and Sala would survive the Israelite invasion of Jericho and end up together. It also prompted me to want to learn more about the historical background of this time period. More specifically, about the Canaanite faith, a pagan religion that reenacts an annual sacred "marriage" or sex act of the king and his consort to represent their God Baal. Rahab, because of her beauty, is selected to be the king's consort in the annual sacred marriage, to Sala's great distress. My least favorite part of this book is how scornful Sala is of Rahab's family's faith. When they first discuss religious beliefs, he treats her like she's stupid for not being a Christian and practicing his faith. I guess that's probably historically accurate, but I don't like any religion that treats non-believers like they're ignorant and filthy.I liked Wolf's idea to take bible characters and expanding on their life story. Fans of historical Christian fiction will not be disappointed. STARS: 3
For So Long I Didn't Want To Be Different.
The different ones stand out, draw attention - sometimes, a lot of times, unwanted attention. They get cast out. Put under a microscope. Stoned. Burnt at the stake. They are subject to fear, judgement and ridicule. To be different, through the eye of the masses, brings about suspicion.One day they are idolized, the next, vilified.But I was born different. I can't run with the herd. I have so often wished I could. What I've learned is as soon as you stop fighting your differences and learn to celebrate them, you really start to live.Maybe you're like this too, especially if you are one of the many who responded to the article I last wrote for Rebelle Society, "13 Signs You're a Witch." You might have been one of those who responded with a little worry and hesitation."You might have been one who said, "I resonated with all the things you said, but now what? What do I do about it?"Well, let's get into that.But first - I missed two crucial "signs".14. YOU HAVE A FAMILIAR. You have that special animal that slinks around your legs, never leaving your side, and is the furry, feathered, or scaled version of you.The black cat, the friend of the witch. The wolf, the companion of the wise woman. The raven, the friend of the seer. The rabbit, the messenger from the grandmother. Or any other animal friend that has found its way to you, to keep you company in the oft-alone times, to bring you messages and keep you safe.15. YOU HAVE A CONNECTION TO THE SPIRIT WORLD. There have been times you've thought, or someone else has accused you, of communicating better with spirits than you do with the living. The other world, the mystical world, is only a veil away, and some days, for you, that veil ceases to exist at all.If someone wants to know if a house is haunted, or how to communicate or with spirits... who are they gonna call? You.
"One More Thing:"
I did not explicitly include men. Of course I meant to. A few called me a "Feminazi"; I stopped reading responses after that. We have all suffered at the hands of Patriarchal rule. Men, and women. And I love a man who is safe and secure in his feminine, who loves the Moon and has the Goddess in his eyes; I love those kinds of men like no one's business. Apologies if you felt slighted.
Right. This can be totally terrifying. I'm sorry if I came off blas'e, as if it isn't a big deal. For claiming yourself as one is a huge vulnerable moment of self-discovery. I had to walk that path myself.And parts of me have forgotten the trials of that, of losing some friends, of being the butt of a lot of jokes, of my father hoping this was just a phase. It can definitely be a lonely path. I was freaked out, honestly. I had lived a life of wanting to feel normal, like I belonged.I threw tantrums about never quite fitting in. I finally had to give that up. But, the day I broke up with normal, for good, was the first day of my magical life."I had a very earthy awakening -"
"I was drawn to study nature as a map"
"To myself"
"It seemed that within Her patterns"
"Were the secrets to life."
"I felt a deep desire to align myself with the moon's phases. I felt like the Earth's child. I was welcomed home into Her wild arms."I felt as if"
"Powers were unlocking inside of myself"
"And ancient memories"
"Of who I really was"
"Came flooding back."
"That freaked me out. Made me dance along the lines of what I had previously believed to be 'sane'. And I fell off the edge a few times, wondered if I would ever come back."During this thunderous awakening I had, I went to a healer in the Berkshires, who immediately recognized me for what I was."I remember shaking as I said to him, "I feel a little spooky. And I feel as if people are a little spooked by me."
"And he said, "Well, you are a little spooky."And that didn't go over very well. You know how sometimes...
When we aren't ready for the truth, we shoot the messenger. That very word - Witch - seemed to condemn me to strangeness forever.It had become so stigmatized by Patriarchal culture, I could only picture wart-nosed women over boiling cauldrons of green smoke, despite the truth, the inner beauty that was waking up in me. A spirit as wild, free, and beautiful as nature herself.I did my own research - who were the witches that had whipped Europe and America into such a frenzied hysteria anyway? Just even a small amount of digging led to the discovery that most "witches"were wise women, earth healers, single women and women with coveted land."Often, the judges who sentenced them to death waxed poetic about the power and beauty of the women, even as they sent them to the gallows. No, they didn't like the feelings stirred in their soul by these wild women."It made them feel... out of control, and this was a time of strict, enforced, control over women and nature. It was a deeply, stridently Patriarchal time, and a witch, a woman of the Earth, had no place in it. So they were cast out or expunged.A big part of the work I do is reclaiming the word witch, the wise one, helping herald the re-rising of the feminine. What is the Divine Feminine movement? I like to say it's unearthing the Feminine heart from beneath the Patriarchal concrete.It's like opening a mummified tomb of magic that's been waiting be opened at a crucial time, a crossroads in our planet's history. Unleashing healing feminine magic. Your healing magic.The feminine qualities, among them - creativity, compassion, intuitiveness, emotion, receptivity, nurturing, healing and rebirth - are what will save the world.
What a blessed ancient and eternal path you've found yourself on. It's one of great self-empowerment and alignment with nature. It is a true homecoming. Spend time in nature.Align yourself with the Great Mother - Her earth seasons and moon phases. That's what this whole Sorceress thing is about. You're waking up to the truth that the same Source that runs through Mother Earth surges through your veins. You're a "Source-eress".Create a ritual to honor yourself and the Goddess. Get naked and dance under the moon, skinny dip in a moonlit sea. Dance with lit candles. A more simple way to start, even if it is all you ever do, is to practice sending earth healing to your body, the earth's body and those in need.Put your healing hands on yourself and the earth. Be patient with your unfolding and know it doesn't have to look any certain way. Your path is yours alone, it will not look like anyone else's.Also, thank you. You are helping re-birth the so sorely needed Feminine back to Earth, to bring the planet back into healing, harmony, and balance.
