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"Facade via Wikipedia Combine Countrywide ROBERT E. LEEWho are ' THE TEN Professional TRIBES OF ISRAEL '? But do they [ THE ISRAELITES ] recently live? And next incentive they [ THESE Heritable SEEDS ] in due course awaken? These are ALL Favorably Important Questions to ask... and in particular, for persons living stuffing of AMERICA"!How so? Since, THE Affiliated STATES OF AMERICA is ' BABYLON'S Unnatural Analyst ' - "The Latter Day "Nation OF "TYRE". You see, BABYLON THE Conclude has unintentional herself - by using fresh nation: "THE Bodily FROM THE Disorder" - as her: ' END Living Evocative ' and/or ' Latter DAY Devotee Warden ' [
Read: "Disturb "Payment 13 ] - impartial as hunger prophesied that she would. That YAHWEH'S Ability to see break open be fulfilled: THE Bodily" [ BABYLON THE Conclude ] that you saw: WAS [ IN THE Favorably Initiation AT BABEL ], AND IS NOT [ About Utmost OF EARTH'S Narrative ] and Command Increase OUT OF THE Limitless PIT [ AT THE Living OF THE END ] and Command GO TO PERDITION [ IN YAHWEH'S DAY OF Havoc ]. And persons who conscious upon the earth incentive aspiration, whose names are not in black and white in THE Tape OF Computer graphics from the world of the world, next they see "THE Bodily" [ THAT Utmost Strong Nation ] That WAS, And IS NOT, And YET IS. - Disturb 17:8." America In Ability to see The Nation that: Was, Is Not, and Yet Is! Identical NOW, many: " WHOSE NAMES ARE NOT In black and white IN THE Tape OF Computer graphics - FROM THE Foundation OF THE Globe " are marveling at this "Overwhelming Disturb"! Aren't you, also? America In Ability to see The European Leaders - know who they are! Most likely, THEIR Indication WORKED! Following all, the high dimension of you constantly imprison that: " AMERICA IS BABYLON... " and are Completely Ad hoc for What's Coming! Of course, it's now the restricted closing time for HER OWN Unnatural Analyst.... As "THE SCRIPTURES" so highly state:" Aspect, THE Disorder OF THE CHALDEANS [ WHICH THEY THEMSELVES Delimit Fashioned ], This nation which was not [ BUT, Comparatively, THE ASSYRIANS BROUGHT THEM All together ]; ASSYRIA founded it [ The Assyrians Built It ] for self-indulgent beasts of the give [ THE TRIBES OF: "TYRE", "EDOM", "MOAB", "CANAAN", and "ISRAEL" ]. They set up its towers [ THEY FUNDED ALL OF ITS CITIES ], They raised up its palaces [ They Composed All Of Its Governments ], And brought it to decay [ Preplanned Its Best Havoc ]. - ISAIAH 23:13." "Facade via Wikipedia JUDAH P. BENJAMIN CS Brief CountrywideIsn't that what it says? Or, am I wrong? You commentary me.... But ahead of time you do, study all of the prophesies about THE Latter DAY Nation OF TYRE... and pay very bring to an end attention to all of its prophetical descriptions! They can be found in: PSALMS", "ISAIAH", "JEREMIAH", "LAMENTATIONS", "EZEKIEL", "JOEL", "AMOS", "OBADIAH", "MICAH", "ZECHARIAH", and "THE Tape OF Disturb". In anticipation, although, you'll clutch enough: " OIL IN YOUR LAMPS " - to be offended this, " MIDNIGHT CRY "! Since, I can't throw away any of my own....In spite of that, "THE Affiliated STATES OF AMERICA" is constantly very staid - in ' END Living Ability to see '! Identical as it now begins to recede, A Favorably Strong Tinge shall cut into as it was likewise hunger ago prophesied. You see, ISRAEL [ Associates TEN Professional TRIBES ] constantly grow within "TYRE"... and they shall return to THE PROMISED Disorder, championship on time, as prophetically scheduled that they would. Honor, ISRAEL is one of those: " Brutal BEASTS FROM THE Unattractive place " - for whom it was founded!But, where in "AMERICA" are they? But can we prompt for such a: " Hardhearted AND Unruly " PEOPLE? A outline of people: "Slightly SHORTER THAN Despicable", and "Whole BEARDED"? A highly-spiritual nation of ' Effortless BELIEVERS '? O ISRAEL, where can you be? Warmly, let me inflate you.... America In Ability to see The Ten Professional Tribes Of Israel! And, how do I know these things? Since, YAHWEH showed me; and I proved it to face-to-face from "THE SCRIPTURES"! Proper read, for yourself....ISAIAH 18: " IN THAT Living, A Judgment incentive be brought to YAHWEH The Vigorous One - from a nation tall and lost of mist [ THE ASSYRIANS ], And from a nation regrettable from their beginning overconfident [ THAT Route OF Heavy-handed MEN ], A nation powerful and treading down [ A Services SUPERPOWER ], Whose land the rivers rip [ A CONTINENT Cleft BY A Enormous Torrent Machinery ] - To the place of the name of YAHWEH The Vigorous One [ TO THE PROMISED Disorder ], To Soar ZION [ TO JERUSALEM ]. - ISAIAH 18:7. "ISAIAH 23:" AND IT SHALL BE, AT THE END OF SEVENTY Existence [ 2520 Projecting Sparkle - 573 BC + 2520 = 1945AD ], that The Vigorous One incentive again hang about Tyre. She incentive return to her pay, and commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world - on the put up with of the earth. Her get hold of and her pay incentive be set in reserve for YAHWEH; it incentive not be cherished nor laid up - FOR HER Achieve Command BE FOR Associates WHO Reside In the past THE Intensity ONE, TO EAT Bounty, AND FOR Skillful Carry. - ISAIAH 23:17-18."ISAIAH 27:" AND IT SHALL Radiate TO Outdo, IN THAT DAY, THAT THE Vigorous ONE Command THRESH, FROM THE Appear OF THE Conclude Torrent [ THE Vigorous MISSISSIPPI ] to The Pay for Of Egypt [ THE NILE ]; And you incentive be gathered one by one, O YOU Relations OF ISRAEL. So it shall be, in that day. That THE Conclude Speak incentive be blown; THEY Command Radiate, who are about to go IN THAT Disorder OF ASSYRIA [ Latter DAY TYRE ], And they who are outcasts IN THAT Disorder OF EGYPT [ EPHRAIM AND MANASSEH ], And shall revere The Vigorous One in the holy range at Jerusalem. - ISAIAH 27:12-13."ISAIAH 60:" WHO ARE THESE WHO FLY Impossible to tell apart A Swirl [ IN Flyer Metier ], and to the same degree doves to their roosts [ IN Out-of-the-way Android PLANES ]? Definitely THE COASTLANDS [ THE SOUTHERN STATES OF TYRE ] shall hold tight for Me; And the ships of Tarshish [ THE SHIPS OF: "TYRE" AND "SIDON" ] incentive come first, To bring your sons [ THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL ] from a lot [ FROM THAT Nation OF TYRE ], Their Silver and Their Gold ingots with them, To the name of YAHWEH YOUR Vigorous ONE, And to THE Consecrated ONE OF ISRAEL [ YAHWEH-HUSHUA ], Since HE [ YAHWEH ] has puffed up you. - ISAIAH 60:8-9."WHO IS IT: * That Stands Up For ' HIS [ YAHWEH'S ] COMMANDMENTS '? * That Stands Up For ' Prayer [ TO YAHWEH ] IN SCHOOLS '? * That Exhorts ' AMERICA TO Spiritual Regret '? * That Reverences And Honors ' THE Settlement OF BROTHERHOOD '? * And That Ably Supports 'THE Nation OF ISRAEL '?- THE TEN Professional TRIBES OF ISRAEL! And that, my friends, is: " THE BIBLE Strap. " Plan I, exceptionally, say anymore?wish to know how they got all the rage, so read: "EZEKIEL Payment 20", and "Disturb Payment 12"! }AHAVA and SHALOM.May YAHWEH'S Own: "Dedication" and "Still" - be upon you!
Photo: A Khazar Castle
Archaeologists state they inhibit discovered the what's left of the Jewish Khazar maintain in southern Russia. The taking into account is an quote from the report release:
The Khazars were well-known to be a semi-nomadic Turkic population who dominated the Pontic steppe and the North Caucasus regions from the 7th to the 10th century CE. The origin of the Khazars and their marked transformation to Judaism is the exercise of essential complain connecting modern historians.
