Psychic Dimensions of Chakras
Chakras are the framework through which we relate to the reality. Chakras play significant role in coloring our perception, views, reactions or our experiences of life. The symbologies of chakras are the codes through which we can access the understanding and esoteric dimensions of our psychic self.10 Ways to Easily Interpret Your Dreams Online
While sleeping we often visualize a continuous sequence of images that may touch us emotionally and...
What Is Involved in Dream Interpretation
Dream is a form of projecting the suppressed desires. These are the desires which are formed when a person is awake but cannot be fulfilled due to social bindings or circumstantial hurdles.
Three Reasons Church Videos Help to Deliver a Powerful Easter Message
Easter is a big deal. Palm Sunday. Good Friday. Resurrection Sunday. These are seismic events in God's redemptive storyline. Add to that the fact that tons of people who aren't regularly in church are in church on Easter and you have a situation where, as a pastor or worship leader, you feel a great deal of pressure to deliver great services that powerfully reflect the Gospel of Christ. So what do you do?
The 7 Dimensions of Spiritual thought
What is important to realize, is that whilst we all live, learn and progress spiritually, we operate within the realms of essentially seven dimensions of spiritual thought. Each not only existing on its own, but also essentially combining to form THE ONE. Here are the 7, as I have found them to exist
How To Be A Good Goal Setter
Learning how to plan ahead for what you want to do is one of the most important skills that you can have
What are humans comprised of
In this article we explain the composition of the human body and its various subtle bodies. Modern science has gone in some depth into understanding the physical body.
Four Aspects of Redemption
Stuart Wilde talks of redemption as a spiritual and psychological process in the psychology of the human shadow. It begins he says with 'investigation', whereby you look at yourself and admit that you have an inner shadow. Then he lists the 'pledge' when you promise to change. The third aspect he calls the 'agony' when you realize the hurt you have caused and the final aspect is the 'action' needed to make good and become whole once more.
Prove it
So you've decided not the be an ant anymore. Yep you have decided to start taking control of your life, and chase spiritual enlightenment. Whatever that might mean...
The Sacral Chakra
Good sacral-chakra balance is characterized by physical grace, whereas lack of balance results in physical awkwardness or lack of co-ordination. Teenage boys, coming to terms with their emotions and sexuality, typically have unbalanced Sacral Chakras.