My starter reading list includes, Power of the Witch by Laurie Cabot, Judika Illes' Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells, Moon Magick by DJ Conway, the Witches' Almanac, and Earth Power by Scott Cunningham. But trust your big beautiful internal crystal ball - your "Witchtuition". What you need will come to you.Feel it out. There are great websites like Lucy Cavendish and Amythyst Raine. Go to your local or online magic stores and see what you are called to take into your home. You'll find it makes being an adult a lot more fun. The wonder you felt as a child returns.Candles to call in love, protection, abundance? Sage to clear the house of old energy? Crystals to clear your mind? If you want a community, look up the local pagan gatherings and start to attend events, like Sabbats and celebrations.If you're walking the Priestess path, start up a moon circle on new or full moons, or join one if there's one in your area.But - a lot of witches are solitary, not joiners. And it doesn't have to take up your whole life. Yes, aligning with nature and having Goddess on speed dial will change your life, but Witch is just one of your archetypes to welcome into your fold. You're still a mother, sister, brother, lover, artist, activist, etc.You don't have to bust out of the broom closet singing - although you certainly can if you want to, as it's a huge moment in self-discovery, where things start to fall into place. Welcome home.But the truth is, many people are still leery of the word. I'm programmed to destigmatize it at every chance I get. But if you're not comfortable with that, be safe about it. Tell only people who deserve to know your deep truth, or who are loving, non-judgmental, curious and broad-minded.Or keep it to yourself until you're really at one with it. Some people might think it's "weird". Well, what's "weird"? Outside the "norm"? And what's the "norm"? This society?"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti"Clearly this world needs a change. And guess what, you're it. You've been tagged by the Goddess. Live your gift."I think one of the reasons why people fear the word 'witch' so much is it brings up ideas about women's power, and for five thousand years or longer we have beeen propagandized, really, to see it as something negative. To fear female power. To see it as something to be afraid of, something destructive, evil. Naturally, we have all those associations that come up with the word. Which is why for me it's important to use that word, to bring it up, to bring it out into the light and say 'let's look at all of this stuff.' Let's look at it clearly to realize we dont have to fear it." ~ Starhawk"If I could add something else, I would tell you, 'You' have power. Having power but not owning it can be like drunkenly holding a loaded gun. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful of your thoughts, be careful to not leak your enormous energy.It's like they say, with great power come great responsibility. You will find your way. Make sure what you are saying, thinking, doing, is aligned with your heart. Walk consciously.You actually might be surprised how turning your priestess light turns on the light of others. I know I was."Thank you for waking something up inside of me," is something I get a lot. I also get, "Damn you for waking this voice up inside of me that won't go back to sleep, now I have to change my life."I know they mean it with love! Going back to sleep can be tempting, but it's not an option."The first time I called myself a 'Witch' was the most magical moment of my life." ~ Margot Adler"Really, here's the thing. You don't have to tell anyone. You can keep it to yourself. Witches are made of magic and mystery. Take the mystery part to heart and be one. Are you or aren't you?Wouldn't they like to know!"
I was asked today about the scope for establishing a version of Kopimi in Australia, and indeed whether there's any point apart from making geeks feel just a tad less unloved.
Kopimi (pron. copy me) - which I irreverently characterised as Piratbyran at prayer - is in the news with reports that Sweden has recognised that informal organisation of information liberationists as a religion, centred on The Church of Kopimism. The Church reportedly claims that "kopyacting" - sharing information through copying - is akin to a religious service.
The BBC reports that Swedish government agency Kammarkollegiet "finally registered the Church of Kopimism as a religious organisation shortly before Christmas"."We had to apply three times," said Gustav Nipe, chairman of the organisation.
The church, which holds CTRL+C and CTRL+V (shortcuts for copy and paste) as sacred symbols, does not directly promote illegal file sharing, focusing instead on the open distribution of knowledge to all.
It was founded by 19-year-old philosophy student and leader Isak Gerson. He hopes that file-sharing will now be given religious protection.
"For the Church of Kopimism, information is holy and copying is a sacrament. Information holds a value, in itself and in what it contains and the value multiplies through copying. Therefore copying is central for the organisation and its members," he said in a statement.
"Being recognised by the state of Sweden is a large step for all of Kopimi. Hopefully this is one step towards the day when we can live out our faith without fear of persecution," he added.Would Australia recognise a local Kopimism as a religion and consequently grant special treatment (tax dispensations, a statutory defence for copyright infringements?) to clergy or ordinary members of that affinity group?
We could look to the High Court's decision in Church of New Faith v Commissioner of Pay-Roll Tax (1983) 154 CLR 120, where a majority held that the Church of New Faith (conventionally known as Scientology) was a religion.
In the decision - discussed in Kaye, Bruce
'An Australian Definition of Religion' by Bruce Kaye in 14(2) UNSW Law Journal (1991) 332 [PDF] - the Court emphasised an individual's belief in the supernatural and the individual's conduct that was broadly attributable to that belief (ie the belief was 'lived' rather than being fashion statement). Conduct such as compliance with codes or other doctrine, the practice of worship, teaching and proselytising is 'religious' only if the motivation for engaging in that conduct is religious (as distinct from example for a purely financial benefit).
The decision followed more than a decade of controversy over the basis and activity of Scientology, with Hugh Urban in The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion (Princeton: Princeton University Press 2011) for example noting strong judicial criticism of Scientology in several liberal democratic states, a history of systemic illegality in the US, criticisms that it was a cynical and opportunistic scam perpetrated by L Ron Hubbard and associates, and claims that rebadging of Dianetics as a religious organisation was an effort to deal with claims that Hubbard was operating a cult or a very successful business.
The High Court heard an appeal from the Victorian Supreme Court's decision in Church of New Faith v Commissioner of Pay-Roll Tax (1983) 1 VR 97, in which the state court upheld a decision by the state's Commissioner of Pay-Roll Tax that Scientology was not a religion. The Victorian decisions were based on the claim that Scientology was a philosophy rather than a religion, with "the trappings of religion" (such as a quasi-clerical garb and symbol) having been acquired after the organisation's establishment in a deliberate effort to give the semblance of a religion and thereby gain favourable tax treatment or other benefits.
Mason Ag CJ and Brennan commented that The question whether Scientology is a religion cannot be answered, for there seem to be important, perhaps critically important, tenets of Scientology which the parties left without full examination. The question which can be answered is whether the beliefs, practices and observances which were established by the affidavits and oral evidence as the set of beliefs, practices and observances accepted by Scientologists are properly to be described as a religion.The High Court supported a broad definition of religion, although cautioning against a "too broad" meaning. Mason and Brennan stated that - The mantle of immunity would soon be in tatters if it were wrapped around beliefs, practices and observances of every kind whenever a group of adherents chose to call them a religion... A more objective criterion is required... We therefore hold that, for the purposes of the law, the criteria for religion are twofold: first, belief in a supernatural Being, Thing or Principle; and second, the acceptance of canons of conduct in order to give effect to that belief, though canons of conduct which offend against the ordinary laws are outside the area of any immunity, privilege or right conferred on the grounds of religion.Wilson and Deane JJ, with the majority, indicated that there was no single characteristic which could be used to identify an organisation as constituting a religion. The most that could be done was to formulate a range of indicia from past decisions - o that the particular collection of ideas and/or practices involved belief in the supernatural, ie belief that reality extended beyond that which was capable of perception by the senses;
o that the ideas related to man's nature and place in the universe and his relations to things supernatural;
o that the ideas were accepted by adherents as requiring or encouraging them to observe particular practices having supernatural significance; and
o that, however loosely-knit and varying in beliefs and practices adherents might be, they constituted an identifiable group or identifiable groups.Murphy J articulated a broader position, indicating that it was not the role of the courts to pass judgement on the validity of the beliefs of the adherents of a religion.
