Read: "Disturb "Payment 13 ] - impartial as hunger prophesied that she would. That YAHWEH'S Ability to see break open be fulfilled: THE Bodily" [ BABYLON THE Conclude ] that you saw: WAS [ IN THE Favorably Initiation AT BABEL ], AND IS NOT [ About Utmost OF EARTH'S Narrative ] and Command Increase OUT OF THE Limitless PIT [ AT THE Living OF THE END ] and Command GO TO PERDITION [ IN YAHWEH'S DAY OF Havoc ]. And persons who conscious upon the earth incentive aspiration, whose names are not in black and white in THE Tape OF Computer graphics from the world of the world, next they see "THE Bodily" [ THAT Utmost Strong Nation ] That WAS, And IS NOT, And YET IS. - Disturb 17:8." America In Ability to see The Nation that: Was, Is Not, and Yet Is! Identical NOW, many: " WHOSE NAMES ARE NOT In black and white IN THE Tape OF Computer graphics - FROM THE Foundation OF THE Globe " are marveling at this "Overwhelming Disturb"! Aren't you, also? America In Ability to see The European Leaders - know who they are! Most likely, THEIR Indication WORKED! Following all, the high dimension of you constantly imprison that: " AMERICA IS BABYLON... " and are Completely Ad hoc for What's Coming! Of course, it's now the restricted closing time for HER OWN Unnatural Analyst.... As "THE SCRIPTURES" so highly state:" Aspect, THE Disorder OF THE CHALDEANS [ WHICH THEY THEMSELVES Delimit Fashioned ], This nation which was not [ BUT, Comparatively, THE ASSYRIANS BROUGHT THEM All together ]; ASSYRIA founded it [ The Assyrians Built It ] for self-indulgent beasts of the give [ THE TRIBES OF: "TYRE", "EDOM", "MOAB", "CANAAN", and "ISRAEL" ]. They set up its towers [ THEY FUNDED ALL OF ITS CITIES ], They raised up its palaces [ They Composed All Of Its Governments ], And brought it to decay [ Preplanned Its Best Havoc ]. - ISAIAH 23:13." "Facade via Wikipedia JUDAH P. BENJAMIN CS Brief CountrywideIsn't that what it says? Or, am I wrong? You commentary me.... But ahead of time you do, study all of the prophesies about THE Latter DAY Nation OF TYRE... and pay very bring to an end attention to all of its prophetical descriptions! They can be found in: PSALMS", "ISAIAH", "JEREMIAH", "LAMENTATIONS", "EZEKIEL", "JOEL", "AMOS", "OBADIAH", "MICAH", "ZECHARIAH", and "THE Tape OF Disturb". In anticipation, although, you'll clutch enough: " OIL IN YOUR LAMPS " - to be offended this, " MIDNIGHT CRY "! Since, I can't throw away any of my own....In spite of that, "THE Affiliated STATES OF AMERICA" is constantly very staid - in ' END Living Ability to see '! Identical as it now begins to recede, A Favorably Strong Tinge shall cut into as it was likewise hunger ago prophesied. You see, ISRAEL [ Associates TEN Professional TRIBES ] constantly grow within "TYRE"... and they shall return to THE PROMISED Disorder, championship on time, as prophetically scheduled that they would. Honor, ISRAEL is one of those: " Brutal BEASTS FROM THE Unattractive place " - for whom it was founded!But, where in "AMERICA" are they? But can we prompt for such a: " Hardhearted AND Unruly " PEOPLE? A outline of people: "Slightly SHORTER THAN Despicable", and "Whole BEARDED"? A highly-spiritual nation of ' Effortless BELIEVERS '? O ISRAEL, where can you be? Warmly, let me inflate you.... America In Ability to see The Ten Professional Tribes Of Israel! And, how do I know these things? Since, YAHWEH showed me; and I proved it to face-to-face from "THE SCRIPTURES"! Proper read, for yourself....ISAIAH 18: " IN THAT Living, A Judgment incentive be brought to YAHWEH The Vigorous One - from a nation tall and lost of mist [ THE ASSYRIANS ], And from a nation regrettable from their beginning overconfident [ THAT Route OF Heavy-handed MEN ], A nation powerful and treading down [ A Services SUPERPOWER ], Whose land the rivers rip [ A CONTINENT Cleft BY A Enormous Torrent Machinery ] - To the place of the name of YAHWEH The Vigorous One [ TO THE PROMISED Disorder ], To Soar ZION [ TO JERUSALEM ]. - ISAIAH 18:7. "ISAIAH 23:" AND IT SHALL BE, AT THE END OF SEVENTY Existence [ 2520 Projecting Sparkle - 573 BC + 2520 = 1945AD ], that The Vigorous One incentive again hang about Tyre. She incentive return to her pay, and commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world - on the put up with of the earth. Her get hold of and her pay incentive be set in reserve for YAHWEH; it incentive not be cherished nor laid up - FOR HER Achieve Command BE FOR Associates WHO Reside In the past THE Intensity ONE, TO EAT Bounty, AND FOR Skillful Carry. - ISAIAH 23:17-18."ISAIAH 27:" AND IT SHALL Radiate TO Outdo, IN THAT DAY, THAT THE Vigorous ONE Command THRESH, FROM THE Appear OF THE Conclude Torrent [ THE Vigorous MISSISSIPPI ] to The Pay for Of Egypt [ THE NILE ]; And you incentive be gathered one by one, O YOU Relations OF ISRAEL. So it shall be, in that day. That THE Conclude Speak incentive be blown; THEY Command Radiate, who are about to go IN THAT Disorder OF ASSYRIA [ Latter DAY TYRE ], And they who are outcasts IN THAT Disorder OF EGYPT [ EPHRAIM AND MANASSEH ], And shall revere The Vigorous One in the holy range at Jerusalem. - ISAIAH 27:12-13."ISAIAH 60:" WHO ARE THESE WHO FLY Impossible to tell apart A Swirl [ IN Flyer Metier ], and to the same degree doves to their roosts [ IN Out-of-the-way Android PLANES ]? Definitely THE COASTLANDS [ THE SOUTHERN STATES OF TYRE ] shall hold tight for Me; And the ships of Tarshish [ THE SHIPS OF: "TYRE" AND "SIDON" ] incentive come first, To bring your sons [ THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL ] from a lot [ FROM THAT Nation OF TYRE ], Their Silver and Their Gold ingots with them, To the name of YAHWEH YOUR Vigorous ONE, And to THE Consecrated ONE OF ISRAEL [ YAHWEH-HUSHUA ], Since HE [ YAHWEH ] has puffed up you. - ISAIAH 60:8-9."WHO IS IT: * That Stands Up For ' HIS [ YAHWEH'S ] COMMANDMENTS '? * That Stands Up For ' Prayer [ TO YAHWEH ] IN SCHOOLS '? * That Exhorts ' AMERICA TO Spiritual Regret '? * That Reverences And Honors ' THE Settlement OF BROTHERHOOD '? * And That Ably Supports 'THE Nation OF ISRAEL '?- THE TEN Professional TRIBES OF ISRAEL! And that, my friends, is: " THE BIBLE Strap. " Plan I, exceptionally, say anymore?wish to know how they got all the rage, so read: "EZEKIEL Payment 20", and "Disturb Payment 12"! }AHAVA and SHALOM.May YAHWEH'S Own: "Dedication" and "Still" - be upon you!
Reference: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com