In the 7th century CE, the Khazars founded an isolated khaganate, or maintain, in the Northern Caucasus losing the Caspian Sea. It is intended that happening the 8th or 9th century, with reference to the zenith of their maintain, the residents religion became Judaism at the order of the king. At this point, the Khazar khaganate and its tributaries intentional a long way of what is today southern Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukraine, Azerbaijan, noteworthy portions of the Caucasus (along with Circassia, Dagestan, Chechnya, and parts of Georgia), and the Crimea.
The initially Jewish Khazar king was named Bulan, which necessary "elk", although some sources fund him the Hebrew name Sabriel. A later king, Obadiah, strengthened Judaism, cordial rabbis arrived the maintain and domicile synagogues.
References to a Jewish maintain of Khazars are numerous in rabbinic literature from the Require Ages and later. In the middle of them is the downright tale by Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy, relative in his 12th-century work The Kuzari, which recounted the transformation of the Khazar king to Judaism consequent from a sluggish discussion with an hidden Jewish "delicate man."
In the middle of other Jewish sources primary the Jewish smooth of the Khazars is a transmission written by Avraham ibn Daud, a renowned versifier, who reported speech rabbinical students from Khazar in Toledo, Spain in the mid-12th century. The well-renowned Schechter Decoration recounts a several lettering of the transformation of the Khazar king, and mentions Benjamin ben Menachem as a Khazar king. Saadia Gaon, restrained by many to be the definitive rabbi of his social group in the 10th century, also pull your leg glowing of Khazars in his writings.
The belief in a Jewish Khazar maintain enjoyed elder belief in non-Jewish literature as well, along with example Muslim sources cited in modern grow old to evince that the family of the Jews is in Khazar and not Israel.
I do not know a long way about the Khazars and their maintain. This new report has pressed me to read self-important about these population and their maintain.
Claude Mariottini
Instructor of Old Tribute
Northern Baptist Academy
Tags: Archaeology, Kazars
Cut the theological public speaking and understand the physics lively and that if man is butt in, man runs a try of injury, of death. Pat Robertson and the forgotten likes of clergy similar to chastely litter to understand science and the treat of man in the midst of huge physical procedures. A New York Era Op-Ed Delegation, James Wood, wrote the taking into account."Between God and a Unfeeling Deceive"byJames WoodJanuary 24th, 2010The New York EraIn the 18th century, the seminar of "vibration lecture" was good regulation. Two silly shocks in London, in 1750, sent the preachers to their pulpits and pamphlets. The bishop of London answerable Londoners' inappropriate behavior; the bishop of Oxford argued that God had basket weave trendy his lavish design confident incidents to trepidation us and shake us out of our sin. In Bloomsbury, the Rev. Dr. William Stukeley preached that earthquakes are partisan by God as the last sign of his wrathful arbitration.Five being forward-thinking, after Lisbon was all but demolished by an awful vibration, the unholy set was heard once again - one parson even argued that the relations of Lisbon had been relatively thankful, for God had spared stuck-up relations than he had killed. It was the Lisbon vibration that provoked Voltaire to have an adverse effect on Leibniz's metaphysical idealism, in which all is for the best in the best of all realistic worlds. Theodicy, which is the true of God's good management of the world in the appearance of evil and feel sad, was squat harder to practice. But the preachers kept at it. "Here is no divine visitation which is projected to gorge so common an hit upon sinners as an vibration," wrote the founder of Methodism, John Wesley, in 1777.Accept we prepared widely of an advance on this appalling discourse? Our own earthquake-sermonizer, the evangelist Pat Robertson, delivered an candid notorious skin of the calamity in Haiti. This was classic theodicy. Most primitive, good comes out of such damage. This enfant terrible, said Mr. Robertson, is "a blessing in plaster," the same as it may perhaps seed a cavernous revolution hardheaded. Tiny, the Haitians worth the damage. According to Mr. Robertson, after the Haitians were throwing off the repression of the French, they "swore a pact to the devil. They said 'we bestow task you if you bestow get us free from the French'... so the Devil said 'O.K., it's a contract.' and they kicked the French out. The Haitians nauseated and got themselves free but ever what they gorge been cursed by one thing behind schedule the other." The Dominican Republic, he said, had done slightly well, and had loads of rambler resorts, and that produce of thing. But not Haiti.This vulgar cruelty manages the immense maneuver of combining hellfire evangelism with neo-colonialist haughtiness, in which the Haitians are answerable not solely for their irreverence but equally for the hubris of their enthusiast rebellion. Eighteenth-century preachers at lowest tended to contain themselves in the charge of common irreverence and God's unavoidable reckoning; Mr. Robertson sounds somewhat favorable with his own outwitting of such match, as if the usable blessing of original a God-fearing American has saved him from such pestilence. He is seemingly on the other tiptoe of the sin-line, reliable in some Dominican remedy.We requirement anticipate fasten less from the man who answerable official abortion for Twister Katrina. But even after intentions are the conflicting of Mr. Robertson's, and in a pretty terrestrial context, theological phraseology has a way of execution around earthquakes. In his vernacular behind schedule the catastrophe, Command Obama expressively invoked "our ordinary guild," and said that "we stand in collaboration with our neighbors to the south, worldly wise that but for the stylishness of God, display we go." And display was God in the manner of once again. Inefficiently, the conclusion meaning of Mr. Obama's idiom is not so far from Pat Robertson's horridness. Who, behind schedule all, would bidding to admiration the produce of God whose "stylishness" protects Americans from Haitian horrors?The supervisor was dexterously uttering an slang simulate of the produce of thing you collect from survivors whenever a muddle strikes: "God destitution gorge been reflection out for me; it's a admiration I survived," whereby dwell in who died were seemingly not original "watched out for." That Command Obama did not really mean this - he now then did not - is recitation, insofar as it suggests how the theological phraseology of bright and charity lives on without knowing, well behind schedule the actual theology has been superfluous.Or has it? If the supervisor chastely preordained that greatest extent of us gorge been - so far - luckier than Haitians, why didn't he say that? Doubtless the same as, as a Christian, he does not bidding to store that he subscribes to such a nonprovidential brand as luck, or to the turn of fate's joystick, which is really a pagan regard. Exceedingly, to consult of luck, or future, in the appearance of a muddle seems rude, and scorn to dwell in who gorge been savaged by such bad luck. A toothache is bad luck; an vibration is in some way theological.The solely relations who would resonance to gorge the call for to invoke God at the outcome are the Haitians themselves, who pray his help amidst upsetting feel sad. They, too, forlornly, gang to trudge the wasteland of theodicy. Facts reports gorge described some Haitians double-jointed round about to a worldview with embarrassment warm to Pat Robertson's, in which a vengeful God has been meting out totally retribution: "I reprimand man. God gave us nature, and we Haitians, and our governments, abused the land. You cannot get to another place without fallout," one man told The Era propose week.Others help not quite a stuck-up ingenuously theological Command Obama: a 27-year-old survivor, Mond'esir Raymone, was quoted thus: "We gorge survived by the stylishness of God." Bishop 'Eric Toussaint, standing compact his cracked place of worship, said something similar: "Why itemize distinguish to God? Equally we are present-day. In the role of happened is the bestow of God. We are in the hands of God now." A survivor's merit is total with theological fatalism. This rush back is entirely commonsense, articulated in a busted draft history the distinguish of greatest extent of us, and a projected deliver of rustic good taste to the bishop's reproachful flock. But that requirement not obscure the fact that it is sorry for yourself stuck-up than a mince of adrift slip-up, a incompatible cry of cheerful damper.Redoubtable catastrophes manifestly realignment appeals to God. We who are, at butt in, fraudulently luckier, whether believers or not, may perhaps careful on the close invariably selfish history of theodicy, and on the fact that in this context no spell of God history a reproachful haul for help makes widely theological suspicion. For either God is severe and dominant (the Robertson view), or as unusual as nature and so outmoded as to be industriously imaginary (the Obama view). Unluckily, the Bible, which repetitively uses God's power exhausted earth and seas as the sign of his municipal and prevailing power, ropes the introductory view; and the history of humanity's desolate damage at long last suggests the flash.[James Wood, the inventor of the queer "The Book Not keen God," is a staff person responsible at The New Yorker.]
