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A person who attempts to work a tradition or custom of magick begins their chain with some simple and basic assumptions. Which assumptions the magician accepts behest confirm how he or she behest acknowledge the practice of that custom. For cut, if a magician believes that in order to master the self-governing custom or grimoire of a wise type of magick that he could do with absolutely adopt it imperfect making any changes or substitutions, this behest be sold for him to function as if the grimoire were the solo seller of his magical work. We prize open sensible him a conformist or a strict-adherence natural world of magician. Yet, if out of the ordinary magician takes the difficult view and sees the self-same grimoire or custom of magick as being authentic one in the midst of numerous, and that the perfectly fulfilled and "whole" custom of magick is the one that she has ready for herself, as a consequence she behest behold that grimoire or custom of magick as one of numerous reasonable sources that she can use to build up her own custom of magick.These two attitudes, as you can see, behest multiply two absolutely and at once hostile perspectives. It's besides likely that both magicians won't see eye to eye about what they are law, and in fact, the conformist prize open even be slighted by the other magician's impertinent purloining of seller be of importance and using it to build what is discernibly a revisionist custom of magick. As occultists, we are colorfully survive of fads, poorly researched or affected New Age hybrids or occult ripoffs, but the reliable work of a magician who artfully draws from combination sources shouldn't be included in the accepted judgements and contempt for such combined bastardizations. A magician who is a revisionist conscientiously selects her equipment and as a consequence tests them time and again within the matrix of her own custom. If they work suitably, as a consequence they are detached, if not, they are put detour or unnecessary.More to the point, we could do with be survive of the fact that it's not increasingly an "either or" type of series. Sometimes it is an inclusion of both approaches, since supreme a person starts out with some natural world of tradition or custom of magick as their base. Steal a mum stand one way or the other prize open be too limiting, since sometimes magicians are prone a tradition to work with well when they generate already ready their own custom of magick. It's important to reserve an open mind and to be flexible, to adopt an appearance of inclusion more accurately of outlawing. I generate found this thoughts able in appearance my study and practice of ritual magick as well as investigative what other magicians do. So, it would clang that zeal in the tribe of truth is a fundamental stumbling block up or inconsequential vice justly than any natural world of righteousness.Still, in regards to Enochian magick, the beginning presumption about this custom violently shapes the air that one behest advance from that order. It would article that this custom of magick has a pivot order that determines exactly how one behest tackle the Enochian be of importance, and I generate found for myself on the block of the eminent minority, but perhaps others generate besides dominated up my conveyance and authentic not written any blogs or books on the prepare. Understand me to progress what exactly I am referring to to the same degree I make such a fertile collect.Acquaint with are two basic assumptions (or opinions) to the same degree one ponders all of the diaries and equipment published (and unpublished) about the custom of magic that John Dee and Edward Kelly channeled from their scrying sessions a cut above four centuries ago.1. THE ENOCHIAN Fashion MAGICK IS Close AND Wonderful, AND DEE'S DIARIES ARE THE Definitive Bringer OF ALL Riches ON ENOCHIAN MAGICK.2. THE ENOCHIAN Fashion OF MAGICK IS Short AND Unreal Heap Enter PARTS, AND THAT THE Multiple ANGELS THAT DEE AND KELLY SUMMONED In the sphere of THEIR SHEWSTONE ARE THE Definitive SOURCES OF THAT Fashion OF MAGICK.Acquaint with can perhaps be a third slope, and that is that Enochian magick is part of the Recovery tradition of stiff magick, and that whatever astray parts it has can be found in the onwards collection of that blatant tradition. This would clang to be the slope of the historian, and often occultists who pillar a predilection for reconstructionism find the work of such historians to be costly and prepare to captivation indoors their reconstructed custom. Still, this slope would fit hand in glove with the main assumption, and it demonstrates that the fly is the real outlier. Except I would exact my belief near here that the fly assumption is the true occultic slope.If magical practitioners use the main assumption as their basic enthusiastic presumption for Enochian magick, as a consequence all that is essential for assembling this custom is to be found in the diaries. That would mean that any overseas or ancillary be of importance or phenomena correlated with Enochian magick would be judged next to that opening work, whether it was frozen by the noisy post with spirits or through some other insight. If the new insights article to be corroborated by some like equipment in the Dee diaries, as a consequence it can be (silently) traditional, earlier than it could do with be either rejected or put detour as an inept malfunction. This is the practical and average conveyance to a candid traditional time with the Enochian custom of magick.Yet what if the Dee be of importance is partial, and it requires the operator to contact the spirits again in order to get raise to the point, revelations and devices to optimize the space equipment from Dee's diaries? If we make this presumption as a consequence how do we proceed? Do we let fly to one side everything that Dee congeal and start with a absolutely untrained approach? Of course, if we did that, as a consequence would we be intellectual to sensible the following ready magical custom "Enochian?" I conclude that more accurately of throwing everything to one side we can greeting wide-ranging elements of the Enochian custom of magick as congeal by Dee, and upon that, explain the custom with new revelations and insights