He is constantly advancing his skills, innovating with his performances and calling out fake psychics and other frauds too.
Seeing Derren Brown perform it can be hard not to believe he possesses psychic abilities.
This guy knows what is going on in your mind, often because he has created the thoughts himself!
Brown started out at university as a hypnotist then started learning and performing close up magic in the cafe's of Bristol.
Developing his skills over the next 7 years in Bristol Brown hit television in 1999 with 3 specials which later became the ground breaking series Mind Control. >>Derren Brown - Inside Your Mind [DVD] followed on from Mind Control and the 3 series were very much a natural progression.
Trick or Treat (2007 - 2008) surprised applicants with Derren appearing out of the blue to give people a trick or treat. He hypnotised one guy and dropped him of in Marrakesh and dropped one girl, tied up, in a sack into a lake!
In The Events (2009) Brown stuck people watching at home to their seats using sublimnal messaging and bet lb5,000 of a viewers money on the spin of a roulette wheel, and lost
Also on TV we had Derren Brown Investigates (2010) and The Experiments in 2011. In one episode of In The Experiments Derren got someone to 'assassinate' Stephen Fry and in another got someone to admit to a murder they didn't commit.
TV Specials: Russian Roulette, Seance, Messiah, The Gathering, The Heist, The System, Hero at 30,000 ft, Miracles for Sale.
Watch some of Derren's live shows and see his masterful control of the audience. 2011-12 he is touring Svengali.
Some of his other live shows include: Derren Brown Live (2003-04), Something Wicked This Way Comes (2005-06), Mind Reader - An Evening of Wonders (2007-08), Enigma (2009-10)
Derren Brown uses "magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship"
He is a master reader of people's body language, he uses NLP to put thoughts in peoples minds, he uses lots of psychological tricks like perception without awareness and his memory techniques are something to behold!
He is a master of conjuring and hypnosis and teaches some of his tricks in his books.
Derren Brown emphasises the importance of showmanship and involving the audience.
Mentalist Profile: Derren Brown is a post from: Mentalism Skills
Source: magick-keys.blogspot.com