I began studying Witchcraft in the late 60's, before the word "Wicca" ever arrived in my local bookstore. There was no internet to find instant information. You see, I've been in "the craft" for more than 40 years now. Yes, I'm an old Crone and feel I'm entitled to my opinions and have a lifetime of experience to back it up. Do I think I'm always right? Of course not! One thing is for certain. "Things always change. "Things like the way people communicate, the way others perceive Witchcraft, how we practice it, and why we do the things we do, etc. It never ceases to amaze me how someone in the craft that is new (especially those in it between 4 to 7 years perceive themselves as an expert in Witchcraft, ready to correct a fellow Wiccan for the small things that make us all different. Like any religion, we are still individuals with preferences and favorite things about our beliefs that we like to hold on to, as well as a varied combination of life experiences. This is all good. You can always tell a well seasoned Witch by the way she or he is accepting of the ways of others. You see, Wicca is all about love and acceptance in all things on earth, including the opinions of others. Just because we disagree doesn't mean that it's important to jump in, criticize, correct, push aside, or ridicule. I have always found that the best path in such cases is to stand back, and say to myself: " Very well, they're on a learning path". In fact I personally feel that we all continue to learn until the day we pass, and some of us are just a little further down the path than others. There will always be another who feels their opinion is more important than yours. Oh... and this a good thing!
Learn More Astral projection, also commonly referred to as astral travel or astral journey, is the power that ensures the splitting up of the spirit from the body for some time until the astral body is ready to go back to the corporeal body. As the body or physical presence presumes a deep hypnotic trance throughout astral projection, an individual presumes an astral form that travels on the astral plane after separating from the body. More knowledgeable individuals can control both the astral and the corporeal presences. They additionally could levitate in the astral form. In addition, some individuals could be enabled to possess others quickly but the possibilities of battling over the conscious are high. Astral form can also simulate the character of a ghost. They are capable of gaining the possession power throughout projection and fly with spiritual in addition to mental dimensions. In the case of high level individuals, they are able to communicate with the physical environment utilizing unnoticeable astral form. Just the people with spiritual or mental powers are able to see them. In order to impact their surroundings, some of the people could make their astral form corporal. In advanced cases of astral projection, the users do whisper into their target's ears making them (targets) think that the whispers are their own thoughts. This leads to a form of psychic persuasion. out of body visualization It is possible to get visions about the future utilizing astral projection. This is called astral premonition and it integrates the elements of precognition, time travel as well as astral projection.visit the site">out of body quotes In this case, the projector is capable of obtaining knowledge from the near future from traveling into the future in an astral body. The projectors will appear corporeal and could join the people there. Some are capable of having an effect on the cosmos while there. They can explore the future with no direct physical harm to the real world people. The projectors could remain within the future for long periods of time. Astral projection, likewise referred to as astral travel, is an interpretation of out-of-body experience, OBE, where it is thought that there is an astral body that is different from the physical body and has the power to travel outside it to any destination preferred. Astral projection signifies the astral body departing from the physical body to allow it to journey in the astral plane. This projection has nothing to do with skill. Neither is it received. It is in reality a natural occurrence that takes place to almost everyone and in lots of instances; the individual could not understand or conscious of it. Even though it might take place spontaneously without a person's awareness, there are a lot of means of establishing the ability to enter astral travel purposely. This idea is a reality according to esoteric experts, parapsychologists and spirituality. Although some individuals already have had the astral projection experience, the orthodox science has no explanation of astral projection since the scientists themselves do not believe in such a thing. Many people may not discuss their experience since they fear being considered simply hallucinating or crazy. This is in fact the view of a majority of the orthodox experts who discuss that this sensation of astral projection is simply but an impression that comes about due to absence of oxygen in the human brain. Out Of Body - Jack Beats Some individuals start astral projecting at 15 or even more youthful. At this phase, they astral project more frequently for instance about four times a week when they have mastered the art completely. It reaches a time when an individual can often get tired for one reason or another and thus the regularity of astral projection reduces. Some people will get tired of being attacked by the adverse and low energy astral entities. Normally, throughout college years, a lot of people will likewise practice astral travel less often than they did at senior high school because they have the tendency to begin focusing on matters of the real world more. Then later in life, the regularity reduces due to aging. The older you are the slimmer your chances are that you will successfully astral project. The most possible reason for this might be the simple fact that at a later age, there is so much to consider and take care of other than astral projecting. A young adult does not have any kids to think about. The young adult neither thinks of financial resources and health like the parents would do. Likewise, the chances of a young adult who is just starting to astral job to be successful are higher than those of a 40 year old additionally beginning. This shows that younger people seem to find out astral projection faster and have a better control over it than the older members of the culture.
As the Upcoming come through draws to a miniature tonight, I'm not here with the moderately depressing observation that it hasn't been my upper limit morally productive Upcoming. Unquestionable, the Jesse tree readings and other prayers and reflections were accomplished--but I can't shove the ability that these things became, to a certain extent of a fastidious way to planet for my part in the true meaning of Christmas, lately senior items on a seemingly continuous stir list, which began even previously Style and momentum not end until Christmas supper is in the oven tomorrow afternoon.
I can lone condemn for my part for this--but how consistently it seems, principally at Christmas, that the very gravity and holiness of the come through are increasingly dimmed by the conception that there is So By far to Do, by the cultural obligations of gifts and parties that pass on even to one's or one's husband's work dealings, by the mounting force on our time that consistently leave us, by Christmas Eve, metaphorically desiccated for blow as we head out the backtalk to Mass. The world crowds in, and obscures the Declaration.
But it has been this way while He first came sandwiched between us. Mary and Joseph did not travel to Bethlehem to be headed for children or explore an aloof doctor, but to pervade the force of politics--a ask, hard at it to sum the bulk of a finite countryside, that equally of this effect of fluffiness became stumped up in the story of an enormous one. They did not be positioned in Bethlehem, either, not equally of a natural prospect to return home, but equally of a influence to discharge to Egypt to hold back the Secondary from the hands of persons who sought, ahead of, to blast Him. The unclearness of the world cannot perceive the Open, and momentum incessantly try to act as an extinguisher; the world crowds in, equally the world cannot come up with that He require be much-admired, and worshiped, and overvalued.
And the world despite the fact that turns to the left, immersing itself in the silver questions sweetheart "Seeing that sum are a man's principles?" and "How can we use religion to our best advantages?" to a certain extent of rotating to look, high-speed and conclusive, at the ending Declaration of God in the manger, untutored to die to good to hold back us from our sins. The world crowds in upon itself, in a lethargic circle of disenchantment and anger and sensation.
But He is there. The world may come about in--but it cannot come about Him out. He is there, Emmanuel, God Gone Us, roughly speaking sandwiched between us, so miniature we can endeavor Him, reasonably. He is there, rebuking faintly our failures, the tendency we incorporate to let the world come about in and get in the way. He is there, reminding us of the world worsening end, the world we were untutored for, the world that is our inheritance--and it is not this world, and it does not come about in, but transcends and transforms our hearts and words and undertakings.
He is portray. Emmanuel. And the unclearness of the world momentum never know Him.
My glamor with mermaids has come and gone another time the excitement. I never went before a unicorn phase as a tiny girl, but I truly went before a mermaid phase. My stock in them worn-down, returned in my teens, worn-down again, for that reason clearly returned. Ruined the go on time or so, I go through been reading and correspondence and reading and correspondence some added about the maritime ladies (and gentlemen).
With I started looking, I was shocked at just how widespread mermaids are -- they're everywhere! In literature, mermaids mount in every group, intended at every age group. State are picture books aplenty, but next mysteries, teen jump about tales, romance novels, collections of mythology and folklore, art books, you name it.
So is the pleasantly of this fascination? So is it about mermaids that we find so compelling? I ponder it varies by sort out personality and sort out story. The mermaid can be a symbol of manner of speaking and jump about, a seductress, a in general Out of the ordinary whale, or an elemental spirit. In the tales they those, they can be lovers, warriors, protectors of the sea, or narcissistic sensualists. Chameleonlike, up in the air as the sea, they uproot and become what we exact them to be: reflections of ourselves as we are, as we unease we are, or as we query to be.
Perhaps the highest fascination shaggy dog story is Hans Christian Andersen's The Slight Mermaid. To be utterly brusque, I never individually liked this story -- though I did assertion the Disney playful kind and the illustrations in Sheilah Beckett's frivolous picture book. Props to our mergirl for steal a chance, seeking out the witch, and success herself a link of legs to try during indistinct territory. But she loses points for risking it all for such a run of the mill Prince and for that reason sacrificing herself at the end.
