I. Elisabeth (Luke 1:5-7)
A Married Woman
What do we know about her from Scripture?
A. She was married to Zacharias a priest (v5)
B. They were both righteous before God (v6)
C. Walking in all the ordinances of the Lord (v6)
D. Blameless (v6)
E. They had a problem-Elisabeth was barren (v7)
1. They had prayed for a child (1:13)
Angel said unto Zacharias "thy prayer is heard"
2. Against the culture not to have children (1:25)... looked down upon. "Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men".
F. They were both well-striken in years (v7)
G. God blessed them with a child... they had the important job of raising John the Baptist, which would prepare the way for our Saviour.
What can we gain from her life?
She continued serving God, even though she had problems. She was faithful. She knew Scripture and looked for the coming Messiah. (v41-45)
II. Mary (1:27-35)
A Single Woman
What do we know about her from Scripture?
A. Virgin espoused to a man-Joseph (v27)
B. "Thou art highly favored," (v27) "found favor with God "(v30)
C. "the Lord is with thee" (v27)
D. Chosen of God to be Christ's mother (v31)
What can we learn from Mary's life?
She obeyed God with joy, even though she didn't know the outcome. She could have been stoned in that day, for being expectant without a husband, but she knew that she could trust Him. She believed God!
III. Anna (2:36-38) name mentioned one time in the Bible
A Widow
What do we know about her from Scripture?
A. Prophetess (v36)
B. She was of great age (v36)
C. She had lived with and husband seven years from her virginity. (v36)
D. Widow (v37) of about 84 years
1. Alone
2. Poor
E. Departed not from the temple (v37)
F. Served God with fastings and prayers night
and day (v37)
G. (v38) "And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord" She was going about her daily life. God is in control and His plan will be fulfilled.
H. She spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem (v38) She told others about Christ!
What can we learn from Anna?
That everyone can do something in God's work, whether it is praying, telling others about Jesus, or just being faithful to Him and His house.
Am I faithful, righteous, and walking in all the ordinances of the Lord like the married Elizabeth? Am I believing God and trusting Him like the single Mary, the mother of our Lord? Do I love God and His people; am I involved in God's work like the elderly Anna? There is so much that we can learn from the lives of these Godly ladies. May the Lord help each of us to "do what we can" and surrender ourselves to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.