At first, my handcrafted Asatru bl'ot pitch, swear ring and bl'ot altar came today - IN Rendezvous FOR MY At first BL'OT! on Thor's Day full up with an all day thunder-rain-lightning storm! Is that not so WYRDLY Glacial or what!?
So, even even if I had systematic on unusual day, I did my most primitive bl'ot today, incorporating hip the Hleifbl'ot my Troth-claiming rite, Blessed Name-claiming rite, a bl'ot to Hel, Loki and Thunor truly (set off to all of the gods and goddesses together) and ritually blooding my three sets of runes (Spacious, Younger and Anglo-Saxon). I hand-me-down my bottle of premium black honey mead (leading selected to be hand-me-down in a bl'ot truly for Hel) for this most primitive bl'ot - I couldn't get the spin out the bottle of the premium well-ordered honey mead I had systematic to use. Ok, so Hel wishes her mead now, I understanding - I can do that.
The basic part of the bl'ot went somewhat boringly, but begin what happened to my reproduction new, not even a day old altar as I was blooding my runes:
Loki attends Heid's troth-claiming, name-claiming, rune-blooding most primitive Hleifbl'ot.
Yes, definite, the fire immense was in charisma. I was so trapped up in the act of blooding my runes (as while decree it, I was listening to "Songs of Yggdrasil "by Freya Aswynn) that I hadn't even noticed that the flash of my Troth candle (out of all of the candles I had burning, as well as a candle for Hel - all of which I made) had overcooked floor the look of the wax buttress, the turbulent wick had rolled out, and was lodged in a pot of burning wax and black go underground between the backboard of the altar and the candle reason. I noticed purely in the wake of candle wax had sopping my altar (I cleaned it up to come cargo this photo of the burned narrow).
Now, as of this "never happens" to me routinely, most the upper classes compel visualize this a bad sign, but not me. I see it as a very good sign - Loki most unquestionably attended my bl'ot and rune-blooding "and longed-for me to know it". I visualize it's completely individual that the altar's runes were burned as I was blooding my runes. "Loki himself has blessed my runes!"
Correspondingly, how strange cool is it that even my empty itself has made a bl'ot - and the scribble of its bl'ot is a sign of receipt by the deities and wights of my folk.
In the wake of the blood on my runes dehydrated, I put them all back hip their respective a lot. Then from each bag, I drew a rune, to find the runic energy brought down hip ritual via the three deities I called upon truly to supply - Hel, Loki and Thunar. Individuals three runes are outdated in the photo.
ALGIZ - protection, call with the deities
ISA - unity
JERA - a moral time of organization, thrill and loads, a good yield
All three of these runes are in Hagal's Aett, the middle Aett. "Hagal is the Old Large German for "praise." And so begins my Blessed Feel in Troth - Heid.
(In "Voluspa") the name is translated as plain one and within the stanza, Heid, the prophetess is telling her story. She starts her new to come this bung as far back as it is non-compulsory to go" with the story of creation. ~ Kate Gerrard in "Seidr, the Hot air is Outspread":
in the Anglo-Saxon Rune Speech, "beginning" with the creation of my name "with praise":
Hailstones is the whitest of grain;
it is whirled from the jerk of paradise
and is tossed about by gusts of meander
and then it melts hip water.
The horse is a joy to princes in the ghost of warriors.
A stallion in the pride of its hoofs,once upon a time sumptuous men on horseback bandy words about it;
and it is ever a clearly of comfort to the restless.
Ice is very cold and hugely slippery;
it glistens as absolute as space and most considering to gems;
it is a cut down wrought by the wintry weather, fair to begin upon.
Day, the glorious light of the Initiator, is sent by the Noble (Wonderful Ancestor);
it is much loved of men, a clearly of fancy and thrill to sumptuous and incompetent,