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Rituals of Wicca Adjust Wicca / Faerie OrganizationIdol SpellMother of ALL fill.Take on to us.You who it is a acceptably and thanks to fear.Take on to us.Bringer of stringBringer of rainTake on to us.Break down of steadfastness,and of the seats together with all grains of sand.Break down of cultureSorceressI summon youwho was and are the innovative witch,I summon you the sexual oneI invite you whosincerely is. Menstruating, you gazed now the dark bear of outer space, sawyourself, and saw yourself eye-catching. Strike in love with yourself. I provoke youforth for subsequent to you soak you turn into ALL fill that cannot be bent fashionablegenesis. I provoke upon you who loves and bent God such as HE is good of thatlove.Fearsome one, child, So Performer, hip swayer, You whose hot lust is teaser,dragon, star entertainer, star juggler, be in the region of with us now.Female whose ecstacy brought forth God and all business, be in the region of with us now.You, who subsequent to age deepens our wrinkles and wisdoms, conscious our unsound won beautyback to us, be in the region of with us now.Copyright, F. Dubie 1990, 92, 96God SpellOur Resonant Lady, come to us.You who were natural good of her love, without prejudice as she is good of yours,Moral God, come to us.You who totter by her as her count up.You who never leaves her flanking such as of loveYOU who are her anointed one.You who for all time raises your triviality to bless and be blessed.Moral God come to us.You whom we call not fearyet who is to be feared.YOU who lead the give budge of ecstacy.YOU who lead the give budge of ecstacy.YOU who lead the give budge of ecstacy.You who are the favored onewhose direct is feeling that of the sun by way of the landYou whose green sap drives drift budding.You who are the willow dancing and the willow entertainer.You who dies each meeting with the string, and is living constantly in the linger.You who resides in us, as us. Be with us now.For we are your childrencome to you in love.Procure us your completion, and bunch our joy.Copyright, F. Dubie 1989, 92 Wiccan Hurl MagicUse your vision to do each of the considering. You may find it ended powerfulif, at smallest possible for the innovative time, you do each rite in carefully worked-out order, to comewobbly the neighboring. This needn't be all in one gathering.RITUAL#1Something in business is prepared of the energy. Equivalent whatever thing as purportedlywilting as a heave is prepared of a living breathing -- yes, breathing -- dynamicenergy. As you eat your meal, eat the provisions conscious of its raw power comingnow you. Be specific: exactness on without prejudice that utmost basic life oblige, nil endedsophisticated.Ceremonial #2Andor eat the provisions conscious of its power individually as a product of theearth. EG: point out the power of the earth in the provisions private you as you eat it,moreover the power of the sun in it private you, moreover the power of used starsin it private you. You may crave to try imbibing each of these three realityone at a time, moreover any other traits the conception gives to all provisions.Ceremonial #3:A ultimate mother, that's who the Idol is. She does not imagine us, nor decreeus. Her completion is to love us. Let your provisions explode you with Her love.Ceremonial #4:Hurl for battle: anything traits you call for contest, think the provisions bendingthem to you as you eat.Copyright 1995, Francesca Dubie A Wiccan Thanksgiving for a Baby"Holy be your current.May your breathing be hard-wearing and unmoved.May you exist in power with every current you place.Holy Be each current you place.Holy be the fire clothed in you.May your confer on be unremitting.And may it be as strong as fire, and as agile.May your confer on be as strong as water, and as agile.MAy your passions burn profoundly and free.Holy be your fire, may it burn strong.Holy be the waters of your life.May your blood be strong.May the motion from your side be joyful and dripping.Holy be all your life-waters.Holy be the earth of your wand.May your muscle be strong and fearless.May your core occur to with love, soul, vigour and bravery.Holy be your wand which is the wand of a God.Holy be your spirit.May you perpetually take health in spirit.May you be whole.Holy be your spirit.May you perpetually take community.May you be wealthy in all ways.May you love and be respected.May your speak --apiece your complaints and your special kindness to the world --be profoundly heard.May you perpetually be encircled by the warmth of route & community.May you know the raw saintliness of your creature.Holy Be."Francesca Dubie, copyright 1996 Prayer: Appreciation to the hole"Appreciation to the holeswirling lots of dancersentertainer atomsentertainer gassesentertainer populaceentertainer animal populaceentertainer rocksentertainer of stable consequencedancing emptinessdancing reaches & dancing arcs of outer spacedancing of all fill that take ever beenand confer on ever beAppreciation to the holeAnd blessings."by Francesca Dubie, copyright 1992One time Gary Snyder's Style for the Formidable Track