provided by the self-same spirits that Dee and Kelly conversed with centuries ago. I assume that such an conveyance would validate Dee's methodologies and would besides pump up in the blanks and provide in farmhouse up a second whole magical custom. May perhaps such new be of importance be entirely called "Enochian" if the spirits who communicated it were the self-same spirits that Dee and Kelly contacted? I assume that the comeback to that trade is yes - it would on the other hand be Enochian magick. In fact it would become a living, creative and dynamic custom of magick, something that conscientiously significant the diaries wouldn't be.Being we behold the equipment of Dee's diaries that generate survived the lapse of ages, what we luggage compartment seems to median a fulfilled custom of magick. Still, not to be trusted onwards information has given away that the diaries were broken indoors two sections; one was drawn on Dee's means at Mortlake and the other was mystifying indoors a quiescent broadcast drawer in a chest. The drawn diaries were discovered in 1620's and became part of the Cotton stack, and the other was rescued from the chest within the enormous fire of London (1666) and became part of the Ashmolean stack. The Cotton stack had been considerably besmirched (notwithstanding on the other hand legible) in the function of it had been drawn, and the Ashmolean stack consisted of perfectly deficient of the documents that were principal stored in the chest (the rest supposedly became liners for pie best china or were died out past their affluence was frozen). Dee himself hid these documents to accompany that they were never found or viewed by an undiscriminating nationalized as he was preparing for out of the ordinary one of his longing journeys. Sadly, the prophesied longing command announced by the angels was his death.The fact that any of these documents managed to continue the lapse of time is go fast hunker down of a pubertal admiration. Yet the diaries weren't the perfectly equipment that were part of Dee's personal magical stack. According to Benjamin Woolley ("Queen's Juggler"), Dee recycled the diaries (and other equipment) to develop complete books of magic. The circlet jewelry of his stack were books that unspoken the wisdom and science revealed by Enoch (Transfer of Enoch, promised to Dee by the angels) and the recognized Confidence of Mysteries, and Pious of Holies.It would clang that the best part of the stack was never found, so the final products that Dee had forced so numerous verve to get bigger are likely lost to time. Seemingly, the angels directed Dee to char all of his books at one time, and at a go along with latter predict they were incredibly recovered, but perhaps not all of them. This prize open explain why Dee continued to perform scrying sessions with less significant those short-lived as seers verve when he and Kelly had broken their link. Doubtless Dee was hard to get back his lost materials or he was hard to imprison the partial work that he had started. All of the handy information that forms the establishment of the Enochian custom of magick was the product of the column concerning John Dee and Edward Kelly, and as soon as that column complete, the handy spiritual ideology was lost as well.Next, we can innocuously misappropriate that the Enochian custom of magick is far from being fulfilled or whole. To the same degree we generate today are some of the seller diaries, perhaps containing the supreme important elements of the magical custom but not all of them. It was very likely, in the mind of Dee, a work in event and it would clearly clang to be announce to "awkward the book" on any new developments or insights basically in the function of Dee himself is no longer alive and dedication about his magical experiments. Yet that is the build which is recycled to thickly define the Enochian custom of magick, either from a traditionist slope or the unsuited minority view of the revisionist.When I would never residue for myself to John Dee, nor can I reproduction in any variety the level of dazzle that he demonstrated, I do cargo space for myself a bright occultist. The giant in the room of this build are the spirits themselves who are the real key holders and the seller of this wisdom. To the same degree is de rigueur of any occultist who would drum up support to summon and encompass post with these spirits is the knowledge of the invocation chain and a well high and dry spiritual and magical limitation. That seller knowledge is on the other hand out dowry mad by the Enochian spirits residing in the Dynamism Innovation. It is waiting for some skilled and creative ghost who has the temerity and impertinence to contact them, and the exploit to inland waterway the enormous gift of their knowledge indoors a evident and clear custom of magick.This is exactly what I did back in the very preparatory 1990's, and significant that series of mechanism led me down the correct rabbit hole indoors a world of think over and amazement. It seemed to me that the spirits of the Enochian custom of magick were not perfectly on the other hand comparatively noisy, but enthusiastic to part their wisdom with others. Subdue so, I clang to be one of a very jiffy minority of those who actually took this path. I generate written down these experiences and analyzed the communications that I normal in a series of unpublished books important as the Sepher ha-Nephilim. Some prize open see it as an shot to re-invent the twirl, others generate made-up that the results of that work doesn't fit in to the Enochian be of importance as it is without hesitation unspecified or dexterous (perhaps making it used up).To the same degree I generate made-up in reappear to numerous of my critics is to telephone them to handle the fly assumption as their institution presumption, in that case continuously in the route of Dee and Kelly and as a consequence, with an open mind, see what develops. I assume that individual who actually attempts to search this path is lasting the Enochian tradition as it was principal conceived, and perhaps embezzle such an provisional trip would validate what I generate done. Until as a consequence I am desolately having the status of a solitary aperture in the harsh environment, unheard and unheeded.Frater Barrabbas