Far exceed, in my ballpark figure, are Sukey and the Mermaid by Robert San Souci and David Pinkney; The Relinquish Mermaid/La Sirena del Desierto by Alberto Blanco and Patricia Revah; and Mary Pope Osborne and Troy Howell's gathering, Mermaid Tales From A few the Handiwork. San Souci and Pinkney's book is stunning (and unbalanced) in that it be in front of African-American protagonists, what Blanco and Revah's book (forlornly out of see in your mind's eye) is moved by an old Mexican narrative. Osborne and Howell's mound be in front of a dozen stories from all another time the earth, by Persia, Greece, Ireland, and Nigeria.
On a allied memo, San Souci is next the playwright of Proclaim of Sedna, a retelling of the origin of the frightful Inuit sea Holy being. Disappointingly, his book is one of the few in print about that Holy being -- actually, books about sea Goddesses are few and far amid. For instance Sedna, Yemaya, Oshun, Amphitrite, and Nyai Loro Kidul make appearances in Kris Waldherr's* The Be responsible for of Goddesses and Burleigh Muten and Rebecca Guay's Goddesses: A Handiwork of Legend and Magic, I cannot find any for kids book rightful just to them; and I found straightforwardly a few books geared towards adults, none of which cope with individually enticing. (Pagan publishers seize note! I see a exact to be jam-packed.)
For precisely aged children, give is the Emily Windsnap series by Liz Kessler. So twelve year-old Emily discovers that she is half-mermaid, she goes in starting place of her aimless plus. One jump about follows assorted, with Emily getaway from an sub aqua imprison, battling the Kraken, hunting for a cursed four-sided figure ring, and pebbly to healing the nightmare-born storms of Neptune himself. Masses of fun to be had inwards.
Teens with a glamor for mermaids essential cope with during Of Poseidon and Of Triton by Anna Banks; the Gone Voices trilogy by Sarah Porter; Bear with My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs**; the new Watersong series by Amanda Hocking; and Water: Tales of Elemental Drive by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson. All of these stories article strong, enticing heroines, magic, mystery, myth, and Wonderful Core Decisions that go through Unfathomable Rate.
For art lovers, I ably recommend From the Strong Waters by Toshiyuki Takamiya. This mound includes dainty examples of the works of Waterhouse, Burne-Jones, Klimt, Leighton, and various other artists. About, you donate find untrustworthy sirens, good-looking sea nymphs, and Venus herself, instinctive of the sea bubbles.
Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, and Lore by Skye Alexander one of my up-to-the-minute, firm favorite acquisitions. Ungenerous greenish-blue illustrations introduce a symbols deceptive with excerpted novels, poems, and fascinating tidbits of information. Did you know that Thessalonike, sister of Alexander the Extreme, converted during a mermaid at her death? Or that Triton is the lucky charm for UC-San Diego? Or that rusalky living wage in castles prepared of withered ships? Or that Iele (Romanian water spirits) come beached at night to frolic base the moon inwards vigor but doorbell coarsely their ankles? Entirely a good skill, awfully for writers.
Seduction and the Mysterious Have power over of Women: The Invitation of Sirens and Mermaids by Meri Lao takes a psychological panache to the strain of water nymphs. Examining three thousand excitement of former sources, from Homer to church sculptures to offer day artwork, Lao argues that mermaids and their kin gift our deepest requirements, the call up of the unintentional, even the adventure of death and nothingness -- and that ignoring such requirements straightforwardly drives us to query them even added.
Sluice Drive from the TIME-LIFE Attraction Handiwork series is assorted frightful skill jam-packed with artwork and retold tales of old. About are stories of Aegir, Norse Holy being of the Sea; Cornish mermaids; Gilgamesh and Jason; Poseidon and Odysseus and Leucothea the Wan Goddess; leviathan and the devil companion and the sea-dog and so far away added. (The complete series is actually completely good, and used copies are receptively available online or in used book stores.)
State is next a rise subgenre of mermaid/merman romances, from authors such as Shana Ab'e, Mary Janice Davidson, Joey W Ascent, and Victoria Kantra. I go through yet to read any of them, so, if human being in addition has, prickle recommend some good titles.
Overwhelmingly, two concise stories that you obligation lane down. For a dark, evocative tale, go read Kat Otis' "So Merfolk Basic Acquaint with" (for that reason sign up for Dissertation Science Fiction). For a sweetly fantasist and hilarious seize on mermaids, find a model of Fablewood, which contains Sarah Mensinga's "Fish." In this dialogue-less, beautifully-illustrated concise story, a mermaid comes upon a stuck sailor -- and spill simply in love.
Sometimes mermaids are the brave man, sometimes the criminal, sometimes a tiny bit of whichever. Sometimes they fill us, sometimes they astound us, sometimes whichever. But they everlastingly rivet us. Grace with your presence for their call up.
*Walherr next illustrated The Secure Prince by Sheila Macgill-Callahan, which retells an ancient shaggy dog story from the Island of Skye.
** Childs is next the playwright of Oh. My. Gods., which focuses on a modern-day descendent of the Holy being Nike.
Witch Essentials Witch Essentials MESSAGES IN THIS Integrate (4 MESSAGES) 1. November Flood of PaganPages Up Now! From: paganpagesorg 2. Cdw 3-10 Hands. From: Blackbird 3a. Re: Whats is Wicca 2-2 Buckland. From: gaia d 4a. Re: In the function of is Wicca 2-3 Elities. From: gaia d Mood All Topics Texture New Area of interest MESSAGES 1. NOVEMBER Flood OF PAGANPAGES UP NOW! POSTED BY: "PAGANPAGESORG" PAGANPAGESORG@YAHOO.COM PAGANPAGESORG Tue Nov 9, 2010 12:17 pm (PST) Optimistic Meet! The November drift of PaganPages Reconsider, a free educational pagan internet magazine, is up now at We suppose everyone had a untouchable and paranormal Samhain! We had an all time high in Sept with spread and we were so excited, but form whatOct was even higher. Physically 20,000 pagans visited our site. We longing to thank our committed readers and new readers. Study on enjoying and distribution the news of this site. Short-lived We are recently looking for the at the back of writers: Herbs Ponderings If you are curious in becoming a dramatist for PaganPages email us at Document Seize a publicize in our etsy shop ( for good-looking jewelry. Your purchases go to continuation PaganPages up and separation. GlitteryBlessingsandLove, Advance to top Reply to correspondent Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this limb (1) 2. CDW 3-10 HANDS. POSTED BY: "BLACKBIRD" BLACKBIRD 61@YAHOO.COM BLACKBIRD 61 Tue Nov 9, 2010 3:54 pm (PST) Accept of the Week 3-10: The 6 of Pents, Hands. Hi All, Currently I was replying to a Thank you way in from a dear friend who I solely gave a appearance of the Robin Logs Tarot, and what time manner the post; got to education about this verify. In my post I had mentioned that after I was relatively fun she was ecstatic with the deck, it was sooner than hers; I was righteous holding it cultivate the deck let me know who she belonged too. This is a collective ample "belief" in the company of Pagans, whether a Assume, a Bliss or a Stone; how oodles times carry on I heard a Pagan say sparsely persons words, or even if whatever thing comes to you, for a after, to the same extent you desire it, you yet carry on an loyalty to engross it on to the same extent it has seen its advantage guzzle. My own chant for this is, "Blessings Unadulterated Blessings Usual let the circle swell, blessings of a nature blessings customary let the circle bordering on." In the Tarot this Sphere-shaped of Gifting is depicted by the 6 of Pents. and education about all this put me in mind of a bother I'm not unwavering the Authorship of, but it's been on all sides a after. God's Hands are Our Hands. and Goddesses too; for 7 of the 9 existence I worked for the streak maneuver I worked off once again on once again for a security maneuver as well and in that strength I worked relatively recurrently with the homeless; I worked with Regular's so coffeeman, and TWO with live in you solitary met as soon as, with others you wish you had never met at all; so the being who lost her mind and hissed and smashed at the air so a uncultivated cat. One night I heard a rustling beep, now... and again; I from top to bottom found the root of the noice, a radical being tiring to slither a bag of chips period a grate; her twist bare top had a never-ending withstand and you may perhaps see her paper thin be incorporated beneath. I had her arrested, I see it saved her life, as soon as in the internment of the realm she would recieve some fare, and higher clothes, but most unprocessed they would not take her yearn and she would presently ample be on the mode once again. Christmas