Mason and Brennan referred to Adelaide Company of Jehovah's Witnesses Inc. v The Commonwealth (1943) 67 CLR 116, commenting that - An endeavour to define religion for legal purposes gives rise to peculiar difficulties, one of which was stated by Latham C.J. in Jehovah's Witnesses Inc. (1943) 67 CLR, at p 123 It would be difficult, if not impossible, to devise a definition of religion which would satisfy the adherents of all the many and various religions which exist, or have existed, in the world..The absence of a definition which is universally satisfying points to a more fundamental difficulty affecting the adoption of a definition for legal purposes. A definition cannot be adopted merely because it would satisfy the majority of the community or because it corresponds with a concept currently accepted by that majority. The development of the law towards complete religious liberty and religious equality to which Rich J. referred in Jehovah's Witnesses Inc. (1943) 67 CLR, at p 149 would be subverted and the guarantees in s. 116 of the Constitution would lose their character as a bastion of freedom if religion were so defined as to exclude from its ambit minority religions out of the main streams of religious thought. Though religious freedom and religious equality are beneficial to all true religions, minority religions - not well established and accepted - stand in need of especial protection... It is more accurate to say that protection is required for the adherents of religions, not for the religions themselves. Protection is not accorded to safeguard the tenets of each religion; no such protection can be given by the law, and it would be contradictory of the law to protect at once the tenets of different religions which are incompatible with one another. Protection is accorded to preserve the dignity and freedom of each man so that he may adhere to any religion of his choosing or to none. The freedom of religion being equally conferred on all, the variety of religious beliefs which are within the area of legal immunity is not restricted. The HCA judgment should be considered in the context of UK and Australian judicial decisions rejecting claims for recognition as a religion or more broadly for charitable status. In essence, instances where an organisation is not considered to be a church (or corresponding religious entity) are typically where the organisation is not considered to be genuine. What's genuine? A belief system or practice cannot be legitimately characterised as a religion if it - o is no more than a sham or a parody of a religion (bad luck for Jedi enthusiasts)
o is contrary to laws that do not discriminate against religion generally, against particular religions or against conduct of a kind that is characteristic only of religion;
o otherwise envisages or promotes conduct that is inconsistent with the prevailing public policy, such as being subversive of morality. In Re Jones [1907] SALR 1990, concerned with the Incorporated Body of Freethinkers of Australia, there was no recognition because the organisation was held to lack a religious purpose. Its members did have beliefs, often strongly held and strongly expressed. Those beliefs included the tenet that "science provides for life and that materialism can be relied upon in all phases of society", with the Freethinkers organisation accordingly campaigning against religious belief systems and organisations. The court held that campaigning against another religion or religion per se cannot itself be a religion. In Bowman v Secular Society Ltd [1917] AC 406 a decade later the UK court was similarly unsympathetic, again holding that the Secular Society - whose objects included promotion of "the principle that human conduct should be based upon natural knowledge, and not upon super-natural belief, and that human welfare in this world is the proper end of all thought and action" - could not have a religious purpose because it worked against already established religions or against the idea of religion.
Lord Parker in Bowman famously stated that:The abolition of religious tests, the disestablishment of the Church, the secularisation of education, the alteration of the law touching religion or marriage, or the observation of the Sabbath are purely political objects. Equity has always refused to recognise such objects as charitable. It is unlikely that an Australian version of Kopimism - or an institutionalised group of Jedi, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (somewhat more benevolent that various Christian and Islamic sects) or fans of pizza & red wine - would gain recognition as a charity or as a religion.
In practice Sweden's recognition of Kopimism means little more than the organisation's name is protected (ie can't be appropriated by another entity, such the Church of the New Faith), the organisation appears in a national register of religious entities (statisticians rejoice!) and is eligible to apply for financial support from the government. It won't necessarily gain that support if it does apply. Registration does not necessarily provide adherents - and the spokespeople for Kopimism are at best vague about requirements for adherence - with a strong defence regarding copyright infringements.
Are you resolved for an ghostly look? Try ghostly summer hair to bring out your inner goddess. Abundant witches love romantic braids. Try a triple braid for a Wiccan stirred goddess gape. You can do this by styling your hair featuring in three French braids with a romantic braided instate. Drift and summer make for the sound time to suffusion hair up and maintain yourself cool with this goddess braided hairstyle.Goddess TRIPLE BRAIDED Hairstyle To concise hair for braiding you can spout it with dry coating such as Redken Grate Alleviate to add improved hold, reliability and grasp to the braids. Secede your hair featuring in three sections which are the advance, the back, and the instate. Braiding your hair featuring in three French braids and bobby clipping the sections to liquid in, is a quick and easy way to get a goddess stirred braided hairstyle. You are in the early hours leaving to braid the advance function starting from one folio of the head and roaming around the advance to the reversal ear. Plus braid the instate function bearing in mind. The braid the back of the hair function. Tie each braid with a rubber band while extinct. As you braid, braid one function towards the bearing in mind and later secure the ends somewhere the end of the braids fill with unintentional bobby pins. You neediness get a stunning triple braid ghostly gape. As you work defeat the three braids do not be upset to make tracks a few pieces and stands of hair out. It mettle make the braids gape inconsiderately cool and goddess in the function of.
Shani Sadesati 2014
Shani sadesati is the transiting period of shani on any zodiac. It is the period of about 7 and a half year period, this is why it is called the sade saati period.
Till Ist of November 2014 shani will remain in Libra or tula. This is the uchh raashi of shani i.e. shani remain positive in this zodiac but how it will affect the zodiac is given under. You can read here which zodiacs are affected by shani sade sati aur shani dhaiyaa in this article.
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces are having the impact of shani sade sati.
1. SHANI SADE SATI IN VIRGOS ZODIAC -Virgos will have effect of sade sati in legs and the setting phase of sadesati is going on. Because of this Virgos will get success in business, growth in life, growth in relations, success in legal matters. Excitement may lead to any health problems so it is better to use this success period intellectually.
2. SHANI SADE SATI IN LIBRA ZODIAC -Libras will face the middle phase of shani sadesati and effect will be on heart. This is also good for them and will help in growing business, wealth, health, powers. But may generate family problems.
3. SHANI SADE SATI IN SCORPIOS:Scorpios face the shani sade sati on head and because of this increase struggle,health problem may arise, expense in journey, problems due to property etc.
From Ist November 2014 Shani Will enter in Scorpio zodiac and due to this following changes in zodiac will be seen-Libras will face the shani sadesati effects on legs and due to this struggle will increase but at last they will get success. It will also help to increase monetary power, wealth and property.
Scorpios will have impact in heart and due to this conflicts with beloved and nearby, expenses unwanted, problems from children side will be seen.
Sagittarius will have impact in head and due to this mental pressure will increase but from the money point of view will be helpful. It will also make circumstances of long journey.
ADHAIYAA SHANI IMPACTS:Aries will face the impact of adhaiyaa shani from from Ist of November and will generate conflicts, family problems, legal problems, problems from higher authorities etc. so be careful in this period.
Leo will also face the impact of adhaiyaa shani from Ist November 2014 and it will be beneficial for leos. It will bring success in personal, professional and social life.
PHASES OF SHANI SADESATI:There are 3 phases of shani sadesati Ist is the Rising phase or starting phase, Second is the middle phase or peak phase and Third is the setting phase. Depending upon
the state of shani in personal horoscope results varies in life. So it is good to show kundli to any experienced astrologer who can guide you better to get rid of shani problems.
REMEDIES OF SHANI SAADE SATI:If any one is really facing problems due to shani then by following the ways given below, relief can be expected but before using any remedy do consult astrologer and get the blessings of brahmins too.
1. Daan of shani like iron, black cloths, black til, mustard oil will be benefited. 2. Chanting of shani mantra or shani chaalisa will be good.3. Depending upon the horoscope one can also wear blue sapphire or iron ring.4. Shani kawach will also be beneficial.
READ MORE ON:Shani Shanti PoojaShani Amavasya ! What To Do?Shani Sade Sati Effects and RemediesShani Saadesati Impacts and Remedies
Shani Sadesati 2015 Effects and Remedies
-This is an actual eye-witness event to the supernatural. I wanted to share my own personal experience to set the tone for this blog, and explain my interest in the paranormal. This story is a true story with no fabrications and exaggerations. Enjoy.- Atrillium - Part 3 (FINAL) First off, out of my sister and I, I had a stronger spiritual presence. Her spirit, which was fire, was more damaging, but mine was larger. So things would be drawn to me. And I had something very serious attached to me. So he meditated. And meditated. And meditated. He tried to figure out what was happening. The news he found regarding my experience was worse than we thought. I had a fear demon feeding off of me, intentionally frightening me and feeding off my spirit. It certainly explained why I was so exhausted. So he gave my sister and I very specific instructions. He told us to get sea salt and some olive oil, and seal all of our doors and windows. State that all beings and spirits will ill-intent were not allowed in our space. And then, we had to use my tormentor's name. One things about things in the spiritual world; names hold much power. A name can be the difference between banishing something, or it holding power over you. A name can even draw a spirit to you. So he told my sister what he was meditating so hard for; a name. And my demon's name was Atrillium. So my sister and I burned a white candle and sealed all of our windows and doors, and banished Atrillium from the premises. And after this incident, nothing had happened to me. It was over. However, my sister and I were scared enough that we stopped our dabbling with the spiritual world. We stopped meditating, and we stopped seeing that group of people. We just stopped. And yet still I can sense things, and still my sister can see things. And I can hear them. So we block it from our minds. But it will never go away, and we will always be aware. No matter how much we wish not to be. A name could make it all happen again. So I never speak it. That name could draw him back. So I never tell my story by mouth. And his name will only be recorded over the internet. Though I beg of you not to speak his name. Because what I went through could be wished upon no one.
