Mugwort is a very repeated herb and additions in countless chairs more or less the world. It is so repeated that it's actually deliberate an omnipresent dig over by some. Hitherto it is charm to help draw away bugs and moths and has been hand-me-down for rather some time to help fix them out of quarter.
Mugwort is a Moon herb and is charm to use for cleansing and purifying. If you rub your human resources with mugwort it mood protect you from spirits.
It is also rather thoughtfully with foresight. You can put it in pillows or blow up it as a tea to help build up clairvoyance, psychic thoughts, astral delivery, protection. It have to scarcely be in use orally in small quantities and not be hand-me-down if you are expectant.
You can place a bit of mugwort in your shoes to help protect you and preserve yourself from getting fatigued.
Rub mugwort leaves on your foresight tools to cleanse and make sacred them and to help column your foresight abilities. Distinct sense is to place them at the conclusion of your crystal orb or scrying mirror to aid in your foresight.
Predilection and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Source: wizard-notes.blogspot.com