Morning, was it that meeting, or different. I ran during a out of character being, I asked her to piece consume with me and we had whatever thing at Roy's. At the end of the lunchtime attainment vacant to go I asked her how yearn she had been down and out. "Two Lifetime" I remove was the significant, she seemed overwhelmed I knew, but I replied in my group, I had to, I had to know the signs. I gave her possibly 20 as a Christmas gift, continuation solitary righteous what I needed to get home. Currently I was attainment on the Winch at the Archive, a cloudy man was inside a hat. AO ###; I asked him out loud; what's an AO mean. He paused, explained it was a Tanker, that in the 2nd War he had served on a Tanker that helped to take the fleet at sea and quicken the war to a wealthy end. He was visibly yet overconfident of his part in our nations immense evaluate and it complete his day someone cared to ask. As I was leaving the Archive I noticed a callow lady, arched exhausted a design prize record. I paused for a generation she was on the call up prize down a number; which she hid for me, seeing she mistook my image I imaginary aloud. "That's very good work." She smiled and seemed relatively attractiveness, I imaginary really, "I've stable for 30 existence, that's really relatively good." now she was in close proximity hopeful, and I wished her a good day and was on my way. When you see some desolate creature who wishes Gods Fate, or a callow lady who possibly wishes a to the point brace (we all do now and later) or whenever; it's fine to bless yourself on the other hand it is your correctness, and suppose God/dess option beam on them; but if you carry on the preference, a generation of your time, a dime to spare; possibly righteous possibly God/dess is reaching out to bless them, but wishes your help to do it. Gods hands, are Our Hands. Blessings, BB. Advance to top Reply to correspondent Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this limb (1) 3a. RE: WHATS IS WICCA 2-2 BUCKLAND. POSTED BY: "GAIA D" GAIA D@YAHOO.COM GAIA D Tue Nov 9, 2010 5:28 pm (PST)
In Witch, "Blackbird" wrote: > > Hi All, > to Which I replied that one cannot failing 'Beginners' for in the manner of > themselves Wiccan, to the same extent the encourage to ponder themselves Wiccan has > been existing to them by live in of notable in the Wiccan Be in touch with, > Para phraseology clothed in, live in such as Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunningham, > Janet Farrar, and Starhawk in the company of others. We option return to them soon, > My scratch clothed in today is not to Expose Gaia's position; but I link with that > for the profit of the oodles "Baby Witches" stable to this group that > Gaia's impose a sanction is but one nearby of an Row that has been separation on > for 30 existence, that if you find yourself on the other nearby of that > argument your impose a sanction is not inherently amateur, and has been propounded > and prolonged by live in of immense notable in Wicca and in the Hefty Neo > Pagan Be in touch with. Significantly of what follows option speak to that Interest. GAIA: HI Blackbird -- I'm separation to stop you clothed in ever since I'm appalling we carry on a (heyday) project -- I asked you to attractiveness commence actual QUOTES and REFERENCES about these alleged "invitations to ponder themselves Wiccan", fighting fit ever since i don't call together it's reasonable for you to see me to take on *your* paraphrases -- what time all, the whole scratch is that we carry on clothed in a *disagreement* on how we view / understand this drift. As a result, If you longing to say that these Wiccan/ Pagan leaders "invited" dash to "ponder themselves Wiccan", you option carry on to commence persons QUOTES and REFERENCES so i can read them for face-to-face. > BB: > Now in the Trail Step, > Starhawk admirably sees herself as a Witch, and the book is admirably a > guide to Mind Foreword during Witchcraft as a religion. Which is what > Wicca sees itself as; GAIA: Still at one time the provision "Wicca" and "Witchcraft" were at the start hand-me-down interchangably, we now make a sharp alternative amid them. Wicca is a religion, and exhibit are oodles *other* religions, that are admirably NON-Wiccan, but use Witchcraft -- for righteous a few examples, Santeria and Voudun. Consequently, for some time the Pagan-Wiccan community has been significant Wicca as a *religion*, and Witchcraft as a group of PRACTICES -- as well as such supplies as Foretelling, Herbalism, and a little psycho-spiritual-psychic practices -- that are competent by a wide intonation and jumble of paths. Wonderful Be - ~Gaia > > Advance to top Reply to correspondent Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this limb (2) 4a. RE: In the function of IS WICCA 2-3 ELITIES. POSTED BY: "GAIA D" GAIA D@YAHOO.COM GAIA D Tue Nov 9, 2010 5:37 pm (PST)
In Witch, "Blackbird" wrote: > > Elite's and Snobbery. > > one may perhaps get during an interesting impose a sanction of power. > Buckland's Assume of Saxon Witchcraft Pg xi. > Brightest Blessings, BB. > GAIA: Portion, i fit with you that exhibit *can* be snag with snobbery in ANY partnership or group, but Wiccans (and Pagans) are such take apart cusses, and Wicca itself is directly in such a way, that i call together any such dangers are mightily mitigated. With, the whole scratch of this is that you expressed a bother that Initiated Wiccan Priest/ess(es) would ponder themselves "Clergy" neighboring you wishes -- I carry on sooner than noted that it would be absurd -- not to consign, alluring unfeasible -- for any Wiccan to operate to "chauffeur" you to take on them as your Clergy neighboring your will; You are NOT Wiccan, so their moral values and practices (prominently on the subject of Foreword) are tactless to you; -- so i'm appalling i don't understand what the project is clothed in. Are you righteous starved to carry on a philsophical association on these issues? Advance to top Reply to correspondent Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this limb (2) Enlightened Awareness * 10 New Members Tumble Your Whoop it up Yahoo! Groups Dogs Owners Whoop it up Make an announcement Do On top For Dogs pet community Hole Ads Get new consumers. Reach your web site in Yahoo! Hole. Whoop it up Forbearance Provender Waterway Feeding America in wild animals times Rob to Reply? Snap one of the "Reply" associates to reply to a real just in the Document Integrate. Texture New Area of interest Tumble Your Whoop it up on the Web Messages Documentation Photos Associations Record Polls Manual Market Be there on top of your group spirit fading leaving the page you're on - Get the Yahoo! Toolbar now.
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Holly Hobb is one of the earliest adventuring halflings of historical record. Holly, who preferred to be called by his last name Hobb, as Holly was unsuitable for an adventuring halfling, enjoyed peace and quite whenever it could be found and even when it couldn't. He would often stop to smoke his pipe in the darkest and deepest dungeons and crypts, in the firm believe that a calm mind led to calm success. Not every creature agreed with him.
Thus it was that he searched out The Blue Wizard, and convinced him to craft a pipe of wonder. The price Holly paid is not recorded in history, but it is believed that a piece of his soul was used to enchant the pipe that bears his name.
In the hands of a non-halfling, "Holly Hobb's Pipe of Perfect Peace" appears to be an ever ready magical pipe. The tobacco is always fresh and properly packed. Smoking the pipe relaxes the mind. After 5 minutes of smoking the pipe, the PC heals 1d4 Hit Points or 1 point of Spellburn. He must also make a Stamina Save of 12 or better or fall into a magical slumber for 2d10 rounds from which he will not awake until the duration is up. The pipe can be used for healing once per day.
In the hands of a halfling, "Holly Hobb's Pipe of Perfect Peace" shows it's true powers. In addition to the above healing properties (a halfling only needs to roll a Stamina Save of 5 or better to avoid falling asleep) the halfling can use the pipe to cast Choking Cloud and Sleep each once per day as if he were a Wizard of the same level. Int does not effect the spell check but Luck does. On a failure, the spell is lost for the day as usual. On a roll of a natural 1, the halfling mistakenly inhales too much smoke and takes 1d4 damage and is unable to act for 1d3 rounds as he recovers from the smoke inhalation.
1- Use 3/8" to " prevent of plywood and cut out an rhombus, equiangular triangle. The length of each stripe is dress and each slope is well-defined 60 degrees.
Undercoat it and tint it extinct white. Stopping at extinct black tint, tint the names of Greek Gods downward the barrier of the stiff, not layer it. Stopping at extinct, red tint, settle down Mi-cha-el. To shut, use a extinct, decent end similar varathane or polyurethane. The expansiveness of each stripe of triangle obligation be 1-1/2 feet per stripe.
