At the same time as is the rectify connection between religion and prosperity? Rachelle M. Scott looks at this issue in a Thai Buddhist context, asking at the same time as the connection between Buddhist commitment and wealth is viewed in fortunate vocabulary and at the same time as it is viewed in vocabulary of dispute and worry. Scott focuses on the Dhammakauya Crest, an construction that has to be found traditional Theravauda practices, such as meditation and merit-making, within a modernist border that encourages hush-hush and social prosperity. The Temple's entrap of a monumental religious statuette in the at the rear of 1990s in person this log, but to boot sparked criticism of the Temple's wealth and fund-raising techniques and engendered debates over unfeigned Buddhism and religious branch of learning. Scott situates this argue within the context of postmodern Thailand and the Asian economic puzzle at the same time as reevaluations of wealth, worldwide capitalism, and "Asian values" engaged a top place in Thai collective editorial.