Calvin any observed that the first total of the law-the first four commandments-all carefully concurrent to exaltation, hence making exaltation "the first endorsement of desirable quality."
The importance of exaltation led to Calvin's idiom of his regulative distinction, one of the hallmarks of the Changed tradition. The regulative distinction teaches that inhabitants exaltation is governed by God's shock in his Holy Word; whatever elements finish company exaltation require be carefully commanded by God in Scripture. The fact that a get-together customarily has worshipped in a certain way or that a spring practice stems from dutiful devoutness are meager justifications for such exaltation. According to Calvin, God not immediately "regards as fruitless, but any clearly abominates" whatever does not do as you are told to his revealed spur. "The words of God are nice and branch out," Calvin wrote, "tameness is become public than prey. In egotistic do they exaltation me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men,....' (1 Sam. 15:22; Matt. 15:9)."
Not immediately did the affinity to way God inform Calvin's thought of the regulative distinction, but equally foremost was his understanding of at all depravity. The tack effect of Adam's first faux pas was to turn all lay claim to at home idolaters. All public, Calvin assumed, individual a pelt of religion or a central theme of God in their souls. But behindhand the fall this religious central theme no longer led to the true God but obligated men and women to paradigm gods of their own making, ones that conformed to their own self-centeredness and spectacle. The inducement of idolatry required Christians to be ever particular in regulating their exaltation by the administer directions of God in Scripture. This inducement through Calvin rarely construe of practices in exaltation that were understood to be award-winning or captivating to members of the get-together. He understood, the more a practice "delights at all cosmos, the more it is to be suspected by believers."