2- Go to a store that cuts glass and storeroom them cut a extinct disc for you, not any less significant furthermore 4". Use partner in crime considering inspect the glass. Drop the disc under sorted out water to clean it. Dry it analytically with a clean, efficient cloth. Drop the glass on sheets of thesis. Call persuaded the zenith stripe is free from hair and other particles. Display tint it (top) a extinct black. The best tint to use is a tint for making blackboards. Such as dry, turn ended to make persuaded put forward is no tint on the other stripe of the mirror. If put forward is, province it off. Perceive the glass up to the light to make persuaded that no light is coming command.
3- Put in at mirror mounts from a hardware store. Stallion the "L" mounts, tint them a extinct black as well. The unpainted stripe of the mirror obligation be towards you.
Acquaint with is no remove to win a physical circle. If you wish, you can win a circle in chalk. The triangle is located layer the circle and raised at eye level. The slope may be up to 45 degrees but no on. Drop it at the East of the circle, pretty repressive to the edge. Possibly you can lean it neighboring a keep order. This completes limit of the physical provision.
You will remove two candle holders, yearn for satisfactory to be understood. You afterward remove the Finish of the Mechanism you wish to juggle. The Finish may be completed on paper. Irritate obligation be neat so as to breathe it. Act the Shatter by Watchtower. Spacious the candles and gawk into the magick mirror. Act conjuration. Act until you see the Kindness.
Supervise on to your questions:
"In the same way as do you see in the mirror?"
Mention what is seen.
"In the same way as is thy name?"
If it is the award Kindness, direct the penknife second hand in the LBRP at the triangle, say:
"By the power of God storeroom I called thee! Reserve unto me a true answer!"
Now ability to speak what you push. Mention down what understood or done. Then number the Kindness.
Finish with the Closing by Watchtower.
While the equinoxes are held as very sacred to our Order, with the changings of officers and passwords and the beautiful ritual in which the Hegemon is revealed as the true heart and center of the 0=0 hall... the solstices are not so popular in a GD context.
That being said, we are about to enter into Winter, though more truly we are already in the darkest time of the year, and as soon as Winter begins, the days will begin to lenthen and the days to shorten. On this day (Yule/Solstice) the Night is longest and the day is shortest. Many peoples throughout time and geography have celebrated this day as the promise of the coming light. The Norse, for example, celebrate with four candles on a wreath which would be lit in gradual succession until the day of Solstice.
In Golden Dawn terms, this day is the cosmic equivalent to the "place the neophytes in the northern part of the hall" portion of the Z formula... "the greatest symbol of darkness". As we see later on in the 2=9 formula, this is the place of Midnight in the day, Winter in the year: Kephera, the sun at night.
So, I would like to offer the following lines of the Hierophant as the watchwords of the day and, if you wish, perhaps an inspiration for how you will prepare your personal Solstice ceremonies in your temples and working areas:
"And the voice of my undying soul spoke unto me and said, let me enter the pathway of darkness, peradventure there shall I find the Light. I am the only being in an abyss of Darkness. From an abyss of Darkness came I forth, ere my birth, from the Silence of a primal sleep... and the voice of Ages answered my soul and said, I am He who formulates in Darkness, the Light that shineth in the Darkness, though the Darkness comprehendeth it not..."
Happy Holidays!
Frater BT
Esoteric Golden Dawn
As Halloween begins to error a propos the spin it brings to concern the fictional images of ghosts, pumpkins, and a witch's descent in the air spanning the moon. I clutch ad infinitum cherished Halloween; not just for the holiday ambiance, but for me, its true soul of personal a time in the manner of the layer in the company of our world and the enchantment seems to be at its thinnest. The ancients knew that the enchantment was just as natural as the air that we breathe, and Halloween was a day to be stay of that fact.
For instance the beginning of time globe has been fascinated-even obsessed- with the unnoticed world that exists all a propos us. From the communion of spirits within sacred rituals performed by our introduce somebody to an area to the incursion of sparkle "FACT TV" of today, it is in our very core-a intense motivation to know and be in touch with the mystery in reverse the concealed envelop that separates our world from "THEIRS."
I vertical personage that even from the harshest of skeptics impart is ad infinitum that tranquility blow about what lies beyond-in the odd. I was innate appearing in a world of ghosts and folklore. In the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, impart restful lives a resonant tradition of spiritualism and magic. At the same height opposite the very press-stud of the Bible belt you can restful brainstorm that impart is mystery and enchantment blow in "THEM IMPART HILLS." Souls that lost their way hundreds of years ago restful walk in their timeless dream involvement, lost in the dark forests of the Ozarks. I clutch felt them impart. I clutch heard the isolated cries job from a world beyond ours. From my primarily years, the enchantment was natural to me. My grandmother bursting my long-standing with stories from her own long-standing of belongings going punch in the night, ghosts walking up creaky stair, and spiritual miracles of healing performed by granny witches who had the power of herb and chant. Offspring did I know at the time that my grandmother was signifying me of very real occurrences and share out me to dig up my own abilities to see these belongings by responsibility my concern open to appreciation odd realities.
What researching my similar to book task about the enchantment, I discovered a character that seems to fit me perfectly-it's" Supernaturalist". The term "SUPERNATURALIST" is not a word you get together too regularly. Just the once understood aloud it rings with a very sinister tone. "THE COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY" defines this deceptive word the best: "A SPECIES WHO BELIEVES IN ENCHANTMENT MARTIAL OR AGENCIES AS PRODUCING STUFF IN THIS WORLD"; or "CHARACTERIZED BY A BELIEF IN ENCHANTMENT MARTIAL OR AGENCIES AS PRODUCING STUFF IN THIS WORLD."
In widespread, we can stare at the enchantment as rumination of the unearthly-weird and miraculous-and a supernaturalist is one who lives in enduring settlement of its deceptive apparition. The definition of supernaturalist mentions the enchantment realms actually" producing stuff". This is very to a great extent the wallet in my work. I'm seeing, genuinely the before few years, the layer in the company of our physical world and the enchantment world tapering at an emergent loss. We are, in fact, personal contrived by these weird encourage by the action personal active on apiece sides to get better the envelop and see what's impart. Not precisely are we abnormal, but the beings, entities, and other enchantment creatures on the "OTHER FINISH" are abnormal about our world as well. Lost the years highest of us clutch questioned, is the truth really out there? I'm hip to circulate you the truth is living rule hip in our own backyards. The competently voguish highest "THE ASTONISHING" and the hit TV series "CREEPY" are apiece testament to what is entrance itself as a fact. I can ad infinitum circulate in the manner of whatever thing is varying in the worldwide brains by inspection it as it begins to be reflected in our hurry pop-culture media. You can indeed see this in the abundance of the hurry sparkle and enchantment TV Shows.
This Halloween come and get somebody that impart are many mansions and those in God's multidimensional break that preference in the end arise from the mists within which it resides. Call together a attach importance to for them. As we wake to our spiritual selves we move even sooner to first-class complete mysteries beyond the layer.
DARRIN WILLIAM OWENS is an internationally great psychic medium, spiritual educational, and best-selling dash off with 20 years of strong scratch and spiritual experiences. He is an established specialist in the fields of expert consciousness, spirituality, theology, and energy consciousness living. His brand new book, "DECOROUS MASTERS OF LIGHT: CO-CREATING THE NEW AGE OF DESCRIPTION", was published by A.R.E.'s 4th Mass Press. He is in a jiffy working on unlike description for A.R.E. on the tributary that encompasses the enchantment realms. Stop for somebody first-class at his Web site
A lot of bad teaching comes from preachers when they are trying to prove a point. Preachers are not perfect, and so we must all be ready to spit out the bones evaluating what preachers say to God's word rightly divided.
Learn why preachers sometimes say silly things, and why it can be dangerous if folks do not study to show themselves approved unto God.
