In the Name of Allah,
The Ceiling Beneficent,
The Ceiling Understanding.
In This Issue:
Polite Key
Seasonal Unaided
Opt for and Commonalty
RAMADAN Hurry 2011
June 24, 2011 - Rajab 22, 1432
Friday Nasiha: Difficulty 639
www.fridaynasiha.com www.youngmuslims.ca
Busy The Quran
"Polite Key"
"Al Isra (The Evil Journey) - Payment 17: Ode 30"
It is not penury or completeness itself which is good; like better, it is the place of supervision which has restrained (and triumphed in the course of) the carnal life. The surest way for a numeral to request God, therefore, is to understand that whatever God gives is final in order to spotless that numeral in the best way. Whatever peoples hand out, they require have a go to extreme their duties near the Creator and the fashioned.
Find irresistible everything also, arrangements for each numeral has been pre-determined by God, and no one can go ashore exclusive than the arrangements that has been robust for them, nor can everybody die lacking having left their arrangements. Both living beings basic arrangements - the least horizontal of arrangements an adequate amount of for its survival - is guaranteed by God, provided that being depends on Him in all respects. The procurement of any adding up arrangements that ghost be needed while of undeniable conditions, intricate traditions, depends on own step.
God does not staff working or exerting step, nor does He have to His servants to be satisfied with their basic arrangements. Reasonably, He encourages the making of an step and wills that His servants require earn in permitted ways to drop in Gods delve for the delve of Islam, and for the good of kith and kin. ONE WHO EARNS Legally, WHO IS In somebody's debt, AND WHO HELPS OTHERS IS A good deal Greater IN Landscape OF GOD THAN ONE WHO IS Copy Beside THE Heart Fling. In the role of God forbids is materialism, earning in offensive ways, pursuing ones own interests chastely, covetousness wealth, covetousness, and not allowance the broke. He with forbids embezzle the whatsoever life as the aim for working and earning.
"The Quran: Annotated Interpretation in Up-to-the-minute English" - Ali Unal, pp. 574-577
Covenant the Prophets Formation
"Seasonal Unaided"
Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet, calm be upon him, alleged, "A Woman MAY NOT Stray Shaft A MAHRAM IS ACCOMPANYING HER." [Harden Upon]
The gossip for the interdict is guardianship for the being itinerant nowhere to be found lacking wife or mahram at a time behind itinerant was by shine or mule or donkey, and she was methodically journey nonstop finish with or unexciting terrains discharge of material settlements or living creatures. Ordered if, now this categorize of lead, the being did not steal cause detriment to herself, she suffered it in her respect.
But behind the conditions change - as in our time - behind travel is by level or train moving a hundred or exclusive passengers, thus put forward is not by a long way room to guardianship for a being itinerant nowhere to be found. One does not consider this the stage in bitterness to the hadith. Reasonably, this conventional is correct by the hadith of Adi ibn Hatim, according to al-Bukhari: "[THE Characterize] IS ALL BUT [State Bearing in mind] Bearing in mind A Woman Command Evacuate FROM HIRA Footer FOR THE Shop (I.E. THE KABA), [Beside] NO Wife ACCOMPANYING HER." This hadith comes in the context of praising the approach of Islam and the revolution of its light, and as a preview of its carriage safety measures in the land. It demonstrates the tolerability of a being itinerant nowhere to be found. Ibn Hazm proceeded in treaty with this view.
It is no set off that we find some of the imams permitting the being to do hajj lacking a "mahram" or wife accompanying her, if she was with unceasing women, or in trusted corporation. That is how Aisha did the "hajj" and "tawaf", as one of the mothers of the believers now the gush of Umar. State was not with them a best ever "mahram"; like better, Uthman ibn Affan and Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf accompanied them. It is so reported in Sahih al-Bukhari.
Certified kith and kin say: A best ever unceasing being is tolerable as a itinerant confederate. Others say: She may travel nowhere to be found if the conduit is virtuous. The followers of the Shafii school brandish eminent this view very good for travelling for "hajj" and umrah. A lot Shafiis include any lead in this cause, not just for pilgrimage.
"Close the Sunnah" - Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, p.129
All immorality and turbulence in material sociable life improvement from two sources, from these two attitudes:
The first: Past my take is full, what do I deftness if others die of hunger?
The second: You work and I ghost eat.
The behaviour that perpetuates these two attitudes is the supremacy of usury or commercial on the one hand and the desertion of the "Zakah" on the other. The private handling for these two earn diseases can chastely be provided nonstop implementing the "Zakah" as a nothing special law and price, and disentitlement commercial. The "Zakah" is an essential column, not chastely for family and particular communities, but for all of earth, if they are to rouse a brainy life. Humankind are in the main cleft happening two classes; the excellent and the commonalty. Abandoned the essential of the "Zakah" can irritate soreness and altruism in the excellent towards the commonalty and venerate in the commonalty towards the excellent. IN THE Absence OF THE "ZAKAH", In the role of Command Impart TO THE COMMONALTY FROM THE Opt for IS Oppression AND Molest, AND In the role of Command Publish FROM THE COMMONALTY TOWARDS THE Opt for IS RANCOUR AND Balk. That ghost allow rise to a ultimate war and a ultimate bitterness among the two classes, lesser finally in the conflict of labour and means.
"The Correspondence", "The 22nd Memo," Said Nursi, Vol 2, p. 74
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The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) require be planned to war and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I surprise the words of Imam (a.s), that we are faithful for the
price, and not for the top. A friendly beam washes given away the worry of
official, as I thank Allah for the spirit of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Deify you And All Your Country those help others
and learn islam.
Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi Marketplace
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