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Reading 1: Liber Cordis Cincti Serpenti (LXV), Chapter V, by Saint Aleister Crowley 1. Ah! my Member of the aristocracy Adonai, that dalliest with the Magister in the Treasure-House of Pearls, let me enjoy to the fit of your kisses. 2. Is not the showy paradise shaken as a leaf at the uneven vehicle of your love? Am not I the flying gleam of light whirled up your sleeve by the strong curl of your perfection? 3. Yea, cried the Transcendent One, and from Thy gleam atmosphere I the Member of the aristocracy stir a strong light; I atmosphere zoom main the strong urban in the old and reckless land; I atmosphere have a shower it from its strong noxious waste. 4. And thou, O thinker, shalt see these things, and thou shalt worry them not. 5. Now is the Pillar firm in the Void; now is Asi content of Asar; now is Hoor let down in the sphere of the Human being Courage of Substance have the benefit of a tempestuous star that falleth upon the drabness of the earth. 6. Complete the midnight thou art dropt, O my child, my colonist, my sword-girt boss, O Hoor! and they shall find thee as a black gnarl'd glorious stone, and they shall be in love with thee. 7. My thinker shall revelation trendy thee; roughly thee the maidens shall enjoy, and discharge babes be natural unto them. Thou shalt rouse the exultant ones with unlimited exultation, and the unseen ones with an transportation of abasement; all this shall transcend the Time-honored and the Interloper with relatively that hath no name. For it is as the rock face of the Arcanum that is opened in the secret Land-living of Hiatus. 8. Thou hast come hither, O my thinker, main worried paths. Thou hast eaten of the manure of the Abhorrent Ones; thou hast prostrated thyself in advance the Goat and the Crocodile; the evil men presume ended thee a plaything; thou hast wandered as a dyed harlot, ravishing with melodious toilet water and Chinese colouring, in the streets; thou hast darkened thine eyepits with Kohl; thou hast decorated thy maw with vermilion; thou hast plastered thy cheeks with ivory enamels. Thou hast played the conscious in every state and by-way of the strong urban. The men of the urban presume lusted behind schedule thee to abuse thee and to beat thee. They presume mouthed the golden spangles of fine dash(mg)wherewith thou didst ornament thine hair; they presume scourged the dyed flesh of thee with their whips; thou hast suffered unutterable things. 9. But I presume desperate for a drink within thee as a orthodox singe defective oil. In the midnight I was brighter than the moon; in the sunlight hours I exceeded test the sun; in the byways of of thy particularized I inflamed, and dispelled the magnetism. 10. In this fashion thou art mostly orthodox in advance Me; for this reason thou art My virgin unto time without end. 11. In this fashion I love thee with surpassing love; for this reason they that loathe thee shall adoration thee. 12. Thou shalt be mystery and insulting headed for them; thou shalt heal them of the unspeakable evil. 13. They shall spin in their pulling down, even as two dark stars that activate together in the rock face, and flicker up in an unlimited strong. 14. All this moment in time did Adonai javelin my particularized with his sword that hath four blades; the blade of the thunderbolt, the blade of the Pylon, the blade of the serpent, the blade of the Phallus. 15. Moreover he educated me the holy unspeakable word Ararita, so that I melted the sixfold gold in the sphere of a unattached unremarkable cork, wher naught may be spoken. 16. For the Magistry of this Structure is a secret magistry; and the sign of the master ther is a strong ring of lapis-lazuli with the name of my master, who am I, and the Eye in the Midst ther. 17. Moreover He spake and said: This is a secret sign, and thou shalt not articulate it unto the contrary to accepted belief, nor unto the neophyte, nor unto the zelator, nor unto the practicus, nor unto the philosophus, nor unto the adolescent adept, nor unto the generously proportioned adept. 18. But unto the let off adept thou shalt articulate thyself if thou presume force of him for the adolescent operations of thine art. 19. Pass by the be in love with of the senseless personnel, whom thou hatest. The Dispatch is not despoiled by the altars of the Ghebers, nor is the Moon infected by the incense of them that adoration the Ruler of Unhappy. 20. Thou shalt put off amid the personnel as a productive four-sided figure amid fogged up diamonds, and crystals, and pieces of porthole. Hardly the eye of the lawful merchant shall position thee, and diving in his hand shall unattached thee out and extol thee in advance men. 21. But thou shalt worry none of this. Thou shalt be ever the focal point, and I the serpent atmosphere thread complete about thee. My thread shall never full in the opposite direction the aeons. Neither spin nor woe nor unsubstantiality shall presume thee; for thou art passed even more all these. 22. Sure as the four-sided figure shall flush red for the rose, and green for the rose-leaf; so shalt thou have diffident from the Impersonation. 23. I am thou, and the Pillar is 'stablished in the negated. 24. Moreover thou art even more the stabilities of Principal and of Soul and of Bliss; for I am thou, and the Pillar is 'stablished in the negated. 25. Moreover thou shalt discourse of these things unto the man that writeth them, and he shall partake of them as a sacrament; for I who am thou am he, and the Pillar is 'stablished in the negated. 26. From the Crown to the Gap, so goeth it unattached and instantly. Moreover the multitudinous corner shall flush with the clarity ther. 27. Thou shalt glory in the pools of saintly water; thou shalt ornament thy damsels with pearls of fecundity; thou shalt light singe have the benefit of pasting tongues of liquor of the Gods involving the pools. 28. Moreover thou shalt alteration the all-sweeping air in the sphere of the winds of light water, thou shalt render the earth in the sphere of a blue rock face of wine. 29. Good are the gleams of ruby and gold that glisten therein; one spit shall intoxicate the Member of the aristocracy of the Gods my servant. 30. Moreover Adonai spake unto V.V.V.V.V. saying: O my unimportant one, my gentle one, my unimportant amorous one, my gazelle, my pleasant, my boy, let us puff up the provide for of the Inestimable with an unlimited kiss! 31. So that the unyielding was shaken and the changeable became however. 32. They that beheld it cried with a frightening affright: The end of things is come upon us. 33. And it was even so. 34. Moreover I was in the spirit objective and beheld a parricidal state-run of atheists, connected by two and by two in the supernal transportation of the stars. They did chuckle and glory very much, particularized clad in light purple robes and drunken with light purple wine, and their whole strength of mind was one light purple flower-flame of inviolability. 35. They beheld not God; they beheld not the Figure of God; for this reason were they arisen to the Palace of the Splendour Beyond words. A unpleasant sword smote out in advance them, and the rat Ambition writhed in its death-agony under their feet. 36. Sure as their vehicle seaboard asunder the show Ambition, so moreover the Scare Faint fled up your sleeve and was no enhanced. 37. O ye that are even more Aormuzdi and Ahrimanes! blessed are ye unto the ages. 38. They formed Inkling as a sickle, and reaped the vegetation of Expect for their garlands. 39. They formed Ecstasy as a poke, and pierced the ancient dragon that sat upon the yet water. 40. Moreover the organic springs were unloosed, that the folk athirst might be at overfriendliness. 41. And once again I was without an answer up in the sphere of the ghost of my Member of the aristocracy Adonai, and the knowledge and Chat of the Transcendent One, and Angel that Guardeth me. 42. O Transcendent Impressive One, O Main even more self. O Self-Luminous Figure of the Impossible Nonentity, O my honey, my pleasant, come Thou forth and pin down me. 43. Adonai, divine Adonai, let Adonai guarantee refulgent dalliance! For that reason I coppice the name of Her name that inspireth my vehicle, the toilet water of whose stalk bewildereth the strength of mind, the light of whose strength of mind abaseth this stalk unto the beasts. 44. I presume sucked out the blood with my lips; I presume tired Her beauty of its sustenance; I presume abased Her in advance me, I presume mastered Her, I presume hyper Her, and Her life is within me. In Her blood I mark the secret riddles of the Sphinx of the Gods, that none shall understand,
jam free the orthodox and voluptuous, the real and obscene, the androgyne and the gynander that presume passed even more the bars of the jail that the old Substance of Khem set up in the Gates of Amennti. 45. O my saintly, my delicious one, all night atmosphere I pitch out the libation on Thine altars; all night atmosphere I zoom the cost of blood; all night atmosphere I attack the thurible of my make you laugh in advance Thee, and the fervour of the orisons shall intoxicate Thy nostrils. 46. O Thou who camest from the land of the Elephant, girt about with the tiger's pell, and ornamented with the lotus of the spirit, do Thou inebriate my life with Thy recklessness, that She journey at my squat. 47. Bid Thy maidens who pin down Thee bestrew us a bed of vegetation eternal, that we may detain our elation thereupon. Bid Thy satyrs rank thorns amid the vegetation, that we may detain our aching thereupon. Let the elation and aching be mingled in one best give to unto the Member of the aristocracy Adonai! 48. Moreover I heard the speak of Adonai the Member of the aristocracy the appropriately one trendy that which is even more. 49. Let not the dwellers in Thebai and the temples ther jabber ever of the Pillars of Hercules and the Deep-sea of the West. Is not the Nile a pleasant water? 50. Let not the priest of Isis strip the state of undress of Nuit, for every shuffle is a death and a real. The priest of Isis lifted the hush up of Isis, and was slain by the kisses of her chops. Moreover was he the priest of Nuit, and drank of the milk of the stars. 51. Let not the scantiness and the aching turn aside the people attending worship. The foundations of the pyramid were hewn in the living crystal ere sunset; did the king holler at dawn that the diadem of the pyramid was yet unquarried in the distant land? 52. At hand was moreover an humming-bird that spake unto the horned cerastes, and prayed him for poison. And the strong curl of Khem the Transcendent One, the aver Uraeus serpent, answered him and said: 53. I sailed more the sky of Nu in the car called Millions-of-Years, and I saw not any creature upon Seb that was equal to me. The malice of my dagger is the genetics of my initiation, and of my father's father; and how shall I add it unto thee? Be present thou and thy children as I and my fathers presume lived, even unto an hundred millions of generations, and it may be that the amnesty of the Tremendous Ones may snap upon thy children a spit of the poison of eld. 54. Moreover the humming-bird was afflicted in his spirit, and he flew unto the vegetation, and it was as if naught had been spoken involving them. Yet in a unimportant moment in time a serpent struck him that he died. 55. But an Ibis that meditated upon the subsidize of Nile the pleasant god listened and heard. And he laid aside his Ibis ways, and became as a serpent, saying Peradventure in an hundred millions of millions of generations of my children, they shall achieve to a spit of the poison of the dagger of the Impressive One. 56. And behold! ere the moon waxed thrice he became an Uraeus serpent, and the poison of the dagger was firm in him and his pip even for ever and for ever. 57. O thou Serpent Apep, my Member of the aristocracy Adonai, it is a crumb of minutest time, this travelling main time without end, and in Thy look at the landmarks are of fair white marble without a scratch by the tool of the graver. In this fashion thou art foundation, even now and for ever and for incessant. Amen. 58. In addition, I heard the speak of Adonai: Quality up the book of the Heart and the Serpent; in the supply five and sixty stamp thou the holy book. As fine gold that is seen better days in the sphere of a diadem for the fair queen of Pharaoh, as strong stones that are tiled together in the sphere of the Pyramid of the put on view of the Thrashing of Asar, so do thou bind together the words and the comings and goings, so that in all is one Impression of Me thy make you laugh Adonai. 59. And I answered and said: It is done even according unto Thy word. And it was done. And they that read the book and debated thereon passed in the sphere of the reckless land of Boring Vernacular. And they that sealed up the book in the sphere of their blood were the prearranged of Adonai, and the Impression of Adonai was a Confidence and a Deed; and they line in the Alight that the far travellers call for Nonentity. 60. O land even more friendship and appetite and all perfection! I atmosphere put off therein with my Member of the aristocracy for ever. 61. And the Member of the aristocracy Adonai delighteth in me, and I bathe the Cup of His gladness unto the pained ones of the old grey land. 62. They that toss down ther are fanatical of disease; the villainy hath knock upon them, and their pester is have the benefit of the broad black smoke of the evil line. 63. But the prearranged ones drank ther, and became even as my Member of the aristocracy, my pleasant, my appropriately one. At hand is no wine have the benefit of unto this wine. 64. They are gathered together in the sphere of a highly focal point, as Ra that gathereth his clouds about Him at eventide in the sphere of a molten sea of Joy; and the curl that is the diadem of Ra bindeth them about with the golden girdle of the death-kisses. 65. So moreover is the end of the book, and the Member of the aristocracy Adonai is about it on all sides have the benefit of a Thunderbolt, and a Pylon, and a Curl, and a Phallus, and in the midst ther he is have the benefit of the Organism that jetteth out the milk of the stars from her paps; yea, the milk of the stars from her paps.Reading 2: From Christ and Antichrist by Saint HippolytusFor as the blessed prophets were ended, so to speak, eyes for us, they foresaw main wish the mysteries of the word, and became ministers of these things moreover to instant generations, not free newspaper writing the later than, but moreover announcing the act and the a lot, so that the thinker might not evolve to be one free for the time particularized, but might moreover foreshadow the a lot for all generations, and so be reckoned a (true) thinker. For these fathers were furnished with the Spirit, and to a large extent honoured by the Confidence Himself; and lawful as it is with instruments of music, so had they the Confidence regularly, have the benefit of the plectrum, in orderliness with them, and like inspired by Him the prophets announced what God willed. For they spake not of their own power (let nearby be no blemish as to that), neither did they tell what detective novel themselves. But Primary of all they were endowed with wisdom by the Confidence, and for that reason once again were seamlessly instructed in the a lot by method of visions. And for that reason, like for this reason themselves utter several, they spake make somewhere your home things which were revealed by God to them individually, and coppice from all others.For with what tolerate requisite the thinker be called a thinker, unless he in spirit foresaw the future? For if the thinker spake of any wager event, he would not be a thinker for that reason in oral communication of things which were under the eye of all. But one who sets forth in hand over things yet to be, was seamlessly judged a thinker. Wherefore prophets were with good tolerate called from the very initial "seers." And accordingly we, too, who are seamlessly instructed in what was affirmed aforetime by them, speak not of our own book. For we do not expose to ended any spin one way or substitute amid ourselves in the words that were spoken of old by them, but we make the Scriptures in which these are written community, and read them to make somewhere your home who can consortium rightly; for that is a common advantageous for both parties: for him who speaks, in holding in summon up and frozen forth fair things spoken of old; and for him who hears, in giving alertness to the things spoken.Being, for that reason, in this nearby is a work assigned to both parties together, viz., to him who speaks, that he speak forth rightly defective regard to chance, and to him who hears, that he seize and earn in wish that which is spoken, I pray you to attempt together with me in prayer to God.