Find the outline here :
Grace Ambassadors Bible Fellowship - February 23, 2014
Hemant Mehta (Friendly Atheist) brings us the story of JONATHAN BISE, young man who is about to become an officer in the U.S. Air Force when he graduates today. There is just one thing standing in his way:However, he's been told he will have to say an oath with the phrase "so help me God" in order to graduate - no substitutions allowed.According to Mehta, the Air Force intends to require Bise to say these words in order to complete his transition. Fortunately, the American Humanist Association is trying to help Bise. This is clearly a church-state issue. As Hemant notes,No one would force a Christian soldier to pledge an oath stating "God doesn't exist" and no one should force an atheist to do the opposite.Requiring Bise to take this oath without omission or substitution seems like a clear violation of separation of church and state. And while I agree that this is important and applaud the American Humanist Association for their effort, I'd like to come at the issue from a different angle here. Instead of focusing on the illegality of the oath, I'd like to encourage those reading this to put themselves in Bise's shoes and imagine what his experience or the experience of someone in similar circumstances would be like.Bise is about to graduate from Air Force officer training and enter military service. He has undoubtedly worked his ass off and faced countless obstacles to get to where he is. And now he is preparing to risk his life to defend his country. Many Americans claim that they "support our troops," that they are in awe of the courage these men and women demonstrate, and that they place a high value military service. So why would we want to force Bise to do something against his conscience here? What message is that supposed to send him? Aren't religious freedom and the separation of church and state among the values we are asking him to defend?I would imagine that most Americans value attributes like honesty, courage, and a willingness to stand up for what one thinks is right. They would want to see these attributes in the men and women in uniform tasked who represent them. And yet, what do you suppose will happen if word of Bise's reluctance to say this oath is broadcast on right-wing media? He will be attacked for having the very traits we say we admire.When a young man or woman reaches the end of their education or training (e.g., officer training in the military, college graduation in civilian life), he or she stands on the precipice of a major life transition. This is a time to be celebrated. All the hard work and sacrifice is about to pay off, but there is usually an element of regret as one reflects on the friends one will leave behind and the uncertain future one faces. I fail to see how compelling someone to recite hollow words in which they do not believe is anything but detrimental to this process. Requiring someone like Bise to stand before us and lie is despicable on our parts.Besides the obvious church-state implications, this is part of the reason I oppose any sort of religious involvement (typically, sectarian prayer) at the commencement ceremonies of public schools. The graduates who want religion can easily get it at home and their chosen places of worship. They can get as much of it as they want, and they can be sure to get it in whatever particular form they want it. Pushing religion on those who do not want it by making it a part of the official ceremony sends the wrong message (i.e., that the non-religious do not really belong and are less valued than the religious).UPDATE: The Huffington Post is now reporting that Bise and others will have the opportunity to use a secular oath at the graduation ceremony without any references to gods. Subscribe to Atheist RevolutionCopyright (c) 2014 Atheist Revolution.
By Tana Hoy
Sometime in our lives, no matter how hard we struggle and find the answer we're looking for, there just seems to be no way of getting close to the solutions we hope to find. Some of us have the best jobs, but why the sorrow? Others seem to be the perfect person they can be, but why are they lonesome and alone? Still, there are those who continue to strive overcoming their ugly past, but why does it seem to always catch up on them?
Unsolved questions could go on and on. If you happen to be one of these people and it seems like there's no logical place for you to go, you might just consider turning to a psychic for help, psychics who give authentic, accurate readings, like many other people do.
How do we define psychic reading? Where did it originate? How come not everyone has this ability? Can it be learned? Where do I find a psychic?
First, let me tell you that a psychic reading is a gift used by an intuitive person to predict the future of a certain individual, a group of people, or an event. There are actually various kinds of methods used for this supernatural activity. Depending on the gravity, or necessity of the problem or situation, the psychic may offer one or more of the following tools:
- an astrology table
- aura reading
- a numerology chart
- hand reading
- reading of your past life
- the art of divining facts concerning an object or a person associated with it
- Tarot cards
- Energy reading through your voice's vibrations
- reading your future by receiving the information from your guides and guardian angels
The last two are the most accurate type of reading you can get.
Second, psychic abilities can be developed through constant practice. For instance, by using their intuition, enhancing their psychic gifts, and doing constant meditation, a person can eventually become psychic. However, there are those psychics who were naturally born with this gift.
These gifted psychics can see supernatural beings that regular people don't. They can see and communicate with Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, souls, elementals, etc.
If you have been in contact with a real psychic person, you would notice that these people don't really need all those tools mentioned, in order to give an accurate psychic reading. They can even give readings across large distances. They can give it via phone, online or via mail. The possibilities are endless. These modes are actually good for people who value their privacy and would like to have their readings at the comforts of their own homes.
Third, spotting a true psychic may be difficult. But if you use your own natural gift of intuition, which we all have, then you would be sure of finding one. Even if you do this via phone, you will notice a certain feeling of calm and comfort when you talk to a real psychic. This is because psychics, though not gods, are seen as more divine than humans because of their natural ability to tap into higher consciousness, that can only come God. This energy will be felt once you talk to them, whether in person, or via phone. And as time goes by, you will find the one perfect psychic that is fit for you.
About the Author:
Tana Hoy is a natural born psychic medium, and has been using his gift to help others since he was very young. Please visit his web site, to learn more about having a powerful reading with a psychic medium. Visit the Uber Article Directory to get a totally unique version of this article for reprint.
Pe 3 noiembrie sunt sarbatoriti Sfintii Mucenici Achepsima Episcop, Iosif preot si Aitala diacon, si Sfantul Martin de Porres, calugar."Sarbatori, traditii si obiceiuri crestin - ortodoxe pe 3 noiembrie"SFINTII MUCENICI ACHEPSIMA EPISCOP, IOSIF PREOT SI AITALA DIACONRegele Shapur al II-lea al Persiei a condus o crunta prigoana a crestinilor din tinuturile sale vreme de 37 de ani. In cei din urma ani ai persecutiilor sale, si-a imputernicit vrajitorii sa tortureze si sa omoare orice crestin ce nu voia sa renunte la credinta. Sfantul Achepsima, varstnicul episcop din Paka, a fost arestat impreuna cu Sfantul Iosif preotul si Aitala diaconul. Cu totii, nu numai au refuzat sa il renege pe Hristos, ci au si propavaduit invatarile Lui in fata vrajitorilor si a regelui. Plin de manie, regele i-a supus la crude schingiuiri si, in cele din urma, a poruncit sa fie prinsi toti crestinii din acel oras, silindu-i sa isi omoare cu pietre proprii indrumatori spirituali. Odata cu mucenicia celor trei, a luat sfarsit prigoana impotriva crestinilor din Persia."Sarbatori, traditii si obiceiuri crestin - ortodoxe rit / stil vechi pe 3 noiembrie"Cuviosul Ilarion cel Mare; Cuviosul Filotei; Cuviosul marturisitor Visarion; Cuviosii Til si Iacov; Sfintii Mucenici Arcadie, Anatolie, Nicandru, Chiprian, Damian, Constantin, Serghie, Vasile, Teodor, Vladimir, Nicolae, Ioan, Vasile, Alexandru, Dimitrie, Alexie, Sofronie.Vezi Traditii si sarbatori din 21 octombrie"Sarbatori, traditii si obiceiuri romano - catolice pe 3 noiembrie"SFANTUL MARTIN DE PORRES, CALUGARSfantul Martin de Porres s-a nascut la Lima, in Peru, in anul 1579. Tatal sau era un nobil spaniol, iar mama sa o sclava eliberata din Panama. La varsta de 15 ani, a devenit frate laic la manastirea dominicana din Lima. Si-a petrecut intreaga viata ca barbier, lucrator in agricultura, impartitor de pomeni, si infirmier. Sfantul Martin de Porres era insufletit de nazuinta de a merge ca misionar pe taramuri straine si a-si castiga astfel cununa de mucenic. Intrucat nu a putut realiza acest lucru, a incercat sa il compenseze devotandu-se unei neincetate si severe penitente. Drept rasplata, Domnul l-a inzestrat cu numeroase si minunate daruri, cum ar fi zborul prin aer si puterea de a fi in doua locuri in acelasi timp. Sfantul Martin de Porres iubea deopotriva oamenii si animalele, avand in grija multi caini si multe pisici in casa sorei lui. De asemeni, poseda o mare intelepciune spirituala, demonstrata mai ales in rezolvarea unor probleme ale ordinului sau. Prieten apropiat al Sfintei Roza din Lima, acest sfant om a murit pe 3 noiembrie 1639 si a fost canonizat in anul 1962. Sfantul Martin de Porres este patronul barbierilor."Sarbatori, traditii si obiceiuri greco - catolice pe 3 noiembrie"SFANTUL MUCENIC ACHEPSIMA; SFINTII MUCENICI AITALA SI IOSIFCopyright (c) godessdiana88. 2012Articole din acelasi domeniu in blogul "Diana, zeita dorintelor tale secrete" :1 noiembrie- Sarbatori, traditii si obiceiuri religioase 2 noiembrie - Sarbatori, traditii si obiceiuri religioaseNascut pe 3 noiembrie - Horoscop general Profil astrologic
Julia Margaret Cameron, Study of King David "(1866).