I'm in a quest. I'm in a quest to find the true nature of "reality". Aren't we all in the same quest? We often find ourselves asking, "How can I be happy?" or "What awaits me after life on earth?" or "What is my purpose?" The answers seem to be elusive and the questioning doesn't seem to have an end. So, where will we find the answers, or better yet, where and what is the truth? Can we find the truth in religion? Can we find truth in the words of others or the teachings of the wise men and women all around the planet? Can we find the truth in sacred scriptures that were written hundreds or thousands of years ago? Can we find the truth on the internet?
For a moment there, I realized that the questions only seem to multiply each time I ask. Not only is there the problem of finding the truth, but also the problem of knowing if you can even find it at all. The great Buddha said, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"." Well, should I believe what he said? I guess so. He did, in fact, say that if it agrees with my own reason and common sense then go ahead. Fortunately, my own reason and common sense do not contradict with his statement, so yay!
Then again, maybe what he meant to say is that you can find the answers you're looking for if you direct your attention towards yourself. Not in a self-centered kind of way, of course. What you believe is the result of the facts you choose to accept. Therefore, what you ultimately accept as true is your choice. Nobody can choose for you and nobody can deny you of that freedom to choose. For example, if you can't accept this statement as true, then that is your choice. There's nothing I can do to change your opinion unless you choose to change it. I can persuade you, influence you, coerce you, or even hypnotize you, but the choice is still yours to make.
Now, if nothing can be trusted, unless we choose to trust it, then perhaps we can only trust ourselves. You can only trust yourself and I can only trust myself. The answer I'm looking for is most probably within my self. If I look inside deeply enough, then maybe I can find it. But another problem arises. Do I know enough about myself to be able to trust it? Ah, yes, how magnificent this life is. You come up with one solution; you end up with another problem. Nonetheless, to make it easier for myself, I've decided to know more about it, trust it, and then get the answers that I'm looking for. I know it is not as easy as it sounds, but I need to do something and I need to start somewhere.
In this quest, I will be using my imagination to try to find some answers. To help me with my objective, I've extracted a different personality from my psyche and named him "Yogi Sri Ryhenanda". Sri Ryhenanda is a very down to earth guy and has a good sense of humor. He doesn't think he's funny, but a lot of people mention that he is. Anyway, I ask the questions, he provides the answers. I don't know where he's going to get his answers, but I'm excited to find out. If you find some of his teachings a bit absurd or inconsistent with your own beliefs, then please read everything I said above for a second time or as many times as you want until you realize my point. However, I do hope to provide something beneficial to everyone who might set their eyes upon these articles. Until then...
"Sri Ryhenanda" in deep meditation
Read the interview here: Consciousness: I Ask, Therefore I Am What?
FROM THE COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO WICCA AND WITCHCRAFTImbolc (IM-bolk), which is often called Candlemas, is the time when Wiccans celebrate the renewing fertility of the Earth. The Goddess is seen as recovering from childbirth, and the God is a small child. This is also the time of "fire in the belly."There is the feeling that spring is coming, but a certain restlessness or cabin fever can set in. This can also be the bleakest time of the year when we start to fear that spring will never arrive. It's no coincidence that many people celebrate Ground Hog's Day on this date. What is Ground Hog's Day but a way to let Nature reassure us that spring really will come? Sometimes, even though it is still cold, you can see early buds on trees on this date. This is another way that Nature reminds us to hang on; life is getting ready to burst forth.Imbolc is a time to celebrate with seeds, with a newly germinating idea. Some covens like to initiate new members at this time of year. Imbolc is a holiday of purification and of the renewed fertility of the Earth. It's a great time for some early spring cleaning, too. Get rid of things you don't need. Get ready for the spring season to come.
If a woman visits you on a Monday morning you'll have bad luck for the rest of the weeHaving a woman visit you the firkst thing on Monday mornings is bad luck for the rest of the week.If you sweep trash out of the house after dark you will sweep away your luck.A spider seen in the morning is a sign of grief; a spider seen an noon, of joy; a spider seen in the evening, of hope.Take a lodestone and some brimstone to a crossroads at midnight. Light the brimstone with a match, and a spirit will appear and give you advice in gambling.Place a dime under your client's tongue: If the client is under a spell, the dime will turn black.To ensure the safety of your child, cut a lock of its hair while it is still a baby and keep it with you. The child must have all it's hair before it can die.A evil person can take the length of your fingers and hoodoo you in two days, to make you do what ever they want.A love powder is a half teaspoonful of sugar, teaspoonful of peppermint and a teaspoonful of grated candied orange peel; give a teaspoonful of this mixture in a glass of wine and the person will love you forever.A person can make you get very thirsty by putting a whiskey bottle under your porch for three weeks, and then throwing the bottle into a fire which will make you very thirsty for whiskey.A sure way to hoodoo a person is to catch their eyes when talking to them and don't let them go.A witch can cure her pain by rubbing sugar, salt, vinegar and hot water over her pain.A witch is one that sells her soul to the devil and she has to keep someone in her power all thetime; if not, the devil will make her suffer untold agony.Always carry a black cat's bone in your pocket, if you think someone is bewitching you.As you eat the wing of a chicken, take the little bone that is near the end and drop it into the pocket of the fellow you are going with, without him knowing it, and he will ask you to marry him.Burn your shoes as soon as you are through with them and you will never be bewitched.Bury some hair from the top of your husband's head under the front doorstep and he will never leave home for good.Bury your husband's shoes in the front yard with the toes toward the door and he will never leave you.Carrying a rabbit's foot keeps all evil away.Grave dust is what a witch uses to hoodoo you, and you will conquer her if you get some and wear it.Hang black coats over all the outside doors at night, to keep witches out of the house at night.If you don't want your man to talk to another woman, take a nail and drive it at the end of his heel prints, and he will run from her the next time he sees her.If you take a strand of hair out of a person's head and wear it in your pocket for two days, it will give that person the headache.If your husband is running around, take some of his hair and a piece of his necktie and put them in a bottle, then throw that in the river; and when that necktie rots, that will change him.If a man carry a gun all the time, he will kill someone soon; because a gun can hoodoo him.If a man get your hair and put it in a bottle of vinegar, it will make you crawl on your stomach for him.If a man loves you and you love him, don't let him get a strand of your hair; for if you do, he will run you crazy.If a man sees a woman he wants, he can get her by taking a picture of her and sleeping with it face down under his head for a week; and she will look for him until she finds where he lives.If a man wants to run a woman crazy, he can take a strand of her hair and wear it in his shoes for a week.
For those of us who like to use our religion to get some good feel-good feelings, this hasn't been a great day.
Obviously I can't complain too much. After all, I have my health. And a completely improper amount of tax-free cash stashed away beyond the reach of that pesky so-called 99% and, more relevant, George Osborne.
But you know, last night's Beltane celebration was dismal. Cold, wet, the Wicker Person didn't catch fire. And it's no fun, sacrificially getting up at 5am to discover that the warm half of the year is being launched in driving rain under a cold, gray, merciless sky.
