This FULL MOON ~ called by the DRUIDS as the OAK MOON ~ is going to clarify for anyone who had doubts that the era of the Eclipses is gone... the only thing that's left is the memory of the prior events and maybe this still hurts! The Moon will be on the 7th degree of CANCER conjuncting with MIZRAM, a fortunate Star which will bring enjoyable feelings and a favorable energy across the Cosmos. MIZRAM is the Announcer of SIRIUS, a very important Star in Astrology and Magic. We could expect the rise of someone very powerful leader (of any kind / politics / religion / arts...) perhaps very soon!
At the same time the SUN will conjunct KAUS BOREALIS another fixed star which also bears good and humanitarian qualities. Furthermore Mars will be on the 1st degree of Aquarius leaving the troubled Capricorn and signifying a new passionate beginning in our communication.
The Magic of the Full Moon is unleashed... Revive Magic in your Life!
a wonderful picture by ROXRIO
Let's see each sign individually!
ARIES: With Mars being more helpful in Aquarius and a Full Moon full of power in your Career (possible opportunities will rise during these days!) you should try to find a balance between your work and your relationships. A ship has sailed but where is it heading to?
TAURUS: Your close friends and people who you are attached to demand your attention. Probably that's a good thing because they might have to say something really fortunate for you. After all, this Full Moon is very favorable for you! You might end up discovering great things about your life!
GEMINI: Money talking... it's time to show how genuinely smart your are. There are many things that happen regarding your financial situation. It's time to look closely at the details and get what you deserve. Make a more rich environment for you and your endeavours.
CANCER: Full Moon in Cancer, the House of the Moon. The cosmic energy of the Great Lady of the Night is focused on he children, you! What does your heart say? What does is say so persistently? Stop avoiding your instincts and embrace them. This is the only way to handle yourself and weave your destiny!
LEO: A Full Moon which will probably make you very sensitive. Mars is opposing you now demanding for actions! You may feel somehow weird but the world seems to need you more right now. Find your balance. Meditate and act!
VIRGO: News from your Love life and Friends. This Full Moon shines upon your heart and illuminates what you want and what you need! Something very important might happen regarding your emotional life. A new mate? A new friend? Time will tell!
LIBRA: Your work demands your attention and you get tired! But at the same time your relations tend to bring you anxiety! However Mars will now provide your with all the energy you need to deal with your problems and shine like a diamond!
SCORPIO: A fortunate Full Moon will heal the wounds of Saturn in your sign. You may perceive it like just a glimpse of happiness but that's not true! It's a huge opportunity to find and live in joy! Open your eyes and be patient! The opportunity may be knocking your door in few seconds!
SAGITTARIUS: I know that your world is changing but sometimes your overwhelming optimism brings out your chaotic self. Try to handle your will to spend too much money and have some boundaries in that area. You don't want to wake up in 2013 feeling broke, do you?
CAPRICORN: The world is focused on you, once again! And you are focused on your relations. This might bring our some tense but it's for the better. You got very positive influence and now that Mars leaves your sign you feel more relaxed, more free!
AQUARIUS: This Full Moon talks about what you left behind and what your future promised for you! A new era in beginning with this Full Moon. A new era of hard work but much Good luck. Deal with what you can and let the other to the Universe.
PISCES: Love and Friendship are two sectors of your life with will make you think more and pay more attention. You might feel more anxious or tense but this is just a phase. A new year is beginning in a while and you should observe its Dawn with an optimistic eye!
ASTROLOGY FOR SPELLCASTERS! If you want to attract GLORY and FAME this Full Moon is absolutely the BEST for this kind of spells! It's also a great opportunity to perform SUCCESS SPELLS!
Change Yourself, Change the World!
Discover, Play, Love!
Reference: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com