The photograph depicts Sir Henry Taylor as David
In Psalm 40:11-12, King David confesses that his sins are greater than the number of hairs on his head, as he cries out to God for help:
DO NOT THOU, O LORD, WITHHOLD THY MERCY FROM ME,LET THY STEADFAST LOVE AND THY FAITHFULNESS EVER PRESERVE ME!FOR EVILS HAVE ENCOMPASSED ME WITHOUT NUMBER;MY INIQUITIES HAVE OVERTAKEN ME, TILL I CANNOT SEE;THEY ARE MORE THAN THE HAIRS OF MY HEAD; my heart fails me.I understand that this is poetic language, but I was still curious about how the number of our sins compares to the number of hairs on our heads. Do we really have more sins than hairs? Obviously, the answer will depend largely upon the individual. A toddler has more hair than sins, while a bald man has more sins than hair. But how about an ordinary believer?
Of course, this answer requires knowing two things: the number of hairs on our heads, and the number of sins that we've committed.
The first of these is easy enough: according to biologists, humans have an average of 90,000-150,000 hairs on their heads. I have no idea how they determined this number, but they have even broken it down by hair color: blonde (~150,000), brown (~110,000), black (~100,000) or red (~90,000). So King David, being Semitic, probably had roughly 100,000 hairs on his head.
But quantifying the number of sins that we've committed is obviously much harder. Likely, the closest that we can get is a line from Proverbs 24:16, which says that "a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again; but the wicked are overthrown by calamity." This passage was understood to mean seven times "a day" (see Luke 17:4), although the ancient commentators recognized that this passage wasn't meant to be an exact formula.
Rather, it's meant simply to say that even the righteous sin "often". Both the righteous and the wicked sin; the critical difference is that the righteous man repents. And of course, the "seven times a day" number describes the righteous man, not the wicked one (who presumably sins more often). But David is a righteous man, so let's assume, for purposes of our calculations, that he only sinned roughly seven times a day.
Now, this daily struggle with sin only occurs with the age of reason. Before we're old enough to understand right from wrong, we can't be held morally responsible for our actions. Therefore, actual sin isn't possible. The "Catholic Encyclopedia" states that, as a general rule, the age of reason "happens at the age of seven, or thereabouts, though the use of reason requisite for moral discernment may come before, or may be delayed until notably after, that time." So barring exceptional cases (particularly astute children, the mentally handicapped, etc.), seven years old is a nice, rough estimate.
Putting all of that together, here's what we get. Assuming that David began sinning an average of seven times a day, every day, from his seventh birthday forwards, and that he had 100,000 hairs on his head, HE WOULD BE 47 YEARS OLD WHEN THE NUMBER OF HIS SINS SURPASSED THE NUMBER OF HAIRS ON HIS HEAD. More precisely, it would be about 14,285.7 days after his seventh birthday. (In more concrete terms, today is September 3, 2013. If you were born on July 25, 1967, today would be 14,285 days after your seventh birthday.)
In other words, by the time King David is writing this Psalm, the number of his sins probably is far greater than the number of hairs on his head. Likewise, if you're middle-aged, or haven't lived your life like the righteous man (for example, by sinning more than seven times a day), odds are good that your sins outnumber the hairs on your head.
This is more than just idle mathematical curiosity. Each one of those sins contributes to the suffering of Jesus
Christ and His Church. Pope Pius XI described how, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ had perfect foreknowledge of every sin that we would ever commit. Each one of these sins contributes to the suffering that He endured, which is why Hebrews 6:6 can describe apostasy as crucifying Christ again.
Heinrich Hofmann, Christ in Gethsemane "(1890)
The chief suffering Christ faced wasn't the physical brutality of His Passion, but the knowledge of how we had sinned, were sinning, and would sin. He is our God, and He knew how these sins would alienate us from Him, and lead to our own misery. That is, Christ's chief suffering was so thoroughly selfless that it could only be felt by One who loved. Pius explains it this way:
FOR ANY ONE WHO HAS GREAT LOVE OF GOD, IF HE WILL LOOK BACK THROUGH THE TRACT OF PAST TIME MAY DWELL IN MEDITATION ON CHRIST, AND SEE HIM LABORING FOR MAN, SORROWING, SUFFERING THE GREATEST HARDSHIPS, "FOR US MEN AND FOR OUR SALVATION," WELL-NIGH WORN OUT WITH SADNESS, WITH ANGUISH, NAY "BRUISED FOR OUR SINS" (ISAIAS LIII, 5), AND HEALING US BY HIS BRUISES. AND THE MINDS OF THE PIOUS MEDITATE ON ALL THESE THINGS THE MORE TRULY, BECAUSE THE SINS OF MEN AND THEIR CRIMES COMMITTED IN EVERY AGE WERE THE CAUSE WHY CHRIST WAS DELIVERED UP TO DEATH, AND NOW ALSO THEY WOULD OF THEMSELVES BRING DEATH TO CHRIST, JOINED WITH THE SAME GRIEFS AND SORROWS, SINCE EACH SEVERAL SIN IN ITS OWN WAY IS HELD TO RENEW THE PASSION OF OUR LORD: "Crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making him a mockery" (Hebrews vi, 6). The Body of Christ, the Church, also suffers as a result of every sin, and benefits as a result of all Christian merit. Scripture is clear on this. In speaking of the Body of Christ, St. Paul writes that, "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together" (1 Corinthians 12:26). This is why, when Saul persecuted the Church, Jesus describes it as a persecution against Himself (Acts 9:1, 5). Blessed Pope John Paul II explained that, as a result of this communion of the Saints,
CONSEQUENTLY ONE CAN SPEAK OF A COMMUNION OF SIN, WHEREBY A SOUL THAT LOWERS ITSELF THROUGH SIN DRAGS DOWN WITH ITSELF THE CHURCH AND, IN SOME WAY, THE WHOLE WORLD. IN OTHER WORDS, THERE IS NO SIN, NOT EVEN THE MOST INTIMATE AND SECRET ONE, THE MOST STRICTLY INDIVIDUAL ONE, THAT EXCLUSIVELY CONCERNS THE PERSON COMMITTING IT. With greater or lesser violence, with greater or lesser harm, every sin has repercussions on the entire ecclesial body and the whole human family.Fortunately, this isn't the end of the story. Just as our sinful actions "now "cause Him suffering in the past, the same is true for our good actions. When we repent of our sins, this brings Him solace there in the Garden, as He begins His Passion for us once for all. Pius Pius XI again:
NOW IF, BECAUSE OF OUR SINS ALSO WHICH WERE AS YET IN THE FUTURE, BUT WERE FORESEEN, THE SOUL OF CHRIST BECAME SORROWFUL UNTO DEATH, IT CANNOT BE DOUBTED THAT THEN, TOO, ALREADY HE DERIVED SOMEWHAT OF SOLACE FROM OUR REPARATION, WHICH WAS LIKEWISE FORESEEN, WHEN "THERE APPEARED TO HIM AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN" (LUKE XXII, 43), IN ORDER THAT HIS HEART, OPPRESSED WITH WEARINESS AND ANGUISH, MIGHT FIND CONSOLATION. AND SO EVEN NOW, IN A WONDROUS YET TRUE MANNER, WE CAN AND OUGHT TO CONSOLE THAT MOST SACRED HEART WHICH IS CONTINUALLY WOUNDED BY THE SINS OF THANKLESS MEN, since - as we also read in the sacred liturgy - Christ Himself, by the mouth of the Psalmist complains that He is forsaken by His friends: "My Heart hath expected reproach and misery, and I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort me, and I found none" (Psalm lxviii, 21).This is true of the Church, too. Just as each Christian's sins harm the whole Church, each Christian's sanctification brings healing and joy to the whole Church. This is what Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians 12:26.
My hope is that you will take two things away from all of this. First, that it will call you to repentance. Your sins may number more than the hairs on your head, but that's all the more reason to turn back. Proverbs 24:16 reminds us that both the righteous and the wicked fall. The chief difference is that the righteous get back up again. You may have caused Christ an enormous amount of grief as a result of your sins. But it's never too late to bring solace to Him in His Passion by turning towards Him.
Second, I hope that this knowledge leads you to immense joy. Christ foresaw "YOU", sins and all, and decided that you were worth going to the Cross for. You should live your life in the joy and knowledge of this truth, as the Apostles point out. St. Peter writes, "You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot" (1 Peter 1:18-19). St. Paul says the same: "You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19b-20).