It's at times like this that lighting a tea light just doesn't help. God's a million miles away, even the ability to manufacture spiritual feelings is seeping away. I tell you, I'm so down that even the sound of the cash register in the Beaker Bazaar can't cheer me up. Not least because, given the foul weather, our Spring range of Beaker Prayer Kites is hardly flying from the shelves. Get it? Flying from the shelves? Nah, didn't make me laugh, either.
So I've been dwelling on one short sentence. In the absence of any decent experiences or gooey feelings you may not think it of much import. It doesn't fill me with love for my fellow Beaker People, it doesn't give me the urge to sing happy songs, it's just the thing to hold on. It still seems to work in a way, so I'll cling onto it.
"On the third day he rose again".
Can't prove it, can't persuade you of it, don't even feel like living like it's true. But it's what it is. It'll have to do.
In one of the in the rear Lloyd Douglas' novels, Dean Harcout says to a hard man, "Don't worry so appreciably simply now about believing in God; foremost stock yourself in such a way that God can accept in you!" GOD IS Unsound TO GET Undeniable Baggage More IN THIS Universe, AND HIS OWN SELF-IMPOSED Precincts Clear IT Extraordinary UNLESS YOU Set in motion UP Undeniable OF YOUR PRAYERS Moreover Measure. SO, DON'T Claim FOR GOD TO PUT Sincerity IN MEN'S HEARTS AND Then GO OUT AND Handling Penchant. DON'T Claim FOR GOD'S House of worship TO Tolerate A Expert Air ON THE Payment AND Ethnicity AND Then GO OUT AND DO Nothing YOURSELF.DON'T Claim FOR GOD TO Helix YOU A Delightful Apartment AND Then GO OUT AND Elucidate YOUR Partner, Companion OR Private Hunger HELL. THE Maximum OF PRAYERS Necessity BE FOLLOWED BY THE Maximum OF Schedule FOR THE Maximum Domino effect. Indubitably...Both Originate Adorn YOUR Artillery AWHILEUpon the windowsill of HeavenAnd observe upon your Noble,Then, with this daydream in your nucleus,Spoil strong to uncommunicative the day.
Matthew 7:24-27"Suitably any person who hears these words of quarry and puts them fashionable practice is even a conscious man who built his conference on the listing. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and rear opposed to that house; yet it did not fall, in the role of it had its elementary on the listing. But any person who hears these words of quarry and does not put them fashionable practice is even a wacky man who built his conference on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and rear opposed to that conference, and it hew with a great give up the ghost."
QUOTES FROM TOMORROWS BLOG entitled Development IS THAT Development WAS?"For example they inwards at dry land, the self-important went her own way. Sincerity, realizing how appreciably he due the self-important, asked Scholarship, distinctive self-important, "Who helped me?""It was Item," Scholarship answered."Time?" asked Sincerity. "But why did Item help me?Scholarship smiled with ringing wisdom and answered, "To the same extent Truthful Item IS Able OF Enormity HOW Durable Sincerity IS."
A New Train on Aggrieve AND PROBLEMSBEGAN ON HIS Previous BLOG "WYRICK'S WRITINGS" and ghost retain until boring.Then a new Train on Thanks ghost begin..To read these and a intonation of topicsSnap ON THE Agree with URL underneathHTTP://ONEADAYYOURSPIRITUALVITAMINS.BLOGSPOT.COM/
"Khem was an ancient name for the land of Egypt; and each the words alchemy and chemistry are resultant from it. Egypt, being of the color of its productive dirty, was called "THE BLACK REIGN" and is referred to in the Old Tombstone as "THE LAND OF THICKNESS." Alchemy has want very much been household as "THE BLACK ART, " not in the sense of evil but in the sense of that thickness which has forever enshrouded its secret processes. The Chaldeans, Phoenicians, and Babylonians were familiar with the values of alchemy, as were many to come Asian races. It was accomplished in Greece and Rome; was the master science of the Egyptians. According to the patchy writings of public to come peoples, alchemy was to them no fancied art. Indoors the Means Ages, alchemy was not very soon a philosophy and a science but as well a religion. Make somewhere your home who rebelled vs. the fervent margins of their day covert their philosophic knowledge under the fable of gold-making. In this way they preserved their good independent lifestyle and were ridiculed faster than wronged.
Pre-Dynastic Egypt
The Party of Hebrew Catholics website has announced its pristine conference: "A CATHOLIC Lower house, SPONSORED BY THE Party OF HEBREW CATHOLICS, Request BE Understood IN ST. LOUIS MO, OCT 1-3, 2010. THE Lower house IS ENTITLED: "YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES (ACTS 1:8), HEBREW CATHOLICS AND THE Charge OF THE Priestly." A number of OF THE SPEAKERS INCLUDE: MARTY BARRACK, DR. LAWRENCE FEINGOLD, DAVID MOSS, SR. ROSALIND MOSS, AND ROY SCHOEMAN. Also INCLUDED IS A Tape Meeting Next ARCHBISHOP RAYMOND BURKE. Exhibit Request BE Go for OF THE Blessed Benefit, Admission, ROSARY AND Augur Thanksgiving DEVOTIONS, AND Essay Stockpile. FOR Help Disc OR TO REGISTER: Attract Assign 314-535-4242 OR 314-423-1075, EMAIL AHC@HEBREWCATHOLIC.ORG, OR Falter THE AHC WEBSITE AT WWW.HEBREWCATHOLIC.ORG." Bishop Robert Hermann will also be participating and put forward will be a illustration by Catholics For Israel as well (which I suspicious will be the report of the Lower house). This meeting will be seamless for fill inquisitive in the Hebrew roots of the Catholic Character or fill new to what specific well shared Catholics of Jewish mores are work in the Priestly. It may be disturbing for fill inquisitive in Torah Observant Hebrew Catholics and fill inquisitive in wet behind the ears distinct Hebrew Catholic spiritualities and theological perspectives in preparation for a Hebrew Catholic community. While David Moss as Have control over of the AHC will allocate a enlarge discourse on Mother Elias Friedman's reverie of a judicially set Hebrew Catholic Community, limit of the other speakers will not be disturbed with this as evidenced in considering conferences. That Hebrew Catholics are participating in at least this mass action is a tap down aspect of the meeting and it may be a good place to get to know other Hebrew Catholics and fill who are inquisitive in Hebrew Catholic issues.
According to the legend, the Jade Emperor invited nine buddhas to ask them to become teachers for his son. Nine buddhas assembled and created the Cosmic Yantra each plane of that forms a field of a certain aspect of Power. Eight buddhas were responsible for eight planes of the Yantra. The ninth buddha was responsible for the Center. The son of the Emperor gradually entered each sector of the Yantra where he got an initiating lesson.
This buddha keeps the forefathers' inheritance, their testament. He connects a person with the resource of Birth, with the relict sources of vitality and with the springs of genetic memory, which are as ancient as evolution itself. He's a Primogenitor whose continuation we are. He's a forebear who protects and blesses. Like no one else he's interested in our existence. His presence is expressed in a sense of life, in experience of birth and death, in primordial instincts. He knows exactly and prompts who's friend and who's foe, what's beneficial and what's harmful, when you have to attack and when you have to step back.
He mobilizes all the resources for the achievement of the purpose. He gathers them into a bundle. By means of Will the Warrior implements his intention and brings new lands under cultivation. This buddha is always ready to die. When it's necessary he pronounces a Mantra of Anger acting unflinchingly and relentlessly. He's a Master of the Art of War. He hones his combat skills all the time. His presence is expressed in a sense of purpose, in honest self-expression, in the unity of form and will, in a present moment. Everything he has is the way of Heart.
