There are times when great things have happened by accident. However, there are more - many, many, many more times - that things have happened because leaders have taken intentional time to think, ask questions and make plans. The challenge is therefore twofold:" How do I do that" and then "What do I do?"
The first step is agreement. Leaders must come together and decide that this is a necessary step. While that seems obvious, my brief 15 years at LRM and previous 5 years working in churches have reflected that this is anything but obvious. It simply doesn't always happen the way that it "should."
First and foremost in this process of agreement, leaders MUST prayerfully sit down and discuss the future. The future is not today. The future is not tomorrow. The future is five, ten or even twenty years from today. When do you start planning for the future? YESTERDAY!
I know some people may have issues with that already. Attendance, building needs, cash flow (the "ABC'S" of stagnant churches) dominate discussions. If you are focused on dealing only with the issues of the day, you must be content to stay in the same place (or move backwards).
I also believe the best way to plan is to go away AND have someone else facilitate the discussion. Yes, LRM does this "professionally," but a pastor can often ask someone else to do this as well. Perhaps there is a fellow pastor who might be willing to "trade" opportunities with you. Seek out a Godly person who can prayerfully help guide a discussion as the Lord leads.
But moving forward without input from the church family is simply foolish. Yes, leaders are called by God. But those who profess the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are part of the priesthood of believers. It is our calling to serve. Christ, our ultimate Mediator, bridges the gap between God and us. We are called to serve in the role of discipleship. We are called to help people grow as reflections of Jesus.
Now, to the issue of gathering information. How do church leaders gather impartial information? The obvious method is an outside source. Again, Lay Renewal does this through the Spiritual Growth and Community Impact Survey. A number of other options are available but I'm biased. Through ours, everyone participates equally. Leaders set benchmarks and can see concrete numbers. That data can then be compared with information from more than 10,000 individuals in churches across the United States.
Regardless of what you use, it is important to get a "neutral" perspective. Again, some leaders may balk, stating they have been called by God to lead that church. NO ARGUEMENT HERE! That's Biblical and true!
The neutral data simply gives you something to prayerfully base your continued progress forward for Christ. It's a source of affirmation as God leads you forward. It's a source of seeing if you are doing what you believe God has called you to do.
This post started as a brief one and has gone much too long. To answer the "what" and the "how," pray, talk and gather information. Then set goals and start to do!
If you would like to discuss this or anything else related to seeking God's renewal for your church, send me an email or give me a call. I can talk you through LRM's survey or discuss several others with you. We are here to serve!