Convey it to your chamber, and hold it over a chafing dish or any convenient utensil for the purpose, in which there is charcoal and sulphur of brimstone; hold your nose over the smoke for about five minutes, and you will see it have a wonderful effect on the flower.
Before the rose gets the least cool, clap it in a sheet of writing paper, on which is written your own name and that of the man you love best; also the date of the morning star that has the ascendency at that time.
Fold it up and seal it neatly with three separate seals, then run and bury the parcel at the foot of the bush from which you gathered the flower.
Here let it remain untouched till the 6th of July. Take it up at midnight. Go to bed and place it under your pillow, and you will have a singular and eventful dream before morning, or, at least, before your usual time of rising. You may keep the rose under your head three nights without spoiling the charm. When you have done with the rose and paper be sure to burn them.
Found in:
Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World
Reference: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com