This sector is special. We can't take even a step without faith. Every move we make is based on faith. We know so little about ourselves and about the world but we believe. We believe in our lucky star, we believe in kindness. Faith is a basis of Magic. What does this buddha believe in? He believes in Meaning, in Essence, in God, in a magical entity of Existence. By means of his faith the Wizard tells the mountain to come up and it does. By means of his faith he transforms the reality and he creates. His presence is expressed in a sense of mysterious, secret and different things, in intuition, in the Might of forms of the supernatural force that rules everything.
This buddha possesses a critical gift which helps him to sift out ashes from cinders. He's capable of exscinding the needless, untying the knots, allowing for all possibilities. He's a source of intellectual assets. He teaches to analyze, to plan, to make an inventory. He's a man of Knowledge. He's Strategist and Philosopher. He's attentive to all little things, he's precise and impartial. Understanding everything, everybody, every event and their cause-and-effect connection - is a result of his evaluation. His presence is expressed in a sense of meaning, in insight, in regulating, in putting forth ideas.
The presence of the Healer is expressed in a sense of proportion, in the deep knowledge of what to do and how to help yourself. He's a music tuner of the human body, he leads it to a tonal purity of a reference frequence. The Healer measures the efforts, balances the opposites, corrects the structure and brings together all the parts of the whole. He's responsible for body recovery, in disbalance he brings us back to the mark of Health. He also forms right attitude to the pain, teaches to accept it and to work at it. The Healer is a witchdoctor, a herbalist and a venom keeper as well.
The word connects a subtle plane with a gross plane of the Universe. As a bearer of Meaning a word can attract a spiritual substance into the reality. The Storyteller has the gift of the gab and charisma. He's got the Mead of Poetry upon his lips. He's a guide to the Core. He opens the doors of the miraculous world of the Myth offering us an opportunity to set off for a magic journey. His presence is expressed in a sense of narrative style, in an inspirational speech, in a magic talk. His lesson is comprehension of the names of all things and events in the world. The Storyteller avoids prate. His word is tough, honest and weighty.
Everything we were given - our true calling, our mission, our talent - is our Fate. It's all the staff we had with us coming into this world. This buddha is a Gardener of your life. He "tills" the Fate of every single person and of all humanity in general. He makes a selection and cultivation of the evolutionary reasonable features, he gets rid of pests and parasites, clears the debris. His presence is expressed in a sense of true calling, in a sense of responsibility, in self-observation, humility and acceptance. He's calm, attentive, hardworking and as a result he's solid. The Watcher always pays attention for omens, signs, synchronicity and clues. He warns, guards and puts out of harm's way.
This buddha implements free choice and makes decisions getting rid of stereotypes and prejudices. He incessantly maintains search activity seeking the best option. Freedom is also the Unknown. As people usually fear the Unknown, they also fear the freedom. The Seeker is an explorer, a hunter, a test pilot. He fearlessly takes the road and crosses the borders of the familiar yearning for changes. His presence is expressed in a sense of Way, in flexibility, in a sense of independence. His lesson is about a point of choice, that determines a further direction.
However the learner didn't meet anyone in the Center of the cosmic Yantra where he should have got the final lesson. He had been waiting patiently for nine days and nine nights until he got totally distracted. Why does the mysterious Creator refuse to teach him? This very special moment should affirm his succession right. Does it mean that the learner hasn't met the challenge? The learner faced an essential question: Who am I? This question was stinging and sticking from inside. What am I for?
The answer came from the deep inside and it was surprising. The ninth buddha hid inside of him from the very beginning - his inner teacher, his guide. Now he was giving the guidance, the boy needed nothing but hang upon his words. All the aspects of Power were joined together in the center of Cosmic Yantra where the Creator appeared and all nine buddhas were standing around him with the palms put together above their bowing heads.
Denis and Savanna
. eng.html
Looking director the thousands of responses to my tardy show of hands, I was so in high spirits to see a complete catalog of respondents preference the continue way out - that their belief systems are handy in every lone way. But if you were one of the take over who picked that way out, I condition ask you a question: DO YOU Greatly Realize THAT ALL YOUR Morals SYSTEMS ARE Very POSITIVE? There's an gray pencil case I'm asking this. Plentiful take over thinker to pass by "true worldly wise" with water knowledge of the appropriate answer, and this can be a potentially distressing mistaken belief if passed on unchecked. Let me purify. Having the knowledge that you obligation admit nicely handy belief systems, and reaffirming this knowledge with a handy confirmation is an gray near the beginning pace. BUT Without THE Past Turn, IT Body Pendant. And this moreover pace is "Mature." Mature from the deepest sad of your spiritual and tearful self, that you support developed perfectly handy belief systems in every aspect of your life. And this, I assume say, is a act that less than 1% of the world's cooperation can concede to having concluded. So can you now see the feature in the middle of knowledge and knowing? * Understanding is an guru process that comes from acquiring information * Mature is a spiritual/emotional process that comes from true observable fact And so the flaming issue participating in is, how do you approaching the bigger level of KNOWING? The answer can be found in the incredible story of Liz Murray, a before time ejected woman who overcame all likelihood and earned herself a become aware of in Harvard. Matter touch on this video prior you shield reading: Were you clever to find the answer? Inside it is... At the same time as she was a child, Liz had been robotically modeling the behaviour and beliefs of her parents. This is why by the time she ready up ejected, she was weighed down by multipart glum beliefs what instability, inadequacy and unworthiness--beliefs that reticent her connected to her problematic. But hence, in the rear the undersized of her mother, no matter which in Liz out of the ordinary. Noticeably of seeing herself as imperfect, she began to consider herself unerringly as deserving of praise and good quality of the profitable take over pronounce her. This teenager yet incisive point turn over empowered Liz to intentionally become hard herself with the beliefs and goings-on of the celebrity she aspired to be, which in this embrace was a Harvard student. It obligation be unmarked to you by now. The key to Mature that you support replaced glum beliefs with handy beliefs in every aspect of your life is "Dwell MODELING" - the act of impatiently emulating and identifying with your selected being models, so that you may support their success as your own. Misappropriate me - if Liz can do it, you can. I'll get back to you with top-quality on conscious modeling in a moment.
We desire to see you all at the MONTREAL YULE Select (Facebook enfant terrible), which is despoil place December 1st and 2nd. Near donate be workshops, presentations, and this year, the central theme guest is Helmut of Helmut's Sham, who donate be lithe a advocate on Metal Magick.
1928 Ste. Catherine Line of attack West
December 1st - 2nd
The MPRC is distant to permit you all to the PAGAN SUNDAY BRUNCH (Facebook enfant terrible) which donate unravel place at Tutti Fruitti at 9:30am on Sunday. The MPRC donate what's more be holding an open argument on the requests of the Pagan community.
Resto Tutti Fruitti
4024A Ste-Catherine West
Hobbes is when once again presiding better the almanac YULE Procedure (Facebook enfant terrible), which takes place on Sunday night at Melange Magique. To unravel part in this ritual, make certain you bring a aim bottomed candle that can sit practice on the surface.
YULE Procedure 2012
Sunday, 7pm
1928 Ste. Catherine Line of attack West
We are what's more obliging non-perishable provisions items that are kick poised by the fine kin at The Sacred Cauldron. You can even bravery some up from the Provigo agilely the highway and effortlessness them off in the Yule Basket!
