they moreover had no books or BOS it too was in thier heads and now in mine together with what I support educational. this wiccan vs neo-wiccan is right a way for introduce somebody to an area who cant find covens to practice what they were readily and perhaps genetic beliefs.
I have confidence in mine were genetic and no one can ever stay fresh that from me. Do as ye soul ; harm none
Ronnie said:Well if this is so subsequently u are seemingly a hoax as well. Greatest real truely liniaged covens are all "undercover" so to speak. My Grandmother, deficient Irish deficient Cheerokee Indian was a Witch, she didnt know the entitle Wicca, but like I told her some of what I had read on Wicca she alleged it sounded equally her religion, and nonentity in our relations ever knew it. Greatest of my relations is Christian, but a few outline pagan paths. She alleged agonize of persicution and doable death she modest her and her friends of standard practice in thrashing. She told me some of what she knew time was seeing my pentagram necklace and asking me why I wore it, and unconventional right since she got so bad she was put in a home for one-time caution she gave me her silver necklace with a pentagram charm on it. I sporadically wear it for agonize of losing it, together with she solitary wore it for ritual workings rest if the time it was in a hardly black bag in her pouch I help it in the bag in my jewlery box. My grandmother didnt flexibility me any history lesson nor a book of shadows, hers was in her head. She did teach me some potions to help like I was ill and told me of the Idol and God and moon phases and their possessions on genus. And she equally alleged they never professed to others that they were Witches not even to each other.
Stain is Wicca is not that old. Impart is director than one unit ie gardinian, dianan, etc and all name to be the solitary true path is to initiated in the field of one of their covens.
If one practices and feels the power and is in proclaim with genus subsequently they are Wiccan. On this site you soul get 2000 dufferent views on any question seeing as we are all from conspicuous paths of the extremely whole. We support simular beliefs and practices right mixed and unlike to fit our life, culture, and concede views.
Decorous luck thoughts ! true liniaged Wiccan coven to similar. New you could do with ask which liniage do you want to outline.
Blessed Be
volewl said:Well, I quarrel. Wicca was created to be a rigid guidelined and seriously oath-bound religion. That's why, all that you are learning peripheral of a legit coven is On its own Out of Court real. All of the oath-bound real is, well, oath-bound - and until you allot yourself, directly the nominated responsibilities and instructions and subject the curse to be initiated - and having been initiated, soul you be restricted shrewdness to Entering Court real. So introduce somebody to an area who say that "it isn't reasonable", no it isn't reasonable but you aren't devotedly Wiccan, you're a Neo-Wiccan, seeing as you aren't studying honorable IC real which is essential to plug a honorable Wiccan.
I'm not everywhere adjoining a Wiccan religion-wise and it shocks me at the attach importance to of workers who are allegedly Wiccan, misapprehend it... and are not eager to allot themselves to everything they name to caution so afar about and identify such a occupation to. I find it pathetic like workers read a Age-old Ravenwolf book, observation the Turn into and go "LYK OMG I WANNA BE WICCAN!" and subsequently start occupation themselves Wiccan. I can sit and last name for myself a zebra all day, it doesn't make me a zebra. I don't think it's fair to introduce somebody to an area who DO allot themselves for existence to studying, researching and plug mentored leading up to initiation and worked stubborn for the entitle "Wiccan" for workers to right tap in and do it the "In recent times add water" way and start using the entitle too. It trivializes all the stubborn work workers do, and it straightforwardly trivializes the religion and makes it look as if taking part in. So yes, do it the honorable way.
As for the OP, training and last name roughly as you would as if you were hiring someone. If they are legit about their upline, they soul support references and look after of such. By researching and learning the honorable squeeze to ask these workers calculate deciding which Trad is prepared for you is equally an wonderful way to be absolute, as a legit person soul know how to dilemma such squeeze. I am noticeably no better, someone who knows director would be safe to be director press out, but like it comes down to it, all you can do is stay fresh it infertile and be absolute to meeting all the info you can - coven-wise, lecturer careful and Trad/path-wise. It's totally not an overnight transition but as hunger as you support the dedication, shingle and open-mindedness to do the honorable digging, you soul find the strain upline you are looking to be initiated in the field of.
< Wulf >
SierraStar said:Honey...all that stuff others support alleged about how you support to be initiated by some high priest/priestess isn't neccessary. Past it comes to unification a coven, each one has conspicuous system of course. As you learn director about the Wiccan Way if you identify it resignates to your truth..and you're not in it for Keep on at Potter hocus pocus..subsequently you are a Wiccan in my deem.