Friday 14 February; Amanda Roberts Presents Her Students. An evening of messages from the angels at The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm-8.30pm. Cost: lb10/lb12 Advance booking advised. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit http://www.collegpsychicstudies.co.uk/index.html
Saturday 15 February; The Bright and Dark Face of the Goddess, Exploring the Moon and Venus in the Astrological Chart. One-day workshop with Cat Cox at The Atlantis Bookshop, 49a Museum Street, London, Eng WC1A 1LY. Time: 11am - 5pm. Tickets: lb45. Phone Bali on 020 7405 2120 to book a place.
Saturday 15 February; Valentines Full Moon Dance Party and Tantric Dance and Ritual. Venue shown only to members of the meet-up group. Entrance at 6pm for 6.30pm instructions (no late admittance) - party starts at 8pm. Cost: lb15 for one event, lb20 for both events. http://www.meetup.com/london-ecstatic-dance
Sunday 16 February; Dawn of the Oak. Pagan moot on the third Sunday of each month. Venue: Upstairs at The Castle, 34-35 Cowcross Road, Farringdon, London EC1M 6DB (near Farringdon tube). Time: 3pm-6pm.
Sunday 16 February; The Esotericism of Anna Kingsford. Talk by Elaine Bailey. Venue: The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA. Time: 6pm. Fee per meeting: lb7/lb5/ TS members: lb4. Website: www.theosoc.org.uk
Monday 17 February; Hope in Action. Talk by Andrew Harvey and Scilla Elworthy, authors of a forthcoming titleFuture in the Balance: Transforming Leadership for a World That Works.Venue: Alternatives, St. James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. Time: 7pm to 8.30pm. Tickets lb12/lb8 concs. Advance booking required. To book tickets and for more info visit the Alternatives website: http://www.alternatives.org.uk/Site/Talks.aspx
Monday 17 February; Psychic Circle run by Shamanic Spirit at a venue in Croydon, South London. The circle is held on Mondays fortnightly starting at 7.30pm. Cost lb5. For more details and to book places call 07952 041477. For more information, visit http://shamanicspirit.co.uk/.
Tuesday 18 February; Your Birth Chart and Learn How To Read It - astrology workshop run by Cobwebs and Cauldrons. Venue: Fairkytes Art Centre, 51 Billet Lane, Hornchurch RM11 1AX. Starts 7pm. Cost lb25 (lb10 deposit to secure place). You will need to supply your date, time and place of birth so your chart can be created. https://www.facebook.com/events/1451965105016832/
Tuesday 18 February; The Magic of the Grail - Past Myth and Future Reality? Talk by Patrick Dixon at Steiner House, 35 Park Rd, London NW1. Time: 7.30pm - 9pm. Cost lb3.50. http://www.rsh.anth.org.uk/
Tuesday 18 February; The Mind Beyond The Brain: Recent Experimental Research. Lecture by Rupert Sheldrake at The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm-8.30pm. Cost: lb10/lb12 Advance booking advised. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit http://www.collegpsychicstudies.co.uk/index.html
Wednesday 19 February; Beginners Tarot Class - first in a six-week evening class series run by Cobwebs and Cauldrons. Venue: Fairkytes Art Centre, 51 Billet Lane, Hornchurch RM11 1AX. Starts 7pm. Cost lb20 per night (lb20 deposit to secure place). You will need a set of Rider Waite Tarot cards. https://www.facebook.com/events/1387430184841552/
Thursday 20 February; Shamanic Spirit Circle run by Shamanic Spirit at a venue in Croydon, South London. The circle is held monthly on Thursdays starting at 7.30pm. Cost lb5. For details and to book places call 07952 041477. For more information, visit http://shamanicspirit.co.uk/.
Thursday 20 February; Pagan Pathfinders. Paganism study group and ritual evening in Finchley, North London. Start: 7.30pm. Free even, but bring food and drink to share. For details, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/696869553696674
Thursday 20 February; In Defence of Life: Essays on a Radical Reworking of Green WisdomTalk and book signing by Sir Julian Rose at Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm. Free event. For more details Tel 020 7836 2182 or visit the website http://www.watkinsbooks.com/
Thursday 20 February; Inner Light: Journey of Empowerment with Lidija, arranged through the London College of Spirituality. Venue: Elizabeth Fry Room, Westminster Quakers Meeting House, 8 Hop Gardens off St Martins Lane (alleyway between Gymbox and Cote Brasserie), London, WC2N 4EA. Start: 7pm. Cost: lb15. For more details and to book places visit http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/
Thursday 20 February; Carl Jung: The Roots of his Thought and Practice. First in a series of four evening classes with Kenneth Rees. Venue: The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA. Time: 7pm - 9pm. Fee per meeting: lb7/lb5/ TS members: lb4. Website: www.theosoc.org.uk NOTE: This is a change of date for the first lecture in the series due to the original first class being cancelled because of the tube strike. http://www.badwitch.co.uk/2014/01/magic-school-carl-jung-thought-and.html
Friday 21 February; London Dreamtime Presents The Faeries of Deptford Creek - storytelling and music in a secret outdoor location near Deptford Bridge. Starts 8pm. Cost lb3 per person. Email neckingernell@yahoo.com to book a place. http://www.londondreamtime.com/
Friday 21 February; An Evening of Soul Portraits and Clairvoyance with Angela Watkins and June-Elleni Laine. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm-8.30pm. Cost: lb10/lb12 Advance booking advised. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit http://www.collegpsychicstudies.co.uk/index.html
Friday 21 February. Ethel Le Rossignol: Private View of a Series of Psychic Drawings Given Through Her Hand as an Assurance of Survival After Death. Venue: The Horse Hospital, Colonnade, London WC1N 1JD. Time: 7pm. http://www.thehorsehospital.com/now/a-goodly-company-ethel-le-rossignol/
Saturday 22 Feb - Saturday 22 March; Ethel Le Rossignol: Exhibition of a Series of Psychic Drawings Given Through Her Hand as an Assurance of Survival After Death. Venue: The Horse Hospital, Colonnade, London WC1N 1JD. Time: Mon-Sat, 12pm-6pm. http://www.thehorsehospital.com/now/a-goodly-company-ethel-le-rossignol/
Sunday 23 February; Crossbones Vigil to honour The Goose and the outcast dead of Cross Bones Graveyard. Bring a flower, a ribbon, a totem or memento to tie to the shrine. Gather from 6.45pm for a 7pm start in Redcross Way outside the Memorial Gates, SE1 1TA, opposite the Boot and Flogger pub, just north of the junction with Union Street. Nearest tubes Borough or London Bridge. The event is free, but donations are welcome. For more details, visit http://www.crossbones.org.uk/