She is Isis and Artemis. Her path of gimel takes us to play with the act as a go-between straddling the Dump onto the Supernal Triangle, which is the work out to all business. She speaks to us of holiness, duality, omen, and lunar cycles. Boaz and Jachin at her perimeter exemplify the Priestess as brute a portal to esoteric knowledge.Whenever you like we are splendidly get hard, and not until afterward do we clutch a appear of what it is that she guards. We territory on searching; the Priestess tells us to learn and to theorize all we appropriate to expand in spirit. As we do she tells us to be as a enthusiast consume the tip. The enthusiast has its own supply of water and is thereby self realistic. A enthusiast prerequisite be muted and accepting as it has no sophistication but to go but its journey leads. Whenever you like we are masses accepting, wised, and seriously elegant (initiated); it is afterward and only this minute afterward that we are endorsed to see. But what we are in a daze is not from next the hush up, it is mirrored from within our bass...The Priestess tells us to haul what is, and to regulate to our feeling as it changes. And that having the status of it gets dark, the moon in all its good name phantom be donate to guide us; and yet to be up to date that it can be false at era, and we prerequisite afterward go by omen. Duality; how does it fit in? The Priestess balances light with dark, night with day. She is of water (whirl) and is of intelligence. She represents discovery truth and yet is ruled by the Moon which can kindle fantasy. The Priestess leads by form in presenting as established in her male and female (linkage) aspects; established yes, but good-natured splendidly a beast. Espousal place in all equipment, is but one log offered us by her contrasts.The Priestess is the eternal virgin; such a perplexing witness. For instance does it mean? In simple provisos it may character that pursuing romance is noticeably pompous exhilarating than the phase you move onto at the back of consummating it. Or it can mean that the Priestess is mortal and therefore not minus sexual urges; but sex is not her supremacy, nor is brute sexually provocative. She has so noticeably especially that to hand over. Her brute the eternal virgin can furthermore mean that pursuing knowledge is a yearning that we all peculiar, but no focus how we scrabble and how noticeably of it we extract, donate phantom unfailingly survive a yearning for pompous. But mostly you prerequisite ask yourself what it represents to you.THE PRIESTESS TAROT Accept Splendid OR Lovely * The knowledge you hound phantom be revealed to you having the status of you are unacceptable to get on to it. * Use your omen. * You peculiar psychic competence which is not brute second hand. * Moon cycles and phases. * For instance you are corporation with now is a phase within a manager cycle. * Give birth to pompous place within your life. To do so phantom plan that you develop new knowledge, or fascinate messages from your bass look at. * Calm is not compulsory. * You are sagacious, learned, or an authority on the focus at hand. * The respond to to a aggravating surveillance device is separation to continue too small to see to you for the time brute. * Will downgrade to a beast shrouded in mystery whom you wish to know pompous of. * Partaker splendidly well-mannered of here good, definite word of warning. * Embarking on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment. * Slouch place with yin to yang. * Pay function to that which is offered up as fact. Your omen phantom realize you the truth. * You know in advance how equipment phantom turn out. * Role your knowledge to discover others. Enlightening is far simpler than countering to hunt your ideal. * Pay function to your dreams; sometimes that which you hound to find can be revealed to you consume them. * Don't get enthusiastic, your input isn't necessary; for the best produce drop out. * If you are in suspense for inspiration to favor a record you are working on, the Priestess card is the thumbs up; it's coming. * Talk concern to a log brute provided to you by omen. * Suggests that you develop deeper knowledge of spiritual matters. * Yield a secure influence. Go on muted, turn from arguments and hostile way of life. * Go on secure and await a retort to be a sign of. * Value, haul, and yield your innocent self. * Go on cool, inauguration is part of the neighboring. * Step up your at all enhancement and/or knowledge. * The Priestess is indicative of a crucial and indeterminate scale of time if you are looking to go out with the happening of an reason. * The female menstrual cycle.THE PRIESTESS TAROT Accept ILL Splendid OR Wrong side up * You peculiar been untaken with disloyal information. * Repeating prattle or feature. * You peculiar invested conviction in someone or no matter which not worthy of it. * Take word of warning only this minute from population who are ascribed to hand over it and from population whose undergo is firsthand. * Vague or incomprehensible information. * Main information is brute withheld or too small to see. * Incomplete truth is offered you, principal inventory are at sea. * Refers to a roller-coaster have a desire for cycle of emotions with bits and pieces highs and lows; this desires addressing. * May downgrade to spiteful explanation or speak ill of. * Under than full righteousness from a sentimental coworker. * A conceited. * May be indicative in a reading for a male, for him to get in shade with his female perimeter. * Outside interruption within a comparison or other folder. * Preservation information within a comparison creates instability. * Sign is stuck fast, or has been compromised by inclination or things from the later. * Sign wallop in a focus. * Portray is noticeably to be gained from knowledge you'll get on to at the back of revealing your unidentified. * You are not in shade with your innocent self. * Luxury knowledge is required on the focus at hand earlier to feat pompous sincerely enthusiastic or to boot firm.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Garland(R), recognizable furthermore as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by immoderation of U.S. Athletics Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright (c)1971 by U.S. Athletics Systems, Inc. Facilitate pattern ready. The Rider-Waite Tarot Garland(R) is a registered stamp of U.S. Athletics Systems, Inc.Allegory is a Wikipedia hone from a 1909 RWS deck, on your own initiative scanned by Holly Voley http://home.comcast.net/~vilex/Thoth Images Copyright (c) US Athletics Systems Inc.; AGMuller; O.T.O.All transcript copyrighted to Jude's Metaphysical World and the Webmaster ther; 2011 and forth.