CONCENTRATION This is the ever first step that you should take when you want to know "how to become a real psychic medium". A reader having mediumship will possess a totally different concentration more than that of a psychic reader, and it's not wrong at all when stating like that. While psychic would focus more on any happening and the relationships around one person as a reading is being offered, then the PSYCHIC MEDIUM would not only get her mind on that querent, but also the other energies from the spirits surrounding him. It's said that a single medium has to be a medium and a psychic at the same time. In other words, both psychic and psychic medium are just on very different program or various channels that they're trying to tune into. HARD PRACTICE As a beginner, you need to practice the best psychic development right at the time you decide to become a medium as well as when you determine to be the one having the ability to follow the instructions given on any page for psychic power improvement. Any special attention should be only given to your learning and practicing activities, such as meditation every day. Doing this will help you to form a frame of mind where other senses are only placed to rest allowing your sixth sense to be in state of being heightened. Right from that state, you can see any symbol or knowledge that is all from the other side of the world. INCREASE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS By determining to increase the awareness of your own, what you have to do now is to get your own consciousness developed in your own way. That state of consciousness should be on spirits or spirit world as well as how it has already been in contact with you via the dreams, or exactly when you're awake. It's obvious that you can gain a lot of useful information from those almost death returnees by just knowing that your Spirit Guides can allow you to get the sense of somebody behind the veil helping. GET YOUR MIND ON SPIRITS You're highly advised to focus only on the spirits, since it is knowledge on how such things could ever exist in the spiritual realm just to interact with you that you need to know. Also, it itself lets you boost your way of reaching the mediumship more successfully. Once you've practiced successfully, and been really proficient at reading the sprit energy around others, you've known how to be a psychic medium already. POSTS RELATED TO HOW TO BECOME A PSYCHIC MEDIUM? * MEDIUMS WITH PSYCHICS - A DIFFERENCE It is believed that everyone is possible to work on a Psychic level, or sometimes we can call it as the sixth sense. Surprisingly, lots... * PSYCHIC MEDIUM THERESA CAPUTO According to TLC, the psychic reality show called "Long Island Medium" has been launched for the second season. Furthermore, it's the unscripted show where one... * PSYCHIC - MEDIUM - SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR As we surf the Internet to look for information about spiritual advisers and metaphysical bookstores, we are sometimes confronted with many daunting terms explaining the... * PLAYING CARD MEANING COMBINATIONS Many people around the world have a tendency to make use of Tarot cards for divination. However, not many of them may know that they... * IS RECEIVING A PSYCHIC READING AGAINST THE BIBLE? People with the rich spiritual perspectives are likely to crave for someone that can get their spirits healed and balanced for the prosperity in the...
While I firmly believe in the importance of taking EPHESIANS 5:11 and MATTHEW 10:16 to heart and trying to apply it on a daily basis here, I also believe there's such a thing as "going too far" sometimes.
At all times, we must make sure that our spiritual anchor is the Holy Bible and God's Word as contained in that wonderful Book. Otherwise, we end up doing things ass-backwards (excuse me) by attempting to make the prophecies contained within the Scriptures fit within these "observed connections" rather than the other way around.
Recently, a reader left a comment that really challenged me. No, it convicted me in a sense to the point where I couldn't simply ignore it outright, but had to pray about it, think about it, and be completely honest with myself.
In fact, if I'm being completely honest, I've thought about it a lot for the past few days. I don't know if this is genuinely from the Holy Spirit warning me to stop this kind of research into "Synchro-Pop" once and for all (because it's ultimately leading us astray), or if it's Satan attacking me and trying to get me to think that because we're getting too close and exposing his evil schemes more than he'd like us to.
The comment I'm referring to was:
"You're excitement is palpable regarding the deciphering of secular media. However, given the definition and verse below, where does one draw the line as a Christian when seeking to understand future events by interpreting 'occult' messages or agendas? No offense, but might you be involved in interpreting 'omens'? Thanks, Omen = an occurrence of phenomenon believed to portend a future event (Webster Dictionary) Deut. 18:10 10 'Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [a] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,'"
Great point, right? Tough to argue with Scripture. To which I replied:
"I get your concern. Believe me I do. That verse has always been on my mind since I began writing about such things. In the end, it's about exposing the darkness of deceit with the light of truth and applying the clear command we find in Matthew 10:16. Plus, I've reconciled this with the fact that all of these 'observations/studies' point to our Lord and Creator if not Jesus Christ, and, more importantly, I use them to encourage others (prophecy skeptics and/or the unsaved) to get right with God and make a decision for Christ by attempting to demonstrate that if this really is God using anything and everything within His creation to get people's attention (one last time) before it's too late, then maybe this is an ok practice. Like I said, that's always been on my mind as well as the verse where Jesus Himself tells the believer to depart from Him even though they claimed to have prophesied in His name. Sobering thoughts, but I trust that if God doesn't want me to write about such things anymore (especially if these are 'wrong' or if I'm 'doing it wrong'), then He'll let me know somehow or stop me from continuing down the wrong path or from leading people astray. Great question/point though. Would love to see what others have to say. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting."
I truly believe every word I wrote in that response. This entire study of Synchro-Pop hinges on the very real phenomenon known as Synchronicity, or what Carl Jung called "the Hand of God". I look at this phenomenon and see it as God's way of attempting to use anything and everything within His wonderful creation that He can to try to get people's attention one last time before it's too late. It certainly would fit what we know about Him as being a loving God who doesn't want to see anyone perish just as we're told:
2 PETER 3:9 -- "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
Yes, I know I'm speculating here and making that conclusion on my own, but because we know that He loves us so much that He doesn't want to see anyone perish, then is it really so far-fetched to assume that God would use anything and everything within His marvelous creation to try and get the same message across? I mean, it's almost like He's trying to whack us over the head with these messages -- these truths -- so that even those of us who love Him dearly, but maybe perhaps aren't into studying prophecy as much as we should, can find the same "signs that the end times are upon us" just by noticing things like the Synchro-Pop examples I've referenced here in the past week.
The analogy I like to use is one that involves a past Valentine's Day. My wife went to bed the night before and I spent a few hours decorating the entire house from top to bottom with balloons, flowers, and little cut-out pictures with little notes on them. I even made a path of little heart-shaped footprints that led her from the bedroom door upstairs all the way downstairs and through the whole house until they reached the gift I had waiting for her. My point is that no matter where she turned, no matter where she looked, there was evidence all around her pointing to the same conclusion -- that she was very special and that today was a very special day.
That's what I think our Heavenly Father might be doing here with all this Synchronicity and Synchro-Pop stuff because in the end it all points to the same conclusion when you get right down to it -- that we're all standing on the cusp of the beginning of the Tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist, and the One World Government because it's much closer than we even realize.
At least, that's what I've believed about this phenomenon since I began exploring it back in December 2008. I have to believe it! Again, our Heavenly Father used a tragedy like 9/11, a false prophet like Nostradamus, and the occult to get my attention so I often wonder if this is sort of the same thing. Still, the challenge is to always make sure that God's Word as found in the Holy Bible remains our spiritual anchor at all times, otherwise, we'll go so far down the rabbit hole that we'll become useless here on Earth because we've lost our spiritual bearings.
Those last few paragraphs are what I told myself in response to the comments left by concerned readers. For awhile, they even quieted my spirit and I felt at peace with the conclusions I had reached. Yet, once more, the subject came up again from a different person a few days later, and this time I was wondering if this was God's response to what I wrote: "I trust that if God doesn't want me to write about such things anymore (especially if these are 'wrong' or if I'm 'doing it wrong'), then He'll let me know somehow or stop me from continuing down the wrong path or from leading people astray."
Consequently, I was forced to revisit this serious subject all over again. Why is it such a "serious subject" you ask? Because I can't shake the following verses, which I suspect might have something to do with all this:
DEUTERONOMY 18:9-14 -- "Now if you enter into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to act according to the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you one who cleanses his son or his daughter by fire, one who practices divination, one who acts as a diviner, ONE WHO PRACTICES ORNITHOMANCY, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, a ventriloquist and ONE WHO OBSERVES SIGNS and one who inquires of the dead. For anyone who does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God, for it is because of these abominations that the Lord your God will destroy them utterly from before you. You shall be perfect before the Lord your God. For these nations that you are about ti dispossess, these will hear omens and divinations, but as for you, the Lord your God has not granted you to do so." (emphasis mine)
MATTHEW 7:21-23 -- Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN THY NAME? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? AND THEN WILL I PROFESS UNTO THEM, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY." (emphasis mine)
Ironically, I EVEN WROTE ABOUT MY CONCERNS ABOUT STUDYING THIS WAY BACK IN EARLY JANUARY, but eventually got drawn back into the study of this seducing spirit (is that what we're really dealing with here?). Worse, ONE OF THE VERY FIRST ENTRIES I WROTE ABOUT SYNCHRONICITY/SYNCHRO-POP was a pretty clear warning (looking back and re-reading it) that this probably wasn't the best thing to be investing my time with. Maybe I should've taken my own advice back then.
Well, leave it to our incredible God (or, again, is it Satan?) to use yet another individual (3 total now!) to force me to consider some things on the entire matter. I received a message from a reader via Facebook that simply said:
"Hi Jeff! I ran across this, at a rather unreliable site, however, I think it should serve as a bit of a wake up call to all of us who have been 'studying' these crop circles. Most of it is the usual mumbo jumbo from the dark spiritual side. However, what they view the purpose of those circles for, is something we have never heard before. Maybe adding to the spreading of those images and subsequent analysis, isn't such a 'great idea' regardless of our intentions. Please give it some prayerful thought, we are!"
The idea that I could've been disobeying God's clear commands all this time while also encouraging others here to research and study other possibly forbidden practices like the study of Synchronicity pains me to no end. I want to please my God! I want to bring glory and honor to Him at all times -- not shame! Is this what I've allowed to happen!?!
It's the fine line between exoteric and esoteric knowledge that if crossed can open Pandora's Box. Men and women have always wanted to know the future, to be foretold of the vagaries of nature. For that very reason, we believe in superstitions and in supernatural powers. The skill or act of telling what will happen in the future or discovering something that is unknown or secret by seemingly magical methods gives a person -- who is believed to have the ability -- a special status.
The oldest profession in any culture or society could have been that of a soothsayer. That's why I'm beginning to think my initial assessment of studying this phenomenon was spot on. If a majority of people can't identify and make these same "connections" and "observations" for themselves, then isn't that like elevating myself to some sort of "preferred status" and crossing over into the esoteric realm? If it is, then I need to cease and desist immediately!
Wow! On one hand, I wonder if this truly is cause for concern or if it's just Satan trying to cause doubt. On the other hand, I see this as our Heavenly Father being right on cue to perhaps gently nudge me in the right direction and get me back on track so to speak. Not that it's entirely wrong to warn people about the spiritual and Satanic agenda at work in Hollywood and pop culture in order to prevent it from seducing us and having its intended influence, but maybe my journeys down the rabbit hole in regards to all the Synchro-Pop nonsense in our daily existence is going too far.
Plus, I'm beginning to wonder if these cases of Synchro-Pop have at their core a dangerous premise that we can "hear God's voice", not through His Word, but through extra-Biblical revelation. Churches are currently filled with people who think they are hearing a "word from the Lord", often contradicting one another and causing endless wrangling and divisions within the Body of Christ. That has been me to an extent these past few weeks, and what I fear I may have done inadvertently.
God's Word is to be our authoritative source of wisdom because it is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17). If the Bible is sufficient to thoroughly equip us for every good work, how could we think we need to seek a mystical experience in addition to it?
At the same time, "the only thing that has kept me from writing Synchronicity/Synchro-Pop off completely "is the fact that I know that the things that are most important for Satan to distort are the things that are true; the things that have the most impact and power. The Gospel is obviously number one, and then also the idea of Jesus Christ coming back again. Everything is fair game to him including these sorts of things.
As Christians, I recognize that we MUST look at what the enemy is doing because the end times has a component to it that focuses on Christianity very precisely, and that's this idea that there's going to be this great lie, a great delusion coming -- the Great Deception -- and if you're not well versed in what's going on and especially in knowing the Word itself (knowing it inside and out and understanding that if someone throws something at you that no matter what it is it will NEVER negate the facts of the Bible) you're going to find yourself in serious trouble.
That's why if you leave out things like Astronomy (that's in the Bible), Numerics/Numerology (that's in the Bible), the Nephilim giants (that's in the Bible), and Symbolism (that's in the Bible too!) you're disarming yourself and leaving yourself vulnerable to becoming on the "the elect" who's deceived during the coming Great Deception because ALL OF THESE THINGS have been stolen and usurped by Satan to use against us.
We have to know that this stuff is there or else the lie will work. That's why I'm so concerned about all of this lately. I get that, but I don't want to cross any line. I don't want to disobey God either. Lord have mercy and forgive me if I have sinned in this regard.
I think from now on I'll try to reign it in some. At least, that's the lesson I think I'm supposed to learn from this -- analyze, assess, watch, and warn. However, don't get so wrapped up in EVERY LITTLE DETAIL because that's going too far.
So, the bottom line is that while all the examples of Synchro-Pop can be seducing it's not the kind of seduction that leads to anything good other than the edification of this "Global Consciousness" idea that "we are all one with the universe" or that "we are god, and god is within" even.
In that sense it also borders on PANTHEISM, which literally means "God is All" and "All is God" and it is the view that everything is of an all-encompassing abstract God; or that the Universe, or nature, and God are equivalent.
An oft-cited feature of Pantheism is that each individual human, being part of the Universe or nature, is part of God. One issue discussed by Pantheists is how free will may exist in this framework. In answer, the following analogy is sometimes given (particularly by Classical Pantheists): "You are to God as an individual blood cell in your vein is to you."
The analogy further maintains that while a cell may be aware of its own environs, and even has some choices (free will) between right and wrong (killing a bacterium, becoming malignant, or perhaps just doing nothing, among countless others), it likely has little conception of the greater being of which it is a part.
That doesn't sound like the Christianity I know let alone my relationship to the Most High. Besides, if we took a Pantheistic view of God and our world then it would completely contradict everything we know and believe since as Augustine wrote, "Concerning the rational animal himself, - that is, man, - what more unhappy belief can be entertained than that a part of God is whipped when a boy is whipped? And who, unless he is quite mad, could bear the thought that parts of God can become lascivious, iniquitous, impious, and altogether damnable? In brief, why is God angry at those who do not worship Him, since these offenders are parts of Himself?"
So, while I began this personal study excited over a new discovery I have now come to a place where I no longer believe that the study of Synchronicity/Synchro-Pop is a good thing. I'm still fascinated by it all, but it is too close to Pantheism and therefore incompatible with my sacred belief system I know in my heart and mind to be true. This time I'll know better to take my own advice and conclusions here to heart.
At the end of the day, it's pure New Age, Occult, Luciferian, Satanic garbage and not something I want to be promoting any longer this late in the game. Besides, I wonder if I'm inadvertently opening a doorway to the demonic spiritual realm that can influence me and my family by dabbling with such things.
Can you tell I'm really at odds over this? Why am I having such an issue with this today and in recent days? I wonder what a guy like Russ Dizdar would say about all of this?
Don't worry, I'll still analyze and assess the hidden agendas present in movies and television that speak to this "mass conditioning" concept courtesy of those pushing for a New World Order (a.k.a. the prophesied One World Government system), but I think that's probably where I might stop until God moves me again to write about such things with a laser-like focus and attention to detail as many of the Synchro-Pop pieces here this past week have demonstrated.
Perhaps in the final analysis, and as an appropriate bookend to each and every single piece I've written about this phenomenon, I should make a conscious decision to say goodbye to Synchro-Pop on the same day the world said goodbye to the King of Pop.
The Great Deception?