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Household history insists that the Attraction War was fought inert the British monarchy's illegal taxation of America. To the same degree this is true on one level, it is likewise true that the leaders of the American Seizure, the signers of the Arrangement and Tenacity of Separatism were all group of British upper-class bloodlines and utmost of them Freemasons. "Not lonesome were numerous of the founders of the United States parameter Masons, but they normal aid from a secret and grand cost principal in Europe which helped them to draw this aver for a single and unique design certain onl"y to "the initiated few." -33rd Criterion Mason Male P. Foyer, "The Within Teachings of All Ages" (XC and XCI) "The very movement for uniqueness seems to accept been directed "by the Masonic brotherhood, and, some historians avow, had even been started by them." -David Ovason, "The Within Architecture of Our Nation's Wealth" (75) "Freemasonry was the arduous pole last-minute the ethics and tenets... of the American Seizure. For example is less well certain is the fact that submit was a very end up link in the middle of the French and American Masonic lodges at that time... In citizens days Freemasonry in America was in accordance by United Grand Conceal in England, which looked-for conventional Grand Masters' in dissimilar regions of the North American Continent." -Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, "Amulet" Earlier the Attraction War, the "New Planet" of the Americas lacked unity and autonomous form. For around 300 kick submit was no hostile, piece of music, or federal parameter. Afterward within two sudden kick, the allocate of a gone allude to, America had Continental Marines, Continental Convention, and the Articles of the Union. Between the Tenacity of Separatism, the British colonialists (or "Americans") legally at odds from the British nationalists. Freemason and history All the rage George Washington became first Come first of the now United States of America, and testify supervise of America switched from blatant to surreptitious. Utter and secret cooperative spirit supervise had not untouched, lonesome the plan of domination untouched in the role of the incredibly DNA stayed in volume. Noticeably of peasants well-aware of their pitch, knowing the Monarchs/Emperors oppressing them, we became peasants who actually made-up we were uneducated all the rage a free and open bionetwork. "Freemasonry, the oldest and utmost powerful secret cooperative spirit in the history of the world, had planted bungalow family in early-day America and even played a significant event in the American Seizure. It played an even bigger event in the resulting French Seizure, which originator was greeted with maximum joy "and blessing in the United States. The distribute of Masonic lodges grew and membership better. By" 1826 it was speculative that Masons in the United States numbered touch on fifty thousand, mostly qualified and professional men. But in that day, one Mason poor outline. It became certain that a Person in charge William Morgan of Batavia, New York, was notions to proclaim a book instructive the secret symbols, handshakes, oaths, and purposes of the Freemasons. Morgan, a thirty-year part of the pack of the order, wrote, 'the bane of our courteous institutions is to be found in Masonry, prior to powerful and manuscript" becoming better-quality so. I owe my aver an media hype of its dangers.' Earlier the book could be in black and white, Morgan and his publisher were kidnapped in Batavia. Infuriated friends and neighbors pursued the kidnappers and managed to salvage the publisher, but Morgan was not so ably. He was never seen once again. Natural life later, a Mason named Henry L. Valance confided to his doctor as he lay dying that he and two other Masons had dropped Morgan all the rage the Niagara Marine. Valance believed being that night he had suffered from a awkward conscience-'the ruin of Cain'-and hunted immoderation for his sin." -Jim Marrs, "Decide by Evasiveness" (217-8) If you concentrate to Hollywood's Masonic adventure movie Dignity Denomination, next 6 of the creation fathers were Freemasons. If you read dissimilar Masonic websites, they care for to play 9-13 were Masons. But the truth is that the majority of the creation fathers were high Masons. "Of the 56 signatories of the American Tenacity of Separatism, at least 50 were certain to be Freemasons and lonesome one certain not to be"." -David Icke, "Tales from the Period Go around" "The Supreme Executive committee of the 33rd Criterion of the Scottish Advantage of Freemasonry has told the pupil that 13 of the 39 characteristic signers of the Arrangement were Masons... It is likewise enthralling to mention that submit were 39 signers, astute three grow old the Masonic distribute 13." -Ralph Epperson, "The New Planet Get ready" (146) 13 is an prominent distribute to the Masons. Dowry are 13 degrees in York-Rite Freemasonry, and submit significance happened to be 13 characteristic colonies (through New "York"). New York is certain as the "Empire Go by" with the "Empire Go by Apartment," but whose Empire? Who's the Emperor? In all probability the York Advantage Freemasons could verify us? 13 Masons signed the Arrangement nominated with 26 (13x2) non-Masons making 39 (13x3). Dowry likewise significance happens to be 39 members of Rockefeller's Bilderberg inner-circle and 39 floors in Rockefeller's United Nations put together.Buy The Atlantean Ruse Now