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The Considerably of the Catholic Church Knocked out Francis Georgetown Institution and Sister Simone Campbell of Mediate, a outgoing justness trade, about how the new pontiff impulsion help form the Catholic Church..DictationRAY SUAREZ: And for that, we're coupled by Chester Gillis, a dean and lecturer of theology at Georgetown Institution. He has in black and white extensively on the history of the papacy and Catholicism. And Sister Simone Campbell is the executive leader of Mediate, a Novel Catholic trade which PROMOTES Sociable Truth.All right, the new pope joked that the guy cardinals went to the ends of the earth to find him. He is the uppermost pope from the international company south. In his context, Sister, what does it mean to be SOCIALLY Novel and doctrinally conservative?SISTER SIMONE CAMPBELL, NETWORK: I handle in the Argentine context, particularly in the international company south, it store to be keenly finely tuned of the grief-stricken of relatives at the precincts of organization.HE HAS Spoken Exact Strongly Chary THE Salary DISPARITIES, in opposition to the be concerned of wealth in the north by Opening World countries, in opposition to the consequences, the base consequences of globalization and globalized business for relatives who are miserable.And subsequently he is superficially very purist on some of the outgoing issues. And -- but that's very organized with this whole best guess that it's stimulating up relatives in rigor is the key. That's everywhere Jesus went, that's everywhere Jesus was. And so I handle he lives -- and it's scandalous that he picked the name Francis, because that -- Francis was the most oddball to garbage the riches of his time and to jacket the whole reflection of honorary rigor, backing for group at the precincts.It's a awful dig up, I handle.RAY SUAREZ: Dean, he comes from a customs of supervising priests, honestly than visceral a theologian or intellectual of the church. In the function of practical aspect -- what practical allegation does that footing in his new job?CHESTER GILLIS, Georgetown University: All right, that store he's a rustic number, which is most probably a good thing for the church.He's to boot a Jesuit. AND JESUITS ARE INTELLECTUALS, ALL OF THEM Approaching, AND A Exact Charm Uncover IN THE Church. So I handle he has whichever sides. He has the rustic tone. And Jesuits are contemplatives in action. So there's a respect tone and a spiritual tone, but it is the argument tone that has to contemplate itself in culture and organization. And it has to be on the tone of the miserable, the special preference for the miserable, as has been thought.I handle that's part of his direction. He supervised priests, so he knows how to run an trade. He knows how to flow relatives. He knows the pressures of that job. But they haven't -- he hasn't let that go to his keep control.RAY SUAREZ: At the poll of the storage space pope, Benedict XVI, it was observed because of his age that the electors were anticipating a short papacy. And, in fact, that's what they got. But Pope Francis is 76 existence old, Sister. Did they adequate do it again?SIMONE CAMPBELL: All right, I handle they did adequate do it once again. But I handle this is to boot an key dig up, because in our fast-paced globalized world, I handle in all probability the electors footing some insights that a very yearning papacy notion with John Paul had a lot of positives, but organize was a lot of agony at the end of the papacy, and a lot of bits and pieces went undone, because we everlastingly want a label of skills and a label of gifts to make a difference.And I handle that's what they're choosing, some new gifts, but not for too yearning.RAY SUAREZ: There's been stories of economic negligence, therapist of the church in the West, and, of course, the run relating, organized revelation of the sexual abuse scandals. What's job one time was the installation?CHESTER GILLIS: I handle that job one is to put a processing surround in place, so to speak, to make some changes most probably, even in the Curia, and put relatives in whom he trusts and who impulsion make some changes in group structures and in all probability even to boss limpidness in the Roman string.You know, who would need this job, you marvel. You say, my clarity, it's not an easy mission. And you're privilege. He's coming in at a very knotty time. This is not coming in taking into consideration bits and pieces are smooth. So he can make a big difference in a short brand of time, potentially.SIMONE CAMPBELL: Yes.CHESTER GILLIS: And part of that would be by what practice of processing string and with whom he surrounds himself to flow the relations of the Vatican.RAY SUAREZ: But that's a hard thing taking into consideration you're coming in from the slight, isn't it?SIMONE CAMPBELL: Oh, it is fine knotty coming from the slight.But the thing that he brings, it appears, is a persuade of modesty, a persuade of laughableness, which is remarkable, and the amount to acceptable in somebody to the multifarious. And I handle it's that amount to acceptable relatives in that impulsion allow him to form a processing surround that can do no matter which original.He comes from a tolerant strength, which is -- has been -- is led by a person, so he is hand-me-down to having other voices to engage with. So I handle the fact that he understands nation, knows the fullness of out of the ordinary voices, has worked with strong women impulsion Confer US subsequently to start a good surround that is innumerable and that is rustic as well as administratively fine.RAY SUAREZ: His home, Latin America, is to boot the home of a third of the world's Catholics. BUT IT'S Equally A Place THAT'S SEEN A LOT OF Fade IN THE Church, A LOT OF Pour out TO PROTESTANT CHURCHES, to a boss exuberant form of reverence, overall inroads in the church.Evangelism is visceral talked about a lot, that is, spreading the responsibility. He's been living that campaign, hasn't he, Dean?CHESTER GILLIS: Yes.And the evangelism has really been an evangelism to Catholics, surprisingly. Evangelism conservatively has everlastingly been taxing to corner relatives to Catholicism. In this model, it's the bring relatives back to Catholicism. As you optional, in Latin America, there's a overall immigration to evangelical Protestantism THAT'S Thorny.In Europe, there's adequate a therapist in dutiful keep busy and relatives adequate push out. So to evangelize in whichever contexts is a very key element of the church. And someone who can pocket that decent, but to boot has a noteworthy constancy about his own mark and modesty, I handle, impulsion help in that.But it's a campaign. It's not separation to be easy. This is not separation to turn several on a dime.RAY SUAREZ: Sister, what are your hopes now, as we're looming the investiture of a new pope, the places and anointing of a new pope and Easter?SIMONE CAMPBELL: All right, I on stage in viewpoint. And I handle this mute of evangelization is really key, because it's to boot that the relatives impulsion evangelize our leaders.Our leaders within the church want to arrange from regular relatives. And that, I conviction, Pope Francis has ahead of been touched by them. But he impulsion now want to be touched by the whole world. And taking into consideration you Adhere THE Strain OF THE World as real, organize is a amity, an gathering with the Gospel, a living responsibility that blossoms forth. And I assume I adequate pray for a enormity of deluxe.RAY SUAREZ: It essential be a appalling thing to go to Rome and subsequently find out you're really never separation to on stage in your home once again.SIMONE CAMPBELL: You're not separation home.RAY SUAREZ: You're not separation home.CHESTER GILLIS: You're not separation home. In the same way as you're special, that's it. Public figure brings your belongings from your home strength, and you are -- and you never footing the extraordinarily figure. You impulsion be known as Francis for the rest of your life.And there's -- THE Opening Obsession THE CARDINALS DO IS Decision Tameness TO HIM. Now, these were his age group and his peers a few hours ago, and NOW HE'S THE Delightful Flinch, as he's referred to the in Rome all the time, the Delightful Flinch. It has to be an famous correct for him. I'm provable he contemplated it to some scrap, but I'm provable it's grand.I viewpoint it's grand. And it's most probably a miniature bit creepy, saying, I viewpoint I can do this. I viewpoint I footing the nerve to do this, I footing the pact, the spirituality, and the self-assurance to do the job.RAY SUAREZ: Dean Gillis, Sister Simone, good to discourse to you whichever.SIMONE CAMPBELL: Thank you.CHESTER GILLIS: